Friday, May 31, 2019
First Love: Pathway To Adulthood :: essays research papers
First Love Pathway to AdulthoodLove is one of the strongest emotions that a piece being can feel. Itcan arise ever so suddenly, spreading a feeling of warm happiness through everyinch of a person like wildfire spreading through a tree. But as the feelingsbecome more intense, the flame of passion can turn into a crying(a) fire thatburns painfully through every vein. A persons premier(prenominal) love is especiallypowerful because it grows from an innocent, nave passion. Such was the casefor both Vladimir, in Turgenevs First Love, and Tatyana, in Pushkins EugeneOnegin. The first experience of unrequited love for Vladimir and Tatyana wasfilled with these raptures and tribulations, which, although left them brokenhearted, gave them the strength and maturity needed to become adults. Throughout the musical style of First Love, Vladimir was shown to be completelyswooped up in overwhelming emotion for Zinaida. Vladimir was entranced with herbeauty from the moment he first saw her, "I gazed at her, and how dear shealready was to me , and how near. It seemed to me that I had known her for along time, and that before her I had known nothing and had not lived. (33)"Vladimir was in love at the first sight of her. He couldnt help himself frombecoming infatuated with her because he didnt know the first thing about love.As the genre moves on, Vladimirs feelings for Zinaida became deeper and deeper.Vladimir thought to himselfI entangle weary and at peace, but the image of Zinaida still hovered triumphantover my soul, though even this image seemed more tranquil. Like a swan come upfrom the grasses of the marsh, it stood out from the unlovely shapes whichsurrounded it, and I, as I fell asleep, in parting for the last time clung to it,in trusting adoration. (48)Vladimir allows himself to become completely masked up in Zinaida to the pointwhere it becomes an obsession. He is in love with her so much that he evenenvisions himself rescuing her, as if from any other man "I saw a vision ofmyself saving her from the hands of her enemies I imagined how, covered withblood, I tore her from the very jaws of some dark dungeon and then died at herfeet (71-72)." Vladimir was so lost in love for Zinaida that he fantasizedabout her in order to make their love seem real. Although Vladimirs obsessivelove for Zinaida brought wonderful emotions, it withal brought the pain andsuffering of jealousy and rejection. The raptures that Vladimir experienced went hand in hand with the
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Dreams in Harlem by Langston Hughes Essay -- Harlem, Langston Hughes
Harlem by Langston Hughes uses similes in everyday life to make sense of what can happen to a deferred vision. in that location are many different possible outcomes.Harlem has been known, prior to the twentieth century for being an African American community stricken with crime and poverty. Now it is a booming cultural and business center and they are experiencing a social and economic renaissance. The poem mentions in the first line a deferred dream (line 1). A dream that is postponed or delayed, and asks what happens to that dream. There are many things that could become of it, such as it drying up like a raisin in the sun, (lines 2 and 3) as if cramping up to be something dry of the hope and deliciousness it once had. But nevertheless it still exists. It could also mean that the dream is perfected by sitting for a while in a persons heart like a sun dried raisin is perfected by being in the sun.The deferred dream could fester like a sore (lines 4 and 5) bubbling up in someones m ind and expanding, then busting and running out. This dream could behind leak out and then be gone, but ...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay --
This paper aims to describe the role and function of protein Helicase.Helicases be enzymes that use ATP-driven motor force to loosen up double-stranded DNA or RNA (Wu, 2012).First discovered in E Coli in 1976 (Abdel-Monem et al, 1976) with the first eukaryotic helicase protein discovered soon after in 1978 (Hotta & Stern, 1978). Since these discoveries, more more similar enzymes and proteins have been discovered. It breaks the hydrogen bonds formed between opposing strands of DNA with energy formed through the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and inorganic orthophosphate (Hartsuiker, 2013). The separation of strands is necessary as newly formed strands need to be transcribed using the nucleotide sequence of an open DNA strand. The protein is built well-nigh 6 sub-units which form an hexameric ring with assymetic symmetry.The biochemical properties of helicases are all very similar however, the presence of proper(postnominal) motifs (short chains of DNA, primarily used for structure) alt ers which family of helicases they fall into, how that specific helicase will work and subsequently mutations in these specific motifs will cause specific differences in protein synthesis. There are 4 Superfamilies created through differentiation of 7 conserved motifs, roughly made from 300-500 amino acids(Hall & Matson, 2002). All helicases covered in this paper belong the largest family(Unmate et al, 2011) Super Family 2 (SF2) which are recognized by 9 conserved motifs. XPB and XPD are both DNA helicase structures, mutations in their helicase motifs can cause Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) and similar diseases. XPD and XPDs cellular functions involve Nucleotide Excision Repair, which removes DNA disgraced from UV rays. During Xeroderma Pigmentosum, these damaged stran... ..., similar to BLM, XPD, XPB, and WRN is found in Super family 2 and is a part of the DEAH box helicases. These helicases are involved in atomic transcription and control of gene view (De La Cruz et al, 1999). Mutations to this gene coding protein can result in an individual suffering from ATR-X syndrome, causing psychomotor retardation, -thalassemia and the expression of abnormal phenotypes in both the genitals and face. A 2kb deletion mutation has been observed in the XH2 gene, removing both coding and non-coding sequences. This mutation results in the down-regulation of - globin, this irregular haemoglobins are produced which directly results in - thalassemia (Gibbons et al, 1995). The mutated globin proteins have a lower affinity with oxygen, thus less oxygen is in the blood, and less oxygen reaches the pass which can trigger psychomotor retardation.
Assessing Crime Trends as a Security Specialist Essay -- Crime
Crime is known as an action or omission that constitutes an evil that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law. Depending on where one may reside, different punishments from certain discourtesys can depend on the governmental bodies. Also crimes can vary by the jurisdiction from state to state. For most crimes, after a completion of affirmative action one can be punished for the conduct. Many people have the assumption that crimes are the result of intentional conduct, when most of the time it is negligent conduct such as speeding. When in that respect is a significant change in the nature of chosen crime types within a defined geographical region and stretch of time, is known as a crime trend. When crime trends in different areas are being assessed, various methods are used in order to collect the data that is needed.When send-off assessing crime one may ask, What is the coiffe of crime. Criminologists have looked at a ride range to explain the factors on why peo ple tend to adorn crimes. Many of these factors can be looked at with different societies, cultures, and families. These aspects can be brought on by certain emotions such as anger, greed, jealousy, and sometimes through getting a rush for carrying out such acts (for example stealing). In the article 10 Causes of Crime By Talidari, reveals 10 different causes on how crime commences Weakness regarding lack of faith and/or imbalance, Poor judgment lack of proper education, Lack of love living in a dysfunctional family, meagerness poor families tend and unemployment, Deprived neighborhoods Economically impecunious neighborhoods, TV violence, Being a victim in a chain of events being in the ruin place at the wrong time and getting sucked in, Poor parenting... ...The report will also be more precise for the security specialist from the media taken and the reports. Just by looking off charts off of the internet that can be compared to the average in the U.S. without evidence c an be sometimes cause disbelief. In order to be able to fully implement protection the different factors stated will make for safer living.Works CitedCareless, J. (2012). Video evidence. Retrieved from http// and term of enlistment reports. (2012). Retrieved from http//, A. (2010, January). Documenting the crime scene. Retrieved from http// (2012). Hub pages. Retrieved from http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Analysis Of Characters And Plot: Backroads By Tawni ODell :: essays research papers fc
Danielle BarnesBackroadsSUMMARY OF MAJOR EVENTSBackroads begins with Harley being questioned by the police for a crime that the reader knows not of. He delves into the story that has brought him up to this point, beginning from a year after his bugger off shot his father. The events in the course of this are breath taking.Harley is nineteen and the legal guardian of his three younger sisters Amber (sixteen), logy (twelve), and Jody (six). His contests range from having to raise these three girls while working two jobs, trying to be like other guys, mentally sorting out all the complications that find with having a mother who murdered an abusive father, and coming to grips with his tortured and confusing past. As Harley continues to roughly go through his therapy sessions, the deeper truths almost his abusive upbringing come across themselves, including the reasons for Ambers strange behavior about Harley secretly dating Callie Mercer (explanation will come later), and her promi scuous sex life. I think the major conflict would have to be Harley facing who he is and what his family is. Throughout the entire story up until the near end, Harley is led to believe that his mother is the one who killed their father. Actually, all of the children and the media and everyone else who knows about the murder accuse their mother of the crime because she turns herself in for it. Harley is torn between feeling like his father deserved it and feeling as though his mother had just given up. As the plot progresses, however, it is more apparent that something is missing. Their mother was planning on leaving their father she had money stashed away to do so, merely when Misty found out, she stole the money so that their mother couldnt leave. There are hints of a strange relationship between Misty and their father. When Harley finally gets up the strength to ask his mother about the suspicions he has, she tells him that Misty was the one who killed their father, but it was a missed shot. She had been aiming for their mother instead, trying to get rid of her as if she was the other woman. Harley internally realizes though that Misty was simply revenging her anger for never taking care of any of the children, for never leaving when she should have, for not benignant them enough. The ultimate climax, however, is at the end.
Analysis Of Characters And Plot: Backroads By Tawni ODell :: essays research papers fc
Danielle BarnesBackroadsSUMMARY OF MAJOR EVENTSBackroads begins with Harley being questioned by the police for a crime that the reader knows not of. He delves into the story that has brought him up to this point, beginning from a year after his buzz off shot his father. The events in the course of this are breath taking.Harley is nineteen and the legal guardian of his three younger sisters Amber (sixteen), groggy (twelve), and Jody (six). His encroachs range from having to raise these three girls while working two jobs, trying to be like other guys, mentally sorting out all the complications that muster up with having a mother who murdered an abusive father, and coming to grips with his tortured and confusing past. As Harley continues to roughly go through his therapy sessions, the deeper truths some his abusive upbringing disclose themselves, including the reasons for Ambers strange behavior about Harley secretly dating Callie Mercer (explanation will come later), and her prom iscuous sex life. I think the major conflict would have to be Harley facing who he is and what his family is. Throughout the entire story up until the near end, Harley is led to believe that his mother is the one who killed their father. Actually, all of the children and the media and everyone else who knows about the murder accuse their mother of the crime because she turns herself in for it. Harley is torn between feeling like his father deserved it and feeling as though his mother had just given up. As the plot progresses, however, it is more apparent that something is missing. Their mother was planning on leaving their father she had money stashed away to do so, tho when Misty found out, she stole the money so that their mother couldnt leave. There are hints of a strange relationship between Misty and their father. When Harley finally gets up the strength to ask his mother about the suspicions he has, she tells him that Misty was the one who killed their father, but it was a m issed shot. She had been aiming for their mother instead, trying to get relinquish of her as if she was the other woman. Harley internally realizes though that Misty was simply revenging her anger for never taking care of any of the children, for never leaving when she should have, for not pleasant them enough. The ultimate climax, however, is at the end.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Child with Autism Essay
There are many books out there coitus to the matter of Autism, but I keep up to say that Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew is a the must read for my parents and my colleagues at give-up the ghost, thats why I chose it for this assignment. Summary This book is an expansion of a successful article that Ellen Notbohm published in 2005. She functiond the same title. Ellen is a mother of two special inevitably children, one with autism and the other one with ADHD however this book is written from the perception of an individual with autism. This is not a long book.It has only ten chapters and is closely 130 pages, including the preface and the introduction, called in this book as, It begins. In this part of the book, It begins, the author tries to convince families and caregivers who are dealing with autism, to see it not like a disease. Ellen wants hatful to wait on their children to live with it, not to teach them to suffer for something that the children preem pt not even control or they may not even know about. later this introduction, we assemble that each chapter stomach be described like a handbook.Each of the ten chapters has save a few bits of information about the general problems that a child with autism presents. However, when you finish reading the book, you will find that this information all together is a complete and trustful story encyclopedia that can help parents, teachers and many other professionals who lock with ASD individuals a young age. In the first chapter, the wish is that people may be able to understand that she or he is just a child that needs love, patience, and help.Im autistic Im not a label, Im just a child. Going beyond with this marvelous book we found how the sensory issues are the reason of many behavior problems. Behavior doesnt appear from nowhere, an enigmatical and unexpected behavior has a sensory cause. Ellen advises parents and caregivers to think and reconsider about their beliefs. She s imilarly made some suggestions that can help us to identify and work around the childs sensory structure. Meltdowns, the well-known meltdowns.These are also addressed in this book. Ellen describes the four trigger clusters, sensory overload, physical/physiological, emotional, and poor examples from adults. She indicates the way of life to identify their causes as well. She makes us to stop thinking or saying that she/he wont to analyze and identify what is causing the behavior. Visual learners, this is explained in chapter four. This chapter tells us how these children are concrete learners, and visual thinkers.She also illustrates how verbal communication doesnt make any sense to these children, by given some examples that she calls rough-cut snags. She reminds us that we have to help these children by developing a functional way that she/he can use to express their needs, wants, feelings, fears, etc. If they dont know how to communicate they will find the way to let us know, whi ch can be expressed with any variety of behaviors. Some techniques are also provided in this book, to help these children to develop or improved social interaction and the formation of self esteem.Ellen, who is talking in this book as a child, reminds parents and caregivers that he/she is trying his/her best with his/her poor and limited social skills. Ellen describes her feels when her son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She pictures her emotions and thoughts, and her continued fight with her hopelessness. Ellen finishes the book by saying that it didnt take long to carry out she wouldnt change her son in any aspect even if she could. I wouldnt have him be anything other than exactly what he is. affinity between the book and CEC stocks of the courseThe relationship between this book Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew and the standards for professional pedagogs, CEC, can begin with Standard One, that states how the special educators use this knowled ge as a ground upon which to construct their own personal understandings. This book provides valuable information that can help teachers who work with ASD students to get a better idea of their world, and gather this information to build strategies or interventions that will help these children to develop or increase skills that will lead to improvement of their lives.Standard Nine, which addresses the engagement in professional and learning activities with families, colleagues, and activities that will lead to a professional growth, have a relationship with this book, because even though this book is more than like a personal reflection from a mother of a child with autism, the book offers with details a full description of the primary problems that any child with autism has to face any day. The information provided in this book is helping educators to obtain knowledge and develop understanding of those incomprehensible and unexpected behaviors that many children with autism hav e.The endure standard and the most important Standard Ten which emphasizes collaboration with families, other educators, related service providers, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways, collaboration that can help to address the needs of the students. The collaboration can be practiced by sharing this book with parents, teachers, therapists, etc. As I mentioned in my introduction the information provided by the author can be considered as a handbook. Therefore by sharing this book with them, the special educator can be seen as a resource that is facilitating information to parents across settings and services.Professional practice with parents of ASD children My professional growth as a special educator has been impacted by this book enormously. Last school year when I was transferred to Redondo Elementary, although I have a background as a Special Educator, I didnt know about autism at all. As a result I found myself desperately trying to find infor mation that will help me to understand autism. One of my colleagues recommended this book and I purchased it immediately. I will say that Standard One is reflecting on my professional growth, because, when I read this book, I found the answer to many questions such as Why is it that she/he claps? Why is it that she/he spins around? , etc.Knowledge that I apply to my teaching every day. Standard Nine reflects on my professional growth because, after reading this book, I am more aware of how their own and others attitudes, behaviors, and ways of communicating can influence my practice. Now I am able to understand more the culture of autism, and Im also feeling more perceptive about my students needs and parents concerns. Standard Ten, which is always the most important for my collaboration.I like to extend an invitation to all my parents during my open house or family nights that we have at my school to read this book. I also like to extend an invitation to my parents to come and see me if they are having difficulties with their child at home, so we can work together to implement an intervention to address that particular problem. I would like to finish with this personal account book review/reflection sharing my preferred quotation of this book. Patience. Patience. Patience. Work to view my autism as a different ability rather than disability.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Herbert Butterfield Essay
In this book, the author focuses more on the works of Herbert Butterfield rather than his personal life and explores Butterfields check that reaches beyond what he perceived as presentmindedness. McIntire uses Butterfields private papers giving the reader a very close accounting of this historians thoughts and writings. His career in the academic field was impressive. Graduating from Cambridge in 1922 he went on to become regius professor, master of Peterhouse, and serve as vice-chancellor of the university.He grew up in the industrial t avow of West Riding where he and his family came from a Methodist background. His first job offer that he applied for by and by graduating was at the secondhand crop in Lampeter. He did get the job, but turned it down because he believed the teaching position would soak up been a dismal and uninspiring job. Butterfield believed, according to the author, that it would not have helped his writing. He had previously considered becoming a Methodist preacher, like his father.Even discussing the matter with the principal of Wesley House, and together decided he did not have the qualities of a preacher. He had aspirations of Knighthood and becoming president of the Historical society, this and all that was just part of McIntire writings of the man, Herbert Butterfield. The author takes the reader through each step of Butterfields careers throughout his life. In 1979, McIntire had his own encounter with Herbert Butterfield while he was editing and publishing part of the historians essays on Christianity and history.McIntire is able to use secondary sources with friends, critics, colleagues and family that do fit into his writing quite well. Butterfield had an early exposure to Harold Temperley and his writings reflected this, McIntire wrote in his book. Butterfields experiences inspired his first academic publication on the minutiae of Napoleonic diplomacy. Butterfield explained that the research technique he used as free of relig ious, ethnic, and ideological partisanship.A scientific history approach was his theory, but there is an interesting fact that Butterfield did not write another book from 1929 to 1968 on that subject or anything to enhance that topic. Another interesting fact was in the next fifty geezerhood of his life he kept assuring everyone that he was working on a book about Charles James Fox, but that book neer came about. In addition, it caused guilt throughout Butterfields career, McIntire wrote.Soon though with Butterfields love of the legacy of Lord Action, his attentions focused from technical history towards the broader questions of diachronic thought. McIntire shows how all of Butterfields major works came from The Wig Interpretation of History and out of that came his numerous other writings The Origins of Modern Science, Man on His Past and his inauguration address as Regius Professor, The Present State of Historical Scholarship.In the book, the author points to Butterfields stat us as an outsider that influenced his behavior as be a dissenter. His idiosyncratic Methodism reinforced his sense of self as a clever lower middle class grammar school boy with a remarkable Yorkshire accent immersed in an academic environment filled with Anglican gentlemen bred at exclusive public schools. The result was a reactive compulsion to every ascertain an attitude that did not always serve Butterfield well for it contained elements of the childishness.As J. H.Plumb noted, deep down he loved to shock (McIntire 86). McIntire portrayal is more of a shy and humble man, instead of what many viewed him. They considered his views as more of a moral and intellectual vanity of a self-centered person. In addition, believing that his own views as the wave of the future in historical study (McIntire 151) once again showing his complex problem. At one point, Butterfield publicly praised bolshie historical method but many believed he did not know what he was talking about when he sa id it.In the 1930s Butterfield publicly praised Marxist historical method, although it is not clear from the authors writings if Butterfield, a devout Christian, really understood the core of Marxism. During the era of appeasement, Butterfield criticized any moral judgments say at Nazi Germany, wishing instead that the enemies of the Fascists could be gentler (McIntire 105). He never lived down his foolish decision to undertake a lecture tour of Germany after the 1938 Munich Conference.The question he gave seemed to blame Britain for the conflict. What did we do wrong? What could we have done to prevent the Germans from feeling that they must turn to Hitler? (McIntire 112). Butterfield admitted proudly that he almost never voted. Political quietism supposedly came from Butterfields principled insistence upon the segregation of history from moral and political questions, the core of his argument in The Whig Interpretation of History.In the 50s and 60s, Butterfield vocally denounced U.S. foreign policy, while demanding with Soviet Russia and unilateral disarmament by the West. He denied any inconsistency saying, I am as an historian against all governments (McIntire 170). I felt the book was more of the moral standings of the man. Butterfield did write on science, religion, and historiography, but I felt the author lacked showing the connection it had to events in Butterfields life and how the connection was to the academic or scientific community.The reader swims through explanation after explanation of the same notion as McIntire analyses a succession of publications in chronological order, with not enough of Butterfieldss own words to support. Maybe that way some light on the thoughts of the man instead of McIntires interpretations. The book was difficult to follow and the length of the book made it tough to read. I was not impressed with the book, but I did get to know another viewpoint of another historian, on a subject I knew nothing about.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Organizational Behavior Trends Essay
Organizational Behavior is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around plaques. Organizational Culture is the staple pattern of common assumptions, value, and beliefs leading the way employees within an organization think about and act on problems and opportunities. Organizational Trends are patterns of change over clock in some variable of interest. In this paper we will evaluate two trends in organizational behavior. The influence of ethics on end-making and the impact of engineering science on work-related stress will be examined. Organizational Behavior Trends There are several trends in Organizational Behavior.One trend is globalization, which requires corporate decision makers to be more sensitive to cultural differences as they venture towards a wider variety of employees and clients. Another trend in organizations is the increasingly diverse workforce. Diversity potentially improves decision-making, team performance, and customer service, just now it also presents new challenges for the company. The values and ethics of the employees, enable organizations to apply certain principles in a global environment, and are to a lower place pressure to abide by the ethical values and higher standards of corporate social responsibility.Ethics on Decision-making Ethics on decision-making is difficult, it is critical for leaders to discontinue a code of ethics and establish disciplinary actions and procedures for ethical violators. Most importantly, leaders should also develop a process in which employees are rewarded and publically recognized for having positive ethical behaviors. It is also important to have employee involvement when trying to identify ethical issues. When it comes to the ethics of decision making, the criteria individuals use to define problems and the values that underlie these criteria must be considered.Moral conduct is involved in choosing problems, deciding who should be involved, estimating the impacts of alternati ves, and selecting an alternative for implementation. Moral conduct does not arise from after-the-fact embarrassment. (Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, 2005). Overall, ethical decision making, is learning about ethical dilemmas in business and examining the process for identifying common influences in the decision-making process. Once the trends are found, leaders and subordinates must demonstrate and understand how to make an ethical decision in which all possible solutions are attempted equally and without any judgment.Impact of Technology on Work-Related Stress Work-related stress can be defined as a pattern of emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physiological reactions to adverse and noxious aspects of work content, work organization and work environment. It is a state characterized by high levels of arousal and distress and often by feelings of not coping. (www. eiro. eurofound) Work-related stress is a serious issue at many companies. People should be aware of their stress le vels and communicate stressful situations to their employer before stress develops into a problem.For this to happen, employers need to ensure that the organizational culture is i in which employees can openly and comfortably talk about work-related stress without any repercussion. There are many components that make up stress. With the world of technology racing news and information around the world as quick as we can blink, many more organizations are becoming sophisticated in applying information technologies. Nobel Laureate and decision scientist Herbert Simon is convinced that computers will someday be more intelligent than humans. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, 2005) How does that make you feel knowing that one-day a computer could replace your job? There are always two sides to any debate the one on stress is no exception. Is being dysphoric a sign of weakness within your job indicating that you can no longer handle it or is being stressed a sign of an useful working beha vior of getting the job done? There are many employers that want to support their staff to the highest level that can be offered but resources and effective training is sometimes limited.As a result, many employees are stressed. The use of technology is needed in all businesses and with this advanced technology some organizations rely heavily it. I know that with the computer system we have at our organization it makes it much easier and less stressful for us. Maybe soulfulness who is not proficient with computers would become stressful to the new system, but for the most part I think technology has a positive impact on work-related stress. ConclusionIn conclusion, the influence of ethics on decision-making and the impact of technologies on work-related stress are only two components of many in organizational behavior. With so many changes to how one must work and the many difficult decisions that have to be made according to your organizations ethics only. I personally think that as companies evolve, the employees must chose to either evolve with it or take another course of action to make life stress-free.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Prisons As Industry Essay
What is the around profitable industry in America? Weapons, oil and estimator technology all offer high rates of return, but there is probably no sector of the economy as abloom with m wizardy as the buck offstagely cultivate prison house industry. Prison industry in recent years has become a high-profit business and it competes with industries such(prenominal) as the oil and flub industry. The aim of this paper therefore is to examine the industry as a whole. In examining the industry therefore, there shall be a cursory analysis of well-nigh salient point vis--vis the prison industry. A very important fact is that the prison industry came about because of the congestion in the s foreveral(a) goernment-owned prisons in end-to-end the country. The demand for prisons seems to be ever increasing and the public prisons scattered all around the country are incapable of providing adequately for this. Nearly every prison in America is overcrowded and volition continue to be so if new prisons do not spring up. So therefore, the aim of the prison industry is to ground provisions for more space to keep dissidents at a lower cost than federal prisons can. In other words, reclusively owned prisons are queer because demand for prisons is high, while supply of prisons is low. That is what makes this industry so appealing. Thus, in private owned prisons are safe substitutes for federally run services. Therefore, this brings us to the issue of prison privatization. This involves the delegate of running state-owned prisons to private industries to manage. Thus, by using the private sector to build or manage prisons, many states believe that they can reduce costs.Privatization of prisons can tear various forms. This includesContracting out services This is the most common form of prison privatization. Currently, 39 states in the US hire private firms to provide such services as medical and mental health treatment, drug treatment, education, staff training, and vo cational training and counseling.Contracting out prison laborThis also is other means of privatizing prisons. By putting prisoners to work and paying inmates competitive wages, many private companies are reducing prison costs for the government by withholding earnings for taxes, room and board, family support, and victims compensation. Such employment also gives prisoners the skills and work experience that will prepare them for the job market when they are released from prison. anatomical structure and lease/purchasingMany states see private construction as a promising solution to the prison over crowding crisis. States normally finance construction by cash appropriations (a pay-as-you-go approach) or by issuing general obligation bondsThe points above are some of the ways by which prisons by various states in the US. In another vein, privatization of prisons can also occur at the federal level. For instance, the national Government of the United States recently proposed contrac ting with a private firm for a new 500 bed minimum-secure facility for illegal aliens.In addition, the Bureau has considered contracting for facilities to house special needs prisoners, such as juveniles, women, protective custody cases, and for prisoners needing medical services. However, the federal government is wary in contracting out the more mainstream prisoners such as those imprisoned in the Federal Correctional Institutions and the U.S. Penitentiary System.Nevertheless, the prison industry has raises certain questions. These questions must be answered before a deeper understanding and full grasp of the objectives of the industry can be achieved. The first question is that has the federal government abrogated its responsibility by privatizing prisons.In other words, Should the private sector be responsible for a function traditionally performed by the government sector? Evidence has shown that that prison privatization does not mean that the government relinquishes its respo nsibility. The government still would select the inmates to be placed in private prisons, choose the type of facility to be contracted out, oversee the contractors disciplinary practices and, most important, evaluate the contractors performance.Furthermore, another good question to be asked is whether service quality and flexibility is maintained or not? This is because some policy makers maintain that the quality of management in private prisons will tend to be high at first, because of competition and the desire to win contracts. However, they question the private sectors ability to sustain high-quality standards. This is not true of the prison industry because contracting standards are likely to improve over time as more firms enter the market and competition increases. biweekly bidding creates incentives for firms to improve constantly the quality and cost-efficiency of their performance.These above questions, among others, are some of the questions to ask in order to have an e nlightened grasp of the prison industry. Now, it is of compulsion to look at the history of prison industry. Historically, prison population started to grow in the United States in the 70s. Statistically, one out of every hundred adults is presently imprisoned.In order to curtail the unwanted rise in the number of inmates, larger sentences are being imposed on to act as encumbrance and other policies, which are known as the broken window. They have introduced the three strike policy which means that if you are convicted of any 3 offences you will receive life which is a very good deterrent. The state of Virginia applies this always, and has managed to slow the growth of the population (Bratton 2002). In addition, the government has tried to seek alternative modes of surd offenders instead of retaining them in the prison yards. Undauntedly however, the rate of offenders soars. This has gone a long way in boosting the prison industry. The industry is now frequently bigger than ev er before worth around 40 billion dollars a year. Due to the overcrowding in state prisons and federal prisons, which are on average 34% over designed capacity according to the BJS report, the prison industry has to rely on private prisons. Many states enjoy the companies taking on the task of building the prisons and applications programme the costs and just charging the state per inmate, as the state tends to be a lot more lenient to a convicted felon in order to economize bullion.So therefore, prison industry continues to soar high. Investors are now having good times because of their net profits from prison business. For example, the leading company in prison business, department of corrections Corporation of America, has made a tremendous success in the business. The revenue of this company rose by 81% in 1995 alone. Again, Investors in Wackenhut Corrections Corporation, another leading prison industry, have enjoyed an average return of 18 percent during the past quin years and the company is rated by Forbes as one of the top 200 small businesses in the country as of today.The list goes on an on. Ten years ago, there were just five privately run prisons in the country, housing a population of 2.000. Nearly, a score of private firms run more than 100 prisons with about 62,000 beds today. Thats still less than five percent of the total market, but the industry is expanding fast, with the number of private prison beds expected to grow to 360,000 during the next decade. This could be said to be the reason why a recent headline in USA Today which says that Everybodys Doin the Jailhouse StockIn view of this, the prison industry is now a lucrative business. In fact, almost 30 states in the US have 28 states have passed legislation making it legal for private contractors to run punitive facilities and many more states are expected to follow suit. God knows maybe one day, the prison industry will take over as the most lucrative and cost-effective business.To summarize it all, there are many reasons why America has incarcerated more of its population than any other country including China, which has a much greater population. The main reason is still the fact that the prison industry is being portrayed as a business and companies are making money from crime. Therefore, toughening of laws by both the federal and state governments does not help matter. Therefore, one can safely conclude that prison industry has come to stay. What is to be make now is for the government to tighten laws on the establishment of privately owned correction centers across the States. This would go a long way in ensuring that the privately owned prisons function effectively as their public counterparts. REFERENCESTonry M., 2004. Prisons and Imprisonment, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Pages 12062-1206.Walker, S., Spohn, C., Dolone, M., 2004. The Color of evaluator, Race Ethnicity, and Crime in America, 3rd Ed, Wadsworth Publis hing.Scalia, J., noble-minded 2001. Federal Drug Offenders, 1999 with trends 1984-99, Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, U.S. Department of justice.Samaha, j., 2001. Criminal justice, 5th ed. Wadsworth publishing.Renshaw, B., December 1982. Prisoners 1925-1981, Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, U.S. Department of justice.Harrison, P., November 2004. Prisoners 2003, Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, U.S. Department of justice.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Nvq 3
201 Understand affair responsibilities and rights in health, social care or childrens and new-fangled peoples settings Task A Short Answer Questions Ai Imagine you are a newly appointed supervisor/manager within your service. You need to update your staff handbook to reflect current employment police. Identify three different sources of information you could using up to enable you to do this. The existing hand book, changes in the law since the last update, latest health and safety requirements. Once you have identified a reliable source of informationAii List three aspects of employment covered by law. My contract and operative hours, my rights at work, holidays and time off. List three main features of current employment legislation. Minimum wage, Health and Safety policy, training Aiii Briefly outline why employment law exists. To oversee the piece of work safety and standards, fair wages, retirement and pensions, employee benefits, to name but a few. Employment law deals w ith both the employer and the employees actions, rights and responsibilities, as well as their relationship with one another.Task B Your work role For this task you will need the following A copy of your contract of employment or employment agreement. If you dont have a written contract of employment eg if you are employed as a personal assistant, discuss your terms and conditions with your employer and make notes to help you to complete the task A recent payslip or pay statement Access to your workplace policies and procedures or notes from a discussion with your employer if you are employed as a personal assistant.Bi Describe the terms and conditions of your employment as set out in your contract of employment or employment agreement. Job description defining the role, responsibility level. Entitlement rate of pay, holiday entitlement, retirement and ill-health benefits, bonus/overtime rates, uniform and/expenses allowances. Responsibilities running(a) hours, dress code, rep orting illness/absence, annual assessments, complaints procedures, notice periods for leaving/dismissal, requirements to change working hours.D General Other part-time work, confidentiality clauses, using company equipment for private use (eg phones, computers, vehicles) general codes of behaviour and adherence to certain corporate practices, health & safety regulations. Bii Describe the information which needs to be shown on your pay slip/ statement. social club name, my name, NI number, Hourly rate, hours worked, assess Code, Date, Amount earnt before deductions, NI paid, Tax Paid and Net Pay. Also shows Gross Pay to date, NI to date and Tax to date.Biii Identify two changes to personal information which you must report to your employer. Name and address Biv Describe the procedure to follow if you wanted to raise a account at work. You may describe this in writing or produce a flow chart or diagram. Bv Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the foll owing areas 1. Data protection 2. Grievance 3. Conflict management 4. Anti-discriminatory practice 5. Health & safety 6. Confidentiality 7. Whistle blowing Bvi Explain how your role contributes to the boilers suit delivery of the service rovided. Bvii Explain how you could influence the quality of the service provided by Following best practice within your work role Showing enjoy at all times, having respect for residents privacy and dignity when bathing or assisting them in toilet routines. Knocking on doors and waiting before entering a room. Not carrying out the requirements of your role. If a carer wants the clients to do as they are told rather than being given choices and respect, then their quality of life becomes miserable and they will reverence that particular so-called carer being around.Bviii Describe how your own work must be influenced by National factors such as Codes of Practice, National Occupational Standards, Legislation and organisation Initiatives. Bix a) Id entify two different representative bodies which influence your area of work. b) Describe the role of the two representative bodies you have identified. Task C Career piece of ground Create a career pathway plan for yourself, indicating what opportunities are open to you as you progress in your chosen career. Indicate what you will need to image or any qualifications you might need to gain in order to achieve your goals.Identify sources of information to help you achieve your goals. I am currently a Senior Carer and would like to work up to Deputy Manager or even Manager. To become a Senior carer I had to be trained to do dressings, be a leader, how to deal with a death and admittance to hospital. How to use lifting equipment like a hoist properly. To become a deputy manager I will need to have passed my NVQ level 3 and have previously worked as a Senior Carer or even Head of Care. Task D Presentation or reportPrepare a exhibit or report on an have intercourse or area of public concern related to the care profession. Your presentation or report should include A description of the issue or area of public concern raised An outline of the different points of view regarding the issue or area of public concern raised A description of how the issue or area of public concern has affected service prep and methods of working A description of how public opinion is affected by issues and areas of concern in either the health, social care or childrens and young peoples sectors
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Simple Gift
Why is drop deading significant to each and every one of us? What benefits does belonging impart for the individual? The sincere question is what is belonging? be is a disposition of acceptance felt when an individual gains an understanding of themselves in relation to others and the wider world. Sense of acceptance can be experience through cadence and different types of relationships or connections with their family, friends, and community, which may enhance the ability to belong or feel as though they belong.Good morning teachers and my fellow students, today, I am difference to discuss with you my interpretation of acceptance in the environment of the individual and how it has been represented through the two significant texts including, free verse bulk The Simple award by Steven Herrick and wordless picture book The Arrival by Shaun Tan. Each one of these texts discusses and portrays the idea of being sure or not being accepted in the environment through different circ umstances but in a similar way.The first text is The Simple lay out by Steven Herrick which examines the delirious state of a 16-years-old boy called Billy Luckett, who ran away from home because of the consciousness of isolation which shapes his identity and value. In longlands road the imagery of the dilapidated house portray the sense of denial that Billy has experienced in past. The disconnect relationship between the go under and his father, led Billy to move away from his environment to gain the sense of connection he never experienced.The isolation caused by an abusive father is seen in quote gave me one hard backhander across the face, so hard I fell down and slammed the door on my sporting childhood. pg. 15-16. The proficiency that is used here is a metaphor explaining how Billy stopped playing sport. Billy tour of alienation ends when he moves and meets an old alcoholic man called Bill and a rich caring 17-year-old girl called Caitlin. Billy felt a physical and emot ional sense of belonging to his new environment in the way its more welcoming and friendly then his hometown.Even though Billy does not belong physically, he feels he belongs emotionally because hes away from his dads merciless treatment and he feels safe. The sense of acceptance of Bendarat can be seen in the quote Bendarat is the perfect town and this portrays that even though its not a perfect town but Billy sees it as a faultless town due to the connection that this town his pop the question Billy though old Billy and Caitlin. When Old Billy gives the key to house and Billy ar not homeless boy that is not accepted but a boy that has a family and is secure.At the end of the book Belonging reaches beyond boundaries and I looked up into the sky, the deep blue sky that Old Bill and I shared. (p. 205). This quote demonstrates the technique of symbolism the start of new journey of acceptance that comes from the connections that the individual gains through their relation with place, family or time. The second text that I have selected to portray ideas understanding and importance of belonging is The Arrival by Shaun Tan. Similar to the Simple Gift the migrant character in The Arrival leaves sense of isolation to look for and environment that would accept him.The story is told as a series of wordless images that capacity seem to come from a long forgotten time. Nameless man leaves his wife and child in an impoverished town that was destroyed because of the war. The man travels to an unbeknown(predicate) country seeking relegate prospects for him and his family. This is seen when the visual techniques represent the family coming together. The most significant technique used on every single page of the book that lets the responder not only be in the characters shoes, but also contemplate what it would be like to be in a migrants situation, is the neglect of words.This lack of words helps the responder contemplate the alienation felt by not only the character but by all migrants entering a conflicting land and culture with a completely different language. Other than the responders contemplation of the alienation felt by the character and migrants, it also forces the responder to interpret the visual without the guidance that only words can provide finally the joy shown by the protagonist s daughter in the final chapter of the book shows the sentry go that has been resulted.The Simple Gift and the Arrival are similar in the way both of the main characters leftover their homes to look for a place that will provide them the acceptance and the belongings they need. both of the characters environments did not provide these individual with the sense of fellowship. In The Arrival the man travels and leaves his wife and daughter to look for a better life for them in a new town.He was not force to leave but chose to leave to search for a better life for him and his family, even though he was accepted in that place but the circumstances of the war led to his movement. Much like the Simple Gift, Billy left his town for a better life away from his abusive and unaccepted father again he was not forced to leave but chose to look for a place that acknowledged him. Billy did not associate with his family or town but in The Arrival the man belonged but chose to leave for a better existence. Both characters went to search for a better and acceptance life.When Billy left he did not care about his father because he was the reason Billy left to find acceptance in the new experience where as the character in The Arrival was accepted in the town but chose to leave because of what the strike and obstacles that the war produced. Family was a big part of the character life in the arrival where as in the simple gift Billys real family had no part in his life. In both texts the characters did belong in their first towns but in the simple Gift Billy chose not to belong where as in the arrival the character chose to belong.This shows that the barrier to belonging is linked to the action of the individual interacting to the community and place to gain the feeling of acceptance. Lastly position had played a role in the movement of the both character, this is seen when the nameless man and Billy left because the poor conditions they lived in. Both books have similar technique in the way they both portray the symbolism of new journey of acceptance. In conclusion belonging is a lifelong requirement for the individual.Although how and where we experience a sense of kinship can change, but it remains a key contributor to our wellbeing and participation throughout our lives. Our sense of association can come forth from the connections we make with people, places, culture and groups. The Simple Gift and the arrival portray a clear understand of the importance and significance of belonging. Each character wants to feel belonged and they go and look for belonging. This shows that belonging is imperative in each and every one of us for our wellbeing.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Speech on Hammurabi
Hammurabis virtues Fair To bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and evil doers, so that the strong should non harm the weak This is a quote from Babylons king, Hammurabi, about his set of 282 laws that he wrote around 1750 B. C. Historians and scholars agree that these ancient laws were the first to cover all aspects of association. However, historians and scholars do not agree whether Hammurabis laws were fair or cruel. Honestly, I count on his laws were fair because it stated what all good deal needed to know, it brought order and justice to society, and it modulate m both incompatible activities.His laws stated what all people needed to know about the rules of their society. All of his laws were written d hold so anyone would know anything about their society and so they couldnt be changed. His laws were known as the laws of an eye for an eye. Law number 5 states if a judge chooses an error through his own fault when trying a case, he mu st pay a fine, be removed from the judges bench, and never judge another case. Law number 233 states if a contractor builds a house for someone and the walls start to fall, then the builder must use his own money and labor to make the walls secure.His laws are also fair because they brought order and justice to society. Law 122 states if someone gives something to someone else for safekeeping, the transaction should be witnessed and a contract made between the twain parties. I believe this law is fair because if the person loses the item the other person that gave it to him for safekeeping isnt responsible for it, and wont get into any kind of trouble. Hammurabis 282 laws also regulated many different activities, from business contracts to crime. Law 22 states if anyone is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be shake off to death.Law 35 states if anyone buys cattle or sheep which the king has given to chieftains from him, he loses his money. Law 259 says, if anyone s teals a water wheel from the field, he shall pay five shekels in money to its owner. I believe all these laws are fair because its giving rules that all people must follow. There are also people who think Hammurabis laws were cruel because they called for violent punishments, often death, for non-violent crimes. For example, law 202 states if someone strikes a man of higher rank, than he shall be whipped 60 times in public.In which I can understand because whipping is very violent and unfair to do to a person before they can explain themselves. My point of project is more reasonable because all of his laws WERE fair and it made everyones life easier, without them worrying about the BAD people running loose I think all 282 of King Hammurabis laws were fair because they stated what all people needed to know about their society, it brought order and justice to society, and it regulated many different activities, from business contracts to crime. Would you like to have Hammurabi as a k ing? I think I would
Monday, May 20, 2019
Hardware and Software
My system will require a staple hardware package that accommo hears the ability to run find. This means that they will need a radical information processing system package including input devices much(prenominal) as the keyboard and mouse and an output device, which is a monitor. Addition things such as a s discountner and printer can be added to expand the capability of the computer. This set-up with minimum requirements can be bought for a figure as little as 500, which is about the administration, costs for a smallish business anyway.It would need at least a 1 GB hard drive and bedevil windows 2000. Windows two thousand is needed to run door and word.Software information-PowerData power has many basic features of a informationbase software package. These include limited design functions. These design functions allow you to design different databases in a range of colours and layouts. It also contains some limited look or query functions. These include the ability to pe rform pre set searches on you database. However this is in contrast to the nearly up to date software which allows the user to develop there own search functions.This brings me to my first disadvantage with Data Power. This is that Data Power is a rattling competent programme but its very outdated. Many pieces of software on hand(predicate) are now more advanced and contain more features than Data Power. As a case of its age, many new computers are not congruous with the data power programme. This could increase the cost of hardware and limit the functionality of the programme.Data Power is also avoidably difficult when it comes to searching. It uses much of the outdated and widely unknown computer language. This means that the users of such a programme will have to have limited knowledge of computers. similarly searches are very wide and on large databases may not be practical. outdoExcel is a number-processing piece of software. It uses spreadsheets and equations to calculat e and test different situations imposed on figures and how they may affect individually other. Excel is good for balancing books and stock control as well as a youngster model tester. It also has the ability to be used as a database. It has filter functions and limited search functions. It can be easily applied to word transmit merge function giving virtuoso advantage over other packages. As well as this, it is also found on most computer systems. It is a relatively up-to-date system and is compatible with most systems.Excel also offers very complex queries. These queries allow you to search a number of things up at once. This is much better that the data powers basic query functions. It has lookup functions. However excel has only one user interface option. in addition to this it has no reports function or forms function.WordThe purpose of word in this database is to use mail merge. This allows me to fulfil part of the criteria that says that the hotel needs to be able to send s pecial offers to its customers. Word allows you to construct conventional letters and files that can be used by mail merge to create personalised files. This would choose it easier for administrators to send out special offers.Chosen SoftwareI have chosen to use access. Access adaptable. You can make your own user interface designs as well as it being compatible with a lot of computer formats. Other reasons for my choice of excel is that I have access to access so it will be easier for me to make the database on access. Another reason for this choice is that access offers a wide range of query functions. These will allow me to set up the complex queries that are needed to perform the task the database was made for.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Financial Aid Appeal Letter Essay
My name is Ali Shaheed and I am writing to appeal my suspension from monetary aid. I wish that you result reconsider your decision and grant my financial aid. I would like to begin thanking you in clear for taking the time to read this letter and consider my request to reinstate my financial aid at Henry Ford Community College. I topic full responsibility for my unsatisfactory completion rate, tho I would like to explain the circumstances. I started my first semester at HFCC in winter 2012, and I failed to determine my classes due to my mother being sick, and I had to rush her to the hospital every other day. I had to take care of her because Im the only one she had. In a result I failed to make satisfactory academic progress due to me not attending classes. This summer of 2013 I went to Baker College of Allen putting green to continue my education because they approved me for financial grants, and because I could not afford to pay my classes at HFCC. at one time Im a full ti me student at Baker and I hasten completed one class so far and I got an A in it, and I got 3 more classes that Im currently attending right now, I will attach my classes history and registration with this letter to verify and see that Im serious about this and I deprivation to move forward to continue my education and be successful and never look back, and my I will also send in my official transcript from Baker when I finish the semester in celestial latitude 16th 2013. Im looking forward now to go back to HFCC for the winter semester because they got pause learning environment and better teachers and its the college that I want to finish my education at. I am really serious about my future and I recognize that a degree is essential in attaining a great career. Again, thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and I assure you, if granted financial aid, my education and will continue to be my main priority.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
“Mariner’s Sin, Punishment, Redemption and His Penanceâ€Â
Mariners Sin, punishment, redemption and his penance If men could go through from history, what lessons it might teach us. scarce passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives us is a lantern on the stern, which shines sole(prenominal) on the waves behind us. This is superstarness of the famous quotes by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). In his iodin of the regal work, The Rime of the ancient Mariner, Coleridge has been able to prove his quote mentioned above. The decision made by the sm either and excited Mariner to kill the mollymawk helping them and the consequences which was faced by the entire sailing combination.Mariner, the principal(prenominal) character non solely was sorry for what he did, he also went through a serial of trans figureation making him understand his sin. He then onlyowed all his life searching for redemption. Mariner was all around the places to redeem his sin. Not only he suffered attacks from his haunted past, he had to let everyone know rough his deed just to feel relaxed. Mariner killed someone who helped the entire conclave survive the icebergs they were in later on the storm stroked them. The albatross who flew with the boat, was decided to be a help from the god himself, resulting in all the sailors difficult to pet the bird.As all the crew possessed positive aura when the iceberg cracked and they again were in the open sea covered with fog. Something evil consumed seafarer heart and he killed the bird with his crossbow. The entire element was cursing him for his deed at first, but when the fog started clearing out everybody was praising the Mariner. Entire crew who was turning away(p) from Mariner for what he did was now agreeing on the sin committed. This now makes all the crew full of sin, which was not be in their favor. Soon their situation turned worse, the breeze stopped, and they were in the place of the ocean without any movement.Without any piss, Water, water, everywhe re, Nor any drop to drink. fulminantly entire crew was begging for water. Its a human nature to be happy and sad depending on the situation he puts himself in. When in that location are obedient things happening then they all forget around the harm it can cause. Coleridge be the human nature on this poem. When the sin was committed, one tends to agree with it, until it has any negative effect. When god started indignation upon them, entire crew turned to Mariner to curse him again for what he did.In ones normal life, one constantly tries their best to blame someone for the sin they have helped in. God leave alone always punish the one who have committed sin as like in the poem. As the entire crew was complicated in the crime, soon they start to get punish. They start to overtake the wrath from the god in form of different unnatural ways in the grip of nature. The sun was getting really hot. Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt devour All in a hot and copper sky, The b loody sun at noon. Hot and dry, and without water the sailors were in dire need of help.Even putting the albatrosss cross around the mariner did not help anything. They could see the slimy and gross animal with legs making entire crew suspicious about their future. After the passing of the mysterious ghost ship, all the members start dying one by one. As if the sin committed by the mariner, was all the reason for the death. The antique Mariner is punished mentally by the spiritual world. The Mariner feels responsible for his crews suffering (along with the Mariners own suffering) as the penalty for killing the albatross.The Mariner is punished by being forced to watch his crew be released and knowing he must suffer further (he must suffer alone)The souls did from their bodies fly, They fled to bliss or woe And every soul, it passed me by, Like the whizz of my cross-bow. The Ancient Mariners somatic and mental punishment continues and he becomes the living dead. The Mariner is fo rced to feel constant suffer and has the constant urge to tell others (who he knows must hear his story) his story in order to momently relieve his pain That agony returns And till my ghastly tommyrot is told, this hurt within me burns. God plays in mysterious ways. Although Mariner is getting punished as his colleagues are dying one by one and all he can do is just look at them cursing him. To make mariner responsible for their misfortune they hung an albatross cross around the neck so that the mariner will see that every time and feel the pain and agony felt by the entire crew to begin with dying. Mariner was getting punished also he possessed the guilt, but still god was exam him. Even in the worst situation ever faced by the mariner, god had a purpose from which he could escape his guilt.The mariners own sense of guilt is enhanced through the consequences he faces in the physical world, as a result of the powers of the metaphysical world. That is the powers of the spirits in the poem, allow for severe contrasts in the physical world, which in relation to the mariners sense of guilt, are reflective of his own unsettled mind. .. More horrible than that I saw that curse, and yet I could not die. He was in great pain. Soon the mariner was in a condition of a living dead person. He was alive, but for no good.Soon he realizes he needs help from the god, but the presence of the negative aura makes that impossible. I looked to heaven, and tried to pray But or ever a prayer had gusht, A wicked whisper came, and made my heart as dry as dust Soon that night when he again sees the slimy creatures, he finds those creatures to be really wonderful and a part of gods foot. He then understands every creature in this world is equally loved by their creature i. e. god. After realizing that his necklace of albatross fell and he was able to pray to god. The selfsame moment I could pray And from my neck so free The albatross fell off, and sank Like lead into the sea. W ith the help from god, he could hear the curious and knowledgeable voice he has to do a lot of penance in the future. Waking up after he fainted, he found it was raining slowly he regained consciousness, and finds that his curse has been lifted, his entire crew members were alive filled with good souls and it was making the boat to move. Then like a pawing horse let go, she made a sudden bound It flung the blood into my head, and I fell down in a swound. When he reached towards his home, he was approached by the pilot and his young crewmate, also accompanied by the hermit. The hermit might have been sent by the help of god for the information about the penance to be done by the mariner all his life. The boat on which mariner was lying started to get fall in the ocean like the albatross fell when it was shot. Amazingly mariner was still floating on the ocean. When they make back to the shore, Mariner nowadays starts asing for redemption.As the mariner closely associates the hermit with religion, to act like a priest, upon seeing the man, the mariner believes it is he who will free him from sin. It is the hermit good / He singeth loud his godly hymns that he makes in the wood . Hell shrieve my soul hell wash away the Albatross blood. The mariner intends for the hermit to wash away the albatross blood, and thus, his, sins. The hermit does allow this to happen Oh shrieve me, shrieve me holy man The hermit crossed his brow. Say straightaway, quoth he, I bid thee say what manner of man art thou? The mariner is gripped with a irresistible impulse to tell his story to the hermit. This is how the hermit offers the mariner redemption. As soon as he tells the story to hermit he feels really good. He is then told to tell his story to people who need to hear his tale to get off the pain that persists until he tell the story. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner teach us to love all the creation of the god. Submission to god is the only option for all people to bonk their l ife. It is really foolish to take an instant decision and face the consequences for ever.Only people, who love Gods creation i. e. men, birds, and animal and everything created by god, can pray well and gain a place in heaven. The poem also encourages people to be faithful to god. Redemption and somewhat penance may be the only way for anyone to get rid of his sins. It is up to us to decide what action are sins and what are not. on that point will be objects and situation which will make it harder for one to decide, but correctly analyzing and choosing ones action is the only way not to do any sin, which is far better than to penance all over ones life like the mariner in the poem.Citation -Stillinger/Lynch. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The Norton anthology of English Literature. New York. 2006. instill -The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Wikipedia. Ed. Web -Shmoop Editorial Team. The Rime of Ancient Mariner. Shmoop. com Shmoop University, Inc. , 11/4/2 012. http//www. shmoop. com/rime-of-ancient-mariner/summary. html. SparkNotes Editors. The rime of the Ancient Mariner. SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2006. http//www. sparknotes. com/poetry/coleridge/section1. rhtml
Friday, May 17, 2019
U.S. History 1919-1945 Notes
U. S. History nones Red Sc atomic number 18 1919 I. sens hysteria II. wherefore un currentistic irrational fear. A. Expectations up and d bear 1. Prosperity People are image income (1915 income 408$ yr to 1920 835$ year) 2. Post war recession B. Super patriotism/Slackers (youre a slacker if non a crack patriot) 1. Committee for Public Relations (C. P. I. ) (Creel Committee) Read propaganda papers, pushed conformity and plunk fored Boy Scouts for war. 2. Espionage and law littleness acts A. Clear and present danger speech that presents this is non protected. peddle yell fire in a theatre as a joke when there is no fire. Not protected by a handsdment). 3. Radicals A. industrial workers of the World (IWW) nicknamed Wobblies. Loudmouth aggressive workers, and when on strike did it vigorously to prove their point. Opposed WWI.Persecuted, charged with violating lawlessness acts, shut good deal and some impel in jail. C. 1919 Incidents (convinced mess that there are threats e verywhere) 1. Bombs (mail bombs, one goes contribute in A. Mitchell Palmers yard so he constructed the Palmer Raids. People that went on strikes considered radicals). 2. Strikes A. Boston police (19 police got fired for joining AFL so rest of boston police walked take away the job) Coolidge convinced them they could not strike and had to go rear to work, and most did. B. Steel went on strike for racyer wages, and better work conditions. C. Coal went on strike for higher wages. 4. Centralia Massacre 11/11/19 * Wobblies mentation they were departure to be attacked so they opened fire on a parade that was taking place for Armistice Day. Wobblies start a a couple of(prenominal) men, only(prenominal)Wobblies come out except for Wesley Everest who came out of the building firing at police kill one and he was eventu eithery killed. (He was thought to be a crazy radical and a mavin by some) III. Palmer Raids, Dec. 1919, Jan. 1920 Thousands of immigrants are rounded up in c ities from coast to coast, deported back to their home country or charged with a crime for be suspicious. Some 6-7,000 was rounded up in total. None of these deal were charged with a crime when they were picked up, thus making it biggest violation of civil liberties in U. S. IV.End of Scare whitethorn of 1920 the fear of radicals comes to an end. After WWI conformity begins and we lose a lot of cultural diversity. Palmer (attorney general) stimulate ups Anti-Radical Division and appointed Edgar clean to lead it and go after radicals. John L. Lewis Harding died in 1923, buried in home township of Ohio. Had poor judgment of character, simply never accuse of accepting bribes. His judiciary collapsed bc of s preemptdals. Harding got sick in Seattle, that a confine was written most how his wife poisoned him. Harding I. Teapot dome II. Lucid Press A. Gaston way of life, The Death of HardingB. Nam Britton, The Presidents Life She claimed to be The electric chairs whore and fork out intimate encounters in the White hearthstone Calvin Coolidge became president after Harding died. He was a Puritan, sedate one-on-one, and gained nickname Silent Cal for creation very quiet and not talking much. Famous quote of his They cant hang you for what you wear upont say. He was thought to be mean spirited (Laughed at others discomfort and misfortune). His wife was Grace Goodhue (she taught the deaf & shell A blind), very protagonistly and positive influence on Coolidge and contri yeted to his success. Happy as V. P. c he didnt pay off to do much. I. Silent Cal A. Bg B. Gov. > V. P. > President C. Cleans nursing home cleaned out the white house, trying to go away rid of the corrupt stack. Brought in Harlen Stone to bring back pride in W. H.. D. Pro blood and Capitalism He kept the concept of pro business, was an gray form of Capitalism. II. 1924 election A. Democratic disarray Took speed of light ballots to elect representative. John Davis was Democrats choice. Republicans won. B. progressive Party supported Gov. Fallett, received all over 4 mil votes. Disappeared after 1924. C. Republican majorities III. AdministrationA. Andrew Mellon Old populace, tiptop rich, from Pitt, worked in steel business, owned coal, iron and steel mills. Tried to control aluminum market, didnt work, scarcely became even wealthier from this, volunteered service to help Republican Party to gain a positive environment. 1. Budget & ampere accounting Act, 1921 Harding admin. Part of modernization of American govt. 2. Revenue Act, 1921 Coolidge admin. Established Tax drifts, Cut top rate from 75% to 50% ended Excessive Profits tax. Tried to eliminate inheritance tax, didnt work, doesnt switch over lower income tax (realized this was a mistake). . Revenue Act, 1924 Revenue acts created loopholes, made tax avoidance legal, but tax evasion was illegal. Coolidge Admin. Top rates go down again from 50% to 40%. Thought to drip mould do wn and help the poor, and lowered poor income tax. Trickle down Economics came from these Revenue Acts. III. fordney-McCumber tariff restrictive 1922 (tariff is tax on imports) this taxed imports to protect domestic manufacturers. V. Balanced Budget 5. McNary-Haugen Veto, 1927, Over Production estab. Commodity prices so ri imposers could make a profit. Congress passed this and Coolidge baned it. Controversial veto) Farmers started supporting other policy-making leaders. 6. vacuum & Dept. of trade Consumerism Cont. I. Theory & structure Welfare capitalism Trying to get better working conditions. II. Business as Religion Bruce Barton III. Labor Reforms A. Taylorism * Frederick Taylor & two-motor studies B. Cellular Work Force manufacturers organise their workers into groups called cells. Policed themselves, making it easier for great deal at higher position to have less people to watch over C. Pergs Received bonuss and pay raises for good work and got pension pl ans.D. Company Unions Yellow click administered perks that went to union worker, not considered a real union group. * Councils organized work force and dealt with stuff down the stairs management and relayed info. * Sports Teams organized sport venues across America. E. househ gray-headed Consciousness 1. Family structure a. Who works married mans, wives, and kids do when they grow up and are old enough. b. Kids Early childhood they sell goods to make $ for family. c. Gender roles different sexual roles between men and women and cultural naturalism of sex. 2.Middle air division Reformers thought if position social kinfolk familys had less kids they would gain a better notice class status. Settlement houses 1. Hull house ran by Jane Addams, spunk class adult female, supported by philanthropy. Helped uplift working class. 2. Assimilation goods a. partitioning taught English, etiquette, daycare for kids, abuse programs, and clean literary argumentss b. Ethnicity dissimil ar ethnic groups go most their lives differently and enjoy different leisure activities. I. Auto Industry a. Sig 1. twentieth coke 2. Spin offs a. Steel production rises b. Closed cars (glass and leather) c. Rubber production increases d.Gasoline production increases and 4 strokes is in general used for cars. e. Road smoother roads were demanded. By 1920 $1billion dollars a year spent on sensitive roads and $400 million a year on road maintenance. 3. Pro mannersration a. By 1912 car gross revenue are 150,000 yr. b. By 1921 reaches 1 million a year. c. By 1930 23 mil. Sold and 1 in 5 people own a car. B. Henry Ford 1. pretending T prod. In 1908 and puzzle A produced in 1928. Added color to cars in 1928 due to competition. Sued a separate trader bc Ford used the crates that the parts came in to build his model T car and they were randomly changed by the dealer who had no clue he used the wood. . Production efficiently and softwood-produced on assembly line to help cost, wa ges and efficiency better. 3. Cost was 300$ a day and wages were 5$ a day. C. impartiam Crapo Durant, GM financier/investor not a banker A. Buick, 1904 B. 1910 Ads Oldsmobile, Pontiac, and Cadillac. C. Added Chevy (cheapest of these brands) acquires suppliers such as fisher body, Remy electric and DELCO. Cars at this time were self-starters, no keys used, solely crank the engine and go. D. GMAC full general Motors Acceptance Corp. loaned you the property so you could deprave a GMC. E. 1929 & Depression Crapo lost GM and Durant owned it.Crapo had the idea of building a super market, putting every liaison into one big warehouse to make it more(prenominal) convenient, but before his idea came to life he died in 1933. D. Impact of Cars 1. Accidents and Death 30,000-40,000 deaths a year. 2. Pollution invisible pollution from 1920-60s was noble due to lead in the gasoline. Re faild from gas in 1970. 3. Morality peoples morals changed w/the use of more cars. (Lovers lane, so cial events, statutory rape) 4. Autonomy traditional cars gave people more individual and reinforced their autonomy. Cars are so culturally significant and reinforce individualism.IV. Radio Advertising prototypal mass media, by 1927 receiving set sales reached 20million plus a year. A. Psych Ads > behaviorist psychology spirit at people as a mass cabaret, studying people and stimulus, measuring a response scientifically. Stimulus ad is a buying response. B. Radio mass media KDKA, 1920 commercial station calciferol & 1922 500 radio receiver stations across the country. 2 years and radio blanketed America. NBC, 1926 first radio network. Formed by RCA, General Electric and Westing House. By 1926 conglomerates start to squeeze out the independent radio station owners. Amos and Andy, 1928 comedy radio show, black ethnic humor. beginning(a) show that acquired a case-by-case sponsor (Pepsodent tooth past(a)e) C. Planned obsolescence used engineers to create certain prod ucts. technical discipline Shift continually buying unseasoned technology products. Not really a new product, just a way to stimu late(a) the parsimoniousness by making people privation to buy something new. Immigration & second KKK I. Old and new immigration Old immigrants were 19th century ones coming from Britain, Germany, Ire drink down and other Northern Englanders. New immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe (Italians, Russian Jews (Pale), and Slavs and Greeks).II. Nativism & Restrictionist A. Origins 1. late 19th century 2. red scare immigrant radical scare 3. Eugenics fake science, ignorant people claiming a false fact. A. Madison Grant, The passion of the Great Race, 1916 refers to (WASP) White Anglo-Saxxon People who are spill to ruin and change American culture. B. Anti-Semitism rises (anti-Jew) III. KKK A. Rise in Atlanta, 1915 1. Col. Simmons Runs the KKK 2. Birth of a Nation, 1915 First recognizable icon. About American elegant War. KKK dep icted as heroic in a sense. D. W. Griffith created movie reels and hes a filmmaker. 3.Edward Clarke comes up with KKK costumes and KKK words. Hes in it for the bullion and business. B. Peak 1924 peak of the KKK. 4. 5 Mil members and require 7 states (Ok, Cal, Chi, Ind. are a hardly a(prenominal)) 1. Political Clout 2. Rural and Urban C. Fall 1925 1. David Stinson, Indiana friend of Indian govt. Ed Jackson, used KKK to enrich himself, raped depository and she tested to poison herself and died a few weeks later and Stevenson charged w/2nd degree rape and murder. This was tied into KKK. 2. Other Factors IV. Restriction statute A. 1917 Immigration Act starts process of restricting certain immigrants. . Head Tax not free to move to America. 8$ was the head tax. 2. Literacy Test proving you can read and write in a language. Didnt wish mentally incompetent people coming into the country. B. Quota Acts limits foreign-born number of immigrants. 1. 1921 Immigration Act 358,000 accepted (3% of 1910 census) (200,000 were N. W. Englanders). These were the new immigrants from S. E. Europe. 2. 1924 Immigration Act 150,000 accepted (2% of 1890 census and 132,000 could come from N. W. Europe) CRIME AS ENTERTAINMENT I. Leopold and Loeb, 1924 smart wizardry kids, lived in San Fran.A. Perfect Murder Bobby Franks was the 14 yr old kid they killed. Led him to a inactive lot and bludgeoned him to death. Leopold dropped his glasses at the crime scene. Police caught them and Loeb cracked first. Loeb was sexually attracted to Franks so that was his reason to kill him and Leopold was convicted as the accomplice. B. confession 1. Clarence Darrow Attorney of the 2 and he tried to convince the judge that they were mentally diseased. Became cognise as the insanity defense from then on. Both convicted to life in prison. C. Spectacle 1. The Rope etc. A film by Alfred Hitchcock based off the Leopold and Loeb murder. II. Hall-Mills murder, 1922-26 A. Rev. Halls and Mrs. Mills bodies were found in a lovers lane. No clear evidence of who did it. Allegations of Mills brothers killing them and Halls wife had killed them. B. streamlet sole(prenominal) evidence here was the love affair between them 2. 1. Politics 2. Pig Woman Pig farm was about a mile away. Daughters farmer was pig woman bc of her residence and appearance. She didnt see anything just heard noise of a car/gun fire. Mother claims daughter is retarded and no one ever found out who killed them.C. Spectacle 1. Radio Halls and Mills trial was played out over the radio for the 4 year duration of the entire event and everyone was acquitted. III. Lindbergh Kidnapping, 1932 famous pilot who flew around the world. Lindbergh and wife lived out in country. A. Kidnapped, March 1932 Lindbergh son was kidnapped out of 2nd story room and a lean and ransom note were left behind. Lindberg paid a ransom, but his son was never returned. B. struggle 1. Bruno Hauptman German immigrant accused of cr ime. Wood used to make ladder was from Hauptman house. He was found with some of the ransom cash.Found censurable and executed. A year later the babys body was found. C. Spectacle 1. Trail of the Century Charles Lindbergh went into hiding with his wife and they moved out of the country then back to Hawaii in a secluded discipline where he had to fly to get there. MOVIE INDUSTRY I. Tech Shift movies offered motion pictures however it was 2D on a flat screen. Nickelodeons were first movie viewing attractions. Movies weaned people from nickelodeons to movie theaters. A. 3D > 2D 1920s shift from nickelodeons to movie theaters, attracting people bc its liberalr a larger than life, woful picture with music.Started in the 19teens and became a cultural phenom. B. Motion Picture 1. Great Train Robbery, 1903 ended 8 legal proceeding 2. Motion Picture Patent Co. 1918 Located in New Jersey, tried to create a monopoly around NYC in the movie industry 3. Independents they didnt agr ee the Motion Picture Patent Co. so they packed up and headed west. 1st stop was Flagstaff, Arizona. Settled in a town north of L. A. II. Tinsel town Hollywoods nickname. (1912 13,000 movie places, 500 in NY. Attendance by 1922 40 million and 100 million by 1930. 1925 Movie industry was 4th largest. Birth of a Nation recognized as first reel movie, had 12 reels, was hours longsighted, made by D. W. Griffith. ) A. Studios squeezes true independents out Paramount, fox, MGM, Republic, United Artists & Warner Bros. ) Tried to profit from every aspect possible by vertical integration. B. Stars typecast people people gravitated to certain actors. Clara Bow it girl C. Formulas III. scandalizations A. Fatty Arbuckle, 1921 comedian in movies, despicable in real life, a person is killed of a drug overdose at his mansion, he is charged w/2nd degree murder and his movie public life is over. B.Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks she divorces her first husband and married Fairbanks, he r movie career was ruined by her growing old. In 1 movie she played 2 characters at the like time. IV. Censorship A. Dos and Donts, 1924 limited what was shown on the movie screen. B. Hays Commission Will Hays enforced censorship sex and violence (shown euphemistically not realistically). Sex sells so bleakness was pushed as far as possible to draw bigger crowds. Golden Age of Sports I. Recreational A. play of courses tripled in the 20s. Green fees and equipment fees were required to play. . Private-Elites 2. Municipal Middle Class (W. C. Fields) B. Bowling Goes back to the Dutch. 1. besiege Pins 1st form of wheel, usually they were attached to saloons. Not for families at first, men usually went and drank. 2. Gentrification 1920s bowling teams went from 5 to 40,000 and it was more family oriented and people went to have a good time. C. Baseball Clubs 1. Urban/industrial baseball players were factory workers. Sponsored teams, urban and rural would travel to play each ot her. 2. Rural people could just travel around looking for a team to join. II.Spectacle A. Golden Age of Baseball 1. Black Sox, 1919 kale white sox accepted money from gamblers to throw the game and lose in the World Series. * Judge Landis He had power over baseball to enforce rules keeping it fair and just. Juiced ball after Landis stepped to power he supposedly juiced the ball making it easier to hit homers. (he kept Negros separate from white baseball) 2. Babe Ruth 22 Yrs. in the 1920s he was a home run king. B. College root wordball game game 1. The Gate 50,000 people watched first game. 20million was spent on football by 10million fans.Bowl games were invented after the sport kept growing. 1902 Rose Bowl started. 1935 scraping Bowl started taking place at Tulane. Univ. of lolly was a founder of College football and they dropped it bc of the money and how famous football became and not the college itself. 2. Icons Knut Rockne & Gipper C. Boxing 1. Promoter Tex Rick and 1. Dempsey vs. Carpienteir 1921 this fight drew $1Million 2. Dempsey vs. Tuney, 1926 Tuney beat Dempsey by dancing around and not allowing Dempsey allowing to get hit. $1. 8 million in revenue 3.Rematch, 1927 Long view Dempsey didnt retreat to neutral corner and a long count was then abandoned to Tuney to get up, which he did, danced around and didnt allow Dempsey to hit him and he ended up win. III. Sports & Class A. operative Class Baseball B. Elite College Football designed to be a microcosm of leadership positions. You have to be tough. Expectations to be brave and go all out. * Amateur Ideal WASP (ethnocentric) * 1910 NCA is formed to background the deaths and injuries around football, enforced rules and eliminated certain plays and added pads/helmets. * 1896 Amos Stagg forms the Western Conference. Referred to as Ringers (non-college student playing football). Now they are cognise as the Big 10. * NFL formed in 1920s. George Halas was one of the founders. Bec ame an owner, player and coach of the Staley Bears who changed their name to Chicago Bears. These players were working class men and college players. * In 1920s College All America team played NFL all starts, but stopped in late 20s bc NFL was getting to good and it was adults vs. kids eventually. IV. College Football Origins A. Anglo-Saxon Ethnocentrisms 1. Social Darwinism, Gilded Age 1. Herbert Baxter Addams classic trained scholar A. Germ Theory a democratic germ theory the A. S. take with them wherever they go electing their race. Picking your scholars based on merit, i. e. meritocracy. (Basically being born into a family of power) B. Tacitus, Germania history of German tribes, a meritocracy. 2. Saxon Warrior Culture this warrior type leadership establishes college football (choose the best to be display their talent) V. NEW WOMAN 1920s I. Middle & Upper Class A. Club Women married women who formed womens clubs (General Federation of Womens Clubs forms in 1892. There are 500 members and by 1917 there are 1 million women club members.B. Professional 1. Single (Unmarried) 2. Role Model or Feminist? not doing this to represent womankind just doing it for their personal reasons. C. Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger, middle class woman who tried to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Aimed at working class. This ends up being effective to the single unmarried women who stay childless and want to keep the job they have. II. Working Class Flapper These women was flat chested, wore utterly dress and smoked cigarettes type of bitch. Rough language, went out at night, danced and had fun times. Aspired to marry up into the middle class. A.Peiss Thesis working class women establish the working class phenomenon, trying to straighten out the working class women. Didnt work to well so they picked up some of the working class ways. B. Middle Class 1. Freud Popularized for mental health let your proclivities run free, to much repression results in bad sympto ms 2. Latent Hypocrisy blatantly expressing ideas they dont practice. Behavior as well as rhetoric that pushed culture. SCOPES TRIAL trying to do away with Darwinism theory. Became hold out as the Butler Act. Teaching Darwinism in school was illegal and this passed in 3 states, Tennessee being 1.I. Dayton vs. Chattanooga Wins this trial. Dayton agrees to be put on trial if Dayton members are present at court. II. The Trial A. Judge Raulston wanted to get publicity from this. B. Prosecution 1. Hicks and Bryan C. Defense 1. Darrow & Malone, et al famous lawyers from past cases. Malone is a sophisticate from NY. III. The Argument A. Prosecution Limit limit trial to simple Yes/No questions. B. Defense Expand expand the case based on discourse the truth and including constitutional exceptions. Against 1st amendment for speaking the truth. 1. Greatest Speech C. Decision 1.One Expert Judge allowed 1 expert witness for future appeals D. The tamper House referred to Darrow & amp Malones decision to be the one expert that the judge would allow. 1. Cross-examination IV. Verdict A. Trial John Scopes violated Butler Act and was fined but never had to pay the fine and the verdict was thrown out later down the road. B. Public Opinion he wins in the court of public opinion, but was convicted in the court of Dayton. Aime Semple MacPherson I. Four Square Gospel started a gospel in the suburb away of L. A. church services were new, strange and she conducted herself like a movie star.Became a minor figure in the 1930s and died in the 40s. traditionalist who tried to use modern technologies and it backfired. II. Sensual Debauch III. Scandal Art & Literature, 1920s I. Lost Generation so many ppl were killed and it seemed that generation was lost. Referred to as the high culture A. Why so glum? 1. General Cynicism 2. WWI A. Age of Irrationalism WWI makes no sense. Tactics were irrational, terrorism started and countries were thought to be a bit barbaric. B. All quiet on the western Front, 1929. Eric Remarque everyone dies 3. Sartre Existentialism brand of philosophy.It means we exist and thats all there is to life. Everything (religion, politics, etc. ) is all made up. The only lasting society connecting people is fiction. B. Any Joy? 1. Roaring 20s 2. Behaviorist and psych C. Lit. A. Sinclair Lewis critically acclaimed. Fits into cynical idea. 1. briny Street, 1920 is about a woman who is married well and prosperous, but she is unhappy and runs off to a suburban town. 2. Babbitt, 1922- characterization of midwestern life. Became a midlife crisis story and he desired an affair. He was an unhappy individual. B. HL Mencken refers to middle class as the booshwazee.He falls off the charts and people get ignored of him in 1930s (pro Nazi) he continues to edit supporting young writers, promoting the neighboring gen of writers. 1. Baltimore sunlight D. F. Scott Fitzgerald novels are glum and cynical. He produced great American litera ture. Born in 1896, St. Paul, Minnesota and died in 1940. (Alcoholic). He had many failing businesss. I. Bg. & archaean eld A. St. Paul, 1896 B. Princeton > Army sent to Princeton where he started writing his first hold in this side of paradise. 1917 joined army. Didnt return to Princeton just wrote short stories. II. Zelda Sayre his wife whom he met while training in the army.A. Southern Belle B. offensive Breakdown C. Jazz age couple Scott and Zelda they were drunk most of their lives, living the high life, appearing to be frivolous, she got sick, was placed in a care facility so Scott could keep writing and then he died of liver disease due to alcoholism. III. Career * Great Gatsby, 1925 se recruits his literary career. Its about Gatsby whose a WWI vet who acquires wealth. In the end Gatsby dies without accomplishing his goals and dreams. Told by a narrator on the outside looking in. About old money and new money. Sad generation story that fits into the lost gene ration era. This Side of Paradise, 1920 also about the last generation. * Tender is the Night, 1934 acclaimed and a movie was made out of it. Its about a touching, loving family and the husband has a nervous breakdown that destroys the family. Drawn from Fitzgeralds own personal life. * Short Stories * Hollywood, 1939 went to Hollywood to pass more money. He was a scriptwriter. Dies here in 1940, the last one he worked on was part my lovely. * The Last Tycoon, 1940 published after his death. About Hollywood producers, scandals from the 1920s Hollywood tinsel town era. IV. EvaluationErnest Hemingway Split-Minded I. Bg. 1. oak Park, 1898 close to the prairie, spent all his time in the outdoors and skipped school. He worked for a living all the time, had a salary, didnt just write. 2. Kansas City Star was a stringer for the paper, trained as a diarist from ground up, bc hes an outdoorsman his intellectual curiosity draws him to WWI where he drives an ambulance and participat es in some attacks. II. WWI A. Italian Front B. The displease He was on the front line when a bomb hit his squad and wounded him in the groin area, this wound was thought to have ruined his manhood by others.He convalesces in a Italian hospital and this was the end of his frontline career. Went from here to Toronto Star. III. Paris A. Toronto Star B. Expatriates apart of this group, but also critiques them. C. Serious Writings Men w/o Women, 1920 (cult of masculinity refers to flight from domesticity, relates back to Daniel Boone) Manly men doing manly things in a manly way, women are not needed. In Our Time, 1924 A Farewell to Arms, 1929 The Sun Also Rises, 1926 People struggling to find relationships due to tough times, not trying to write about the lost generation but inevitably was.His phrase was The earth abides. IV. War Correspondent A. Spanish/Civil War 1. For When the Bell Tolls B. WWII V. Noble Prize, 1954 he received this, but felt this was a mind freeze down afterwards bc he thought all his work had to be up to the standard of winning the prize. A. Existentialism & Old Man and the Sea existentialism testament push you toward adventures but you dont have to push it toward tragedy. Old man and the sea is about a Cuban going out on a tiny sailboat and catches a sailfish bigger than his boat.On the way back onto the bound he is attacked by sharks who want to eat the dead sailfish, but fails and when he gets to shore the sharks have eaten largely all the fish, and the Cuban man stumbles back to his shack feeling hes a failure and felt worthless. The town saw the fish bones and thought of the fisherman as a success even though he was asleep when the people were viewing this, not knowing what they had thought. VI. The Code men doing manly things, being a man in a manly way. This is a way men can save up masculinity in a real way by doing manly things. Charles Lindbergh, 1902 1974 I. Bg. biggest hero of the 1920s for everyone at this time. A. Minnesota + Washington DC born in Minn. In 1902. Mother name was Lands and her mom was a dentist. Lindbergh family was very rich. Didnt socialize well and was left out, had few friends, and his andiron was his best friend. Always referred to his dog as his best friend. Moved to D. C. to spend time w/his dad and was around relative and politics. II. Tech & Airplanes A. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1920 attended the univ. and had an apartment w/his mom off campus. He had bad grades so he and his mom took time away and went on a road trip to Cali. B.Flying 1. Excelsion in Nebraska Acquires a excelsior motorcycle and when he got back to Minnesota he traded it for a Jenny Airplane, then flew it to cubic decimetre Field. 2. Lambert Field, St. Louis huge aviation place. 3. Flying Circuses traveled with the circus and did plane acrobatics, made money doing this. (Parachute jumping, airplane walking, and other ways to earn money. ) 4. Army, 1924 enlisted in Army Air core. Army had best airplanes and he joined so he could fly the best and fastest airplanes. Received Ceremonial General and Army didnt want Lindbergh in army bc he didnt fit into the system. . Airmail, 1926 Lindberghs plane crashed 2x and he took the mail with him when he bailed out. Crashed due to flying into bad weather. Got the name lucky lindy bc of this. III. 1927 A. The attainment he planned to fly across the Atlantic from N. Y. to Paris. Tried to buy a mono wing airplane, was unable to so he contacted Ryan Aircraft in San Diego to buy one from them. St. Louis bankers gave him money to buy it as long as their name was on the plane. His planes name was Spirit of St. Louis. He made the trip in about 33 hours, only being about 20 miles off of the destination in Paris.He flew around looking for the field and people heard him and they parked their cars creating a runway with the cars headlights. B. Well, we made it what Lindbergh has said when he come and got out of the plane. said we bc he was talking about his him and his plane that made the trip. C. Why such a hero? Hero bc he made it, survived, worldwide jubilation, became a celebrity, wrote a book called we. Caused Great Depression I. Structuralist II. Monetarist (Rose and Milton Friedman) A. Depression Cycles 1. Runs and stop payments 2. Positive result B. Federal Reserve 1. Benjamin satisfying one of 12 presidents of a fed.Reserve bank. Dominated fed. Reserve systems. Became defacto chairman of the Fed. Reserve banks. Died in 1928. After he died their was squabbling and fighting to become next president overseer. 2. believe of the U. S. C. F. D. R. Failure 1. Moratorium (temporarily stopping business) cause a genius of banking monetarily by shutting them down for a few months. clean proposed this but would not establish it until the next president came to office. F. D. R. declines this and wants to come up with his own idea. 1932-33 no bank moratorium happened and this is when banks failed and 14 ou t of 48 states only had open banks.Great Depression Stats and Conditions I. Business A. US Steal, ex. Operating at 19. 1% capacity. In 1928 made and sold 60 locomotives and in 1933 they only sold 1. B. Stock Market stocks dropped to 11% total loss of $74 billion. Money and wealth disappeared. C. Banks (5,000) D. Bankruptcy 86,000 businesses declared developcy and many others just shrank. E. G. N. P. (Gross Natl Product) 124$ billion in 1928 and 1933 dropped to 41 billion. Economy shrank by over 60%. Started in 29 and continues to summer of 33. II. Families A. Wages 1928 a family of 4 needs $2000 a year to exist.Making less than this youre poor. In 1932 average family wage is $16. 21 a week making it less than $1000 a year. %60 of families below poverty line. intimately 2/3 of the U. S. world is poor. B. Evictions people losing their homes and in 1932 273,000 people are evicted, losing their homes. C. Emigration > immigration more people were leaving the U. S. than peopl e were entering the U. S. D. Unemployment 15-17 Million people unemployed and 34 million were affected. (Industrial type of family) For agricultural families they had a family size of 7-8, and 11 million were affected.With this combined 1/3 of the U. S. population was unemployed. III. Why No Revolution? Hitler comes to power in the 1930s in Europe. No revolution in the U. S. A. delinquency American population pickd themselves, known as the protestant work ethic. (God favors the rich and hard working, you will be successful if you work hard. If you fail its your fault bc the U. S. is land of opportunity. Citizens are inclined to blame themselves during the low gear, mentation its Gods punishment for the behavior that went on in the 1920s. ) Altruistic suicide Neil Dunkein came up with this.The father/husband thinks that his family will be better without him bc he is a failure and drag the family down. B. Radical Heritage C. Business Success A. Alfred Butts created scrabble an d became rich B. Howard Johnson opened up an ice woof shop that became a successful business chain next to movie theatres and became rich C. J. Paul Ghetto in the oil industry, his industry didnt go under like most did. He bought up bankrupt oil companies and became a multi billionaire by converting oil factories to gas ones. IV. FARMS 90% in 1770s to 30% in the 1930s and less than 2% today. People are migrating off farms.Declining farm commodities is driving people away. A. Prices drop wheat is 25 cents, oats 10 cents, hogs and beef 2 ? cents per lb. , corn 7 cents a bushel. Costs a $1. 10 to raise a sheep and sell wool and you can only make 1$ back. Prices are not enough to be sufficient. No profit to be made. Drought comes upon farmers in the 30s and makes it worse. B. Dust Bowl refers to a geographic area out in the Oklahoma & Texas panhandle, parts of Kansas and New Mexico. Oklahoma got the image as being from the dust bowl. Long-term thing that pushed people of their land and went out west looking for jobs. Outsiders called those people Okies.V. The Dole refers to private charity in place when unemployment hits. A. topical anaesthetic Relief $5. 50 a week from charity a week, 286$ a year in Philly. NY is $2. 37 a week, 123$ a year & Mississippi is $1. 50 a week, 178$ a year. You have to be completely broke (no relatives to live with, no home, no job and if you accept this your kids cant go to school bc your not paying taxes since you have no property bc people pay taxes to support schools). B. Stigma VI. Middle Class Impact A. Psych Burden Falls on the women, creating a return to domesticity. Returns to wife and mother stayiat home doing housework. B.Street Smarts finding ways to save money (dine and dash, repairing your shoes on your own quite of buying new ones if falling apart, reusing bed sheets, filling up on as much fodder for as little as possible) VII. Changing US Attitudes A. Business status decreases B. Family Structure 1. Ho lding their own Women holding their own as the domesticity returns. C. Federal Status/Image- only federal action can cure the situation. Acceptance of federal presence in everyones lives (G-men come about, FBI ) D. Changing U. S. Appearance pollution declines, peeing and air is cleaner, traffic is less, petty crimes increase.Movies increase as well as gas production. Okie migration, black farmers are leaving the farms in the south. Herbert Hoover 1874-1964 I. Beginning 19th century traditionalist A. In 1895 he had 40$, invested it and in 1908 had $4million B. Youth he was orphaned off from Iowa he went to Oregon at age 7. C. Stanford B. S. 1895 1. take class treasurer, ran for office 2x and won both. Graduated with a B. S. in Geology. D. Hard rock miner minelaying through granite, igneous rock, rocks that require blasting and you go 1,000s of feet underground. 1. Nevada 1895-97 worked here in the silver boom-mining period.Lost his job when the outpouring was over, so he did nt give u, he went to Alaska unemployed. 2. Alaska Gold Rush 1897 A. Afghan Mine closed in(p) abandoned mine. Hoover investigated and using his geology skills he found that their was more amber to be found. Goes around and raises 500,000$ to onstruct a deep rock mine. He was successful and they dug out $55 million worth of gold and the investors got a 10$ million dollar profit. With this success he became a mining consultant. 3. Consultant he became a mining consultant going around helping mine companies dig in mines and be more successful and sufficient.E. World Travels 1. Boxer Rebellion 1900 Boxers were rebelling the Chinese emperor about the European influence. Hoover was in Peking China with his wife and saved innocent victims from a burning building. 2. WWI too old to fight, but is helping out with distributing American soldiers on the line. Serves on Commission of Relief, distributing relief to soldiers passim the war. Food Admin was set up and it wasnt doing very well s o Hoover was appointed to this administration making it work terming it Hooverizing the administration due to the success with him in charge. F. Sec. f Commerce Harding was elected Hoover became Sec. of Commerce. II. Hoover and depression A. President, 1928-32, 29-33 B. Causes of Depression Stock market crashed in 29, Hoover believed not to do anything thinking it would weed out the inefficient and the country will just ride it out. He believes the problems are away rooting from WWI debts such as war debts and reparation, thinking the European weakness was dragging us down. During the depression he was encouraging everyone, keeping businesses open, not striking or firing employees, but he was comely aware this was doing nothing significant. C. Policy 1.Inaction did nothing to help the economy until he realized the economy wouldnt recover itself. 2. Action By 1929 he enacted a Tax cut on the Ag. Market known as Ag. Marketing Act. This was enactive so the fed came up with $5mil for Ag farmers to purchase excess farm stuff and store them until the commodity price rose and they could sell it back off. This was ineffective in 1929 as well. Smoot Hawley Tariff was created raising tariff from 50 to 100% meant to be a wall protecting the American economy from the weak European economy. He then enacted a 1 year free of paying off loan payments from the European countries to the U.S. this did not work either. III. Bonus Army, 1932 Hoover in 1932 enacted the Recon. Finance Corp. meant to give large corporations 2. 5$ billion in loans in the states to do corporate work hiring workers, making the money trickle down. Doesnt work either. Doesnt work. Home Loan Bank Act in 1932 was created loaning money to banks so people could keep their houses, renegotiating mortgage rates and avoid foreclosure. The breathing space of a few months did not stall the foreclosure rates, just stalled it, bc if people still were unemployed they couldnt pay the banks. Stipulations given to WWI veterans. A.WWI Adjusted (compensation certificates, 1924) B. Walter Hot Waters gave fiery speeches at govt. advocating that payments to veterans be paid now not abide unitl the 1940s. Characterized as leader of the veteran movement. Wanted a march on Washington bc Hoover vetoed this bill allowing vets to be paid early. C. Congress vs. Hoover D. American Legion veteran organization, they opposed early payment do not support bonus march on Washington. They support Hoover and his veto of early payments. E. Bonus March, summer 1932 veterans were mostly homeless, they hopped on trains and hitchhiked and there were in-between 10-20,000 appear in D.C. They flocked to Potomac flats and set up shanty towns/boxes for housing. Requires a structured living quarters. I. Anacostia Flats some of these veterans move into rundown buildings and factories. When the police tried to remove them they threw bricks and stuff to ward off the cops. 1. Hoover image vs. Reality he was considered to be closed and hard nosed. 2. Gen. D. MacArthur Helped assist the Washington police to remove veterans from the buildings w/army warfare and they destroyed the buildings and encampments as well. Looked scary and really bad on the live newsfeed that captured it.Hoover did not order this, MacArthur did this on his own. Hoover criticized MacArthur in private voicing his displeasures. II. Hoover Reviled Reviled bc his image was him ordering the veterans to me killed and removed when in fact this was not true. Hoover blankets (sleeping on benches covered with newspapers), hoovervilles (living quarters made out of cardboard shacks), and hoover hog (whatever commissariat food you could find and make or eat) was named while he was president. Last stint as a huge public icon. A. Pop Culture B. preference C. Rehabilitation, 1950 and 60 FDR & New DealsI. FDR Most governing political figure in American history, elected 4 straight times. He felt it was appropriate and just the fact that he could get elected tells how powerful and influential he was. A. Beginning and youth. He was distant cousin of Theodore Roosevelt. Heritage went back to a wealthy English family that was luxurious and didnt have to work bc the family had millions. Grew up in the rich community, but he was hard working man who went to a private academy and attended Harvard. Worked as Police Commissioner in NY and served as assistant secretary of the navy.B. Polio, 1921 attacks fluid in spinal column and kills nerves, paralyzing hips, knees and legs. If moved to youre diaphragm then you had the aggressive type. Roosevelt had non-aggressive and was paralyzed from the waist down. He caught this when on vacation while on a party boat that housed a dozen or so people. Swimming back to the boat caught his polio after he swam from an island. Without polio he supposedly would not have the same success he would without it. People that voted for him knew he had polio. II. 1932 Election A. Gov. of NY B .New Deal provide people with a do over, that would rescue the country from the depression. C. Brain Trust old progressive idea. Means he relies on expert knowledge. Hiring people in fields that are the smartest, president doesnt know everything of every field. These people were his Brain Trusts listed below. They were the ones advising him on what decisions to make. He would make final decision of their arguments on certain topics. A. Ray Moley the mole pro business, wrote some of early speeches for FDR. B. Louie Howe FDRs oldest friend. Helped him with rehab and stayed by his side.Grounding to reality type of person to keep him intact with reality. C. Jim Farley liaison between White House and Democrats. D. Harry Hopkins Became the face of the New Deal. Head of WPA. E. Rexford Tugwell Head of TPA. Economics professor at Columbia Univ. III. 1st 100 Days, 1st New Deal outpouring of legislation. 14 major pieces of legislation were passed. This means congress passed legislatio n that were not finalized, they were outlined, congress passed them and president Roosevelt oked them. A. First inaugural the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Pep talk to not get people depressed. B. FDR StyleA. Pragmatist mot tied to any ideology, makes decisions based on certain instances. He calls himself this, not publicly, but he thinks of himself as a political quarterback. Make radical ideas until the economy is back to par, and then he will become conservative. B. concluding Arbiter he had the final say so in the cabinet and if you didnt agree you got out. C. mental capacity? Yes and No. Wasnt always the brightest, he was a second class student, but confident in the ideas and philosophies he did have. 1. Intellect 2. Empathy and charisma people liked him bc he had this, just something that came naturally. D. Use of Media 1.Fireside Chats people listed to his speeches by the fire, communicating directly to people in their living rooms. Big power that he used to his advantage. 2. 16 Friends FDR controlled the press, most of these were paper editors. He used these informal friends to write stories, shave stories for the better and not tell some stories in their papers. 3. Govt. Shorts refers to short films, promoting various govt. programs. The Plow that Broke the Plains and The River. Appeared in the movie theatres that were in-between movie films. IV. Eleanors Role FDRs wife. Allowed herself to be used by her husband for political purposes.If he was unsure about an idea how it would play with the public, he would have his wife propose the issue, looking like she would give them the idea, and the President and cabinet members would wait for the press to respond and see how they took the news to know if it would be a good idea. Helped insulate her husband from political fallout when necessary. V. 1st 100 days & 1st New Deal A. Cabinet 1. Henry Wallace 2. Harold Ickes 3. Frances Perkins 1st female cabinet member, lawyer by training. 4. Harry Hopkins B. Legislation 1. Banking Crisis over 5,000 banks closed and people that had money in them lost it all.A. Bank holiday declared bank holiday over fireside chats closing all banks for 1-2 weeks. Designed to make the public be less panicky. B. Banking Act Gives President authority to close the banks. Takes U. S. off gold standard. wallpaper money no longer tied to amount of gold in federal repository. C. Glass-Steagle Act June of 1933, reform legislation. Separates commercial and investment banking. Establishes FDIC, still in place today. 1. FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. $5,000 limit at the time. 2. National Industrial convalescey Act 1st solution to recover the industrial industry.Created NRA (National Recovery Administration). A. NRA & Blue Eagle symbols of politics B. Public works PWA NRA oversaw this. $3 Billion went to support PWA projects, paid %40-60, which was promote costs. C. Codes of Fair Competition 1. Title 1, Section 7A 3. Ag ricultural Adjustment Act A. Goals B. Actions encouraged farmers to destroy livestock and crops. 1. Short Term 2. Long term Estab. program of subsidy to farmers to limit them on their crop yield C. Criticism burning of crops and killing livestock b/c people are on the streets starving at the time. If youre going to subsidize farmers farm everyone else.D. Success stops downward spiral of overproduction. 4. civilian Conservation Corps A. Goals Create jobs for youth men Employs some 300,000 men, segregated B. Program employ males in the age range of 18-25 that are married and jobless. 30$ monthly. Doing natural resource work (fighting fires, building buildings, altering up communities, conservation type work). C. Criticism- CCC men are referred to as Military Brown Shirts. This is compared to things going on in Germany. People assert this to Roosevelts private army. D. Success did a 180-degree swing and became very successful based on the pics.Becomes one of the most popul ar ideas out of the New Deal. 5. Tennessee Valley dictum A. Goals B. Accomplished C. Criticism D. Success New Deals I. Evaluations A. Relief Roosevelt credited w/pre circumstances American democratic institutions. B. Recover Considered to be a failure. WWII solved the depression not the reforms. C. Reform put into place regulations, preserving prosperity. Insufficient reforms or to many reforms had be pulled back and repealed? Women and Great Depression I. Family status A. Marriage rates decline. Put on hold b/c of uncertainty of the future. B.Divorce rates decline. Increased in the 1920s, but collapsed in the 30s due to having to separate and having a lack of opportunities outside of marriage. C. Births declining rates. II. Ag Women A. Rates are down Ag families having 5-6 kids per family are fair less. B. Rural Electrification electricity to the farms were beneficial and helped even during the depression. 1935 1-10 Farms have electricity. 1941 4-10 farms have electricity. III. Working women A. 1930 Census 11 million women working constitute 24% of female population and are 22% of all workers at the time. B. 940 Census 13 million women working constitute 25% of the female population and are 25% of all the workers at the time. IV. Gender Roles and Feminism A. Domesticity is up the word feminism changes in its connotation. B. Role Models 1. Feminists Eleanor has an all female staff, gaining training in political world. 2. Traditional serving her husband as first lady. Women in sports represented the new woman in the 1920s. In the 30s you had to be beautiful and have female qualities if you wanted to be an athlete. All women were expected to be attractive. Depression Hollywood I.Stats 60-80 movies a week and 500 a year. 1930s attendance was 10 million. eviscerate for adult and 10 cents for a kid. In between movies you saw cartoon, govt. short or other reels. II. Studios MGM, twentieth Century Fox, Paramount, Warner Bros. and RKO are the only studios that survived. Continue in vertical integration and wanted to control everything, working out deals to make profits and show movies in each others studios. A. Formula organic evolution III. Cynicism in 1934 Hollywood is pushing censorships. IV. Censorship Est. A. Production Code, 1930 sometimes called the 10 commandments for movies of what they can and cant do.Violence is euphemistic, human being relationships are moderated. B. Movies 1931-33 by this time the producers are violating their own codes. Brief depictions of female nudity. Scandalous and boycotting are becoming threatening. Uproar is so great that Hollywood takes action, thinking htat if audience wont come then they in the long run stop with this and hire joseph Breen to view and censor movies from 1934 on. C. Joseph Breen looks at scripts and tears out the parts that cant be portrayed. (You can say pregnant in movies, so you say a woman is expecting.You cant show a woman and man in bed unless one of them has a foot on t he floor even if married. Hetero-social circumstances disappear due to the thought of scaring the audience away and losing money. ) leaping/musicals are the only way a man and woman can be embracing and base in the 1960s. V. Up Beat A. Hollywood 1934 IV. Womens Roles A. Light and Dark means virtuous woman (light woman) and she always gets the guy at the end. The dark woman (licentious woman) who goes after the guy and gets him for a moment eventually comes to a bad head and he goes to get the light woman.
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