Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Why Do Students Procrastinate - 1014 Words
Throughout my college career, there have been many moments where I’ve procrastinated doing homework, starting projects and studying for exams. I look back and constantly find myself coming up with excuses for why I couldn’t get an assignment accomplished prior to the night before it’s due. When in reality, the work should have been completed at least a week in advance. However, I’m not the only one whom delays getting school obligations done. Including myself, numerous college students struggle with procrastination. Julian Gordan’s presentation, â€Å"No All-Nighters: How to End Procrastination Perfectionism Forever,†did an outstanding job at addressing postponing school work. His principles consisted of comprehending the act of procrastination. Why do students procrastinate? How do they delay their obligations? And what specifically do they postpone? More in depth, his examples consisted of the effort-outcome grid, time management, knowing when to say no, and setting long and short-term goals. All of which I can say have been stable in my life, especially as a student leader. Continually, the role that I play in the student body gives me a great advantage in implementing these strategies in other people’s life. Of course, I haven’t perfected them, but I believe in everything being a learning experience, so, while implementing these principles in other people’s life, I will keep on being educated along with them. In defining procrastination, my definition is letting aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students1341 Words  | 6 PagesScale for Students (PASS) Areas of Procrastination For each of the following activities, please rate the degree to which you delay or procrastinate. Rate each item on an â€Å"a†to â€Å"e†scale according to how often you wait until the last minute to do the activity. Then indicate on an â€Å"a†to â€Å"e†scale the degree to which you feel procrastination on that task is a problem. Finally, indicate on an â€Å"a†to â€Å"e†scale the degree to which you would like to decrease your tendency to procrastinate on eachRead MoreProcastination855 Words  | 4 PagesAndrea Reily Helzner Monday, july 17, 2000 According to the article (Magazine: Journal do- Genetic Psychology, December 1999), procrastination is referred as the act of needlessly delaying a task until the point of some discomfort. This is a behavior problem that many adults experience on a regular basis. In this paper I will be talking about two studies that researched about how procrastination hits students. It will also talk about ways to put an end to procrastination and give stories about peopleRead MorePsychological And Physical Effects Of Procrastination Essay1746 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Æ' Introduction In 2007, it was found that up to 95% of students in the United States procrastinated on academic tasks. Even worse, 30% to 60% of those students procrastinated regularly and 75% of them considered themselves to be procrastinators (Skowronski and Mirowska, 2013). While procrastination can have negative effects on one’s health both physically and mentally, this lifestyle can and should be changed. Many of those who procrastinate disregard the mal-effects of procrastination. Some of theseRead MoreThe Impact of Procrastination on College Students1277 Words  | 5 Pagesdistress (Solomon Rothblum, 1984). The intentional delay of due tasks is very common among students and lately, it has become prevalent in college settings (Rabin, Fogel Nutter-Upham, 2011). According to Semb, Glick and Spencer (1979), the level of procrastination increases as an individual stays longer in universities. It was stated by Ellis and Knaus (1977) that approximately, over 70% of college students engage in this activity. Undergraduates tend to start papers during the last minute; theyRead MoreEssay On Lack Of Focus1043 Words  | 5 PagesThere are all always two types of students in this small world, first, the students that come ready to class with a three to five-page essay all proofread, nice and stapled with three transition sentences highlighted turned. Second, there are those students who come to class with not even half of a paper written out, unstapled, not a single transitional sentence highlighted and may have plenty of errors due to not proofreading the essay. Those second group of students are procrastinators, which areRead MoreThe Causes Of Procrastination815 Words  | 4 Pagesnot if it’s caused by choice. There are various factors t hat lead to procrastination such as; our being brain programmed to procrastinate, feeling like you aren’t in the right frame of mind to do a particular task, and the lack of self-confidence. Procrastination doesn’t happen just because, it is a result of our brain being programmed to do so. Typically, we procrastinate because we visualize the hardest part of something that needs to be done. It could be a range of doing a project, assignmentRead MoreStrategies for Overcoming Procrastination1081 Words  | 5 Pages(Merriam-Webster, 2010). There are lots of reasons that people can’t take that first step for such as having a busy schedule, stress, afraid of failure or wanting complete perfection; because of this, people tend to wait until the last minute to do things, lye to themselves, do other things instead of what needs to be done and avoid making decisions. Actually, waiting until the last minute gives some people just enough pressure to complete their task or time to refresh their minds. Therefore, procrastinatingRead MoreCause And Effect Of My Depression1337 Words  | 6 Pagesdone. Before long, assignments were piling up, due dates were near, and m y stress levels were out the roof. The cause that led to my downfall in college was none other than depression. My depression has affected my academic life by causing me to procrastinate, which led to my lack of motivation, resulting in my poor performance in college. This Depression is hindering my daily routine, both at home and in school. It is an emotional illness, which occurs internally, but it can also effect a person’sRead MoreInformative Speech On Procrastination1023 Words  | 5 PagesA. Attention Getter: So I’m pretty sure everyone here has had an important assignment to complete before like a project or essay. And most of us usually plan it out where we do a portion of it every day. For example, something like this chart here. But then the next thing you know, the deadline is fast approaching and you still haven’t come close to completing your assignment. And we end up somewhere like this. Well, I believe that we can all relate to this and we have all done this to ourselvesRead MoreCauses and Effects of Procrastination764 Words  | 3 Pagesattempting to complete a paper at almost two in the morning, just several hours before it was due. With my eyes heavy and my mind racing back and forth between my laptop screen and my cozy, warm bed, I always wondered why I had waited so long to finish my assignments. Why do people procrastinate? The answer differs. For some, it is for the adrenaline rush, while others it is simply because they had not found the time earlier. Whether it is the rush or the lack of free time, procrastination has many causes
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Introduction Of The Organizations Background And Nature Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3733 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Organizational behavior. Introduction of the organizations background and nature of its business.AppleInc., previously Apple Computer, Inc., is an American multinational company headquartered in California that designs, advances, and sells consumer electronics, computer software and individual computers. Its best-known hardware products are the Mac line of computers, the iPod music player, the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Introduction Of The Organizations Background And Nature Business Essay" essay for you Create order Its software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media browser, the Safari web browser, and the iLife and iWork creativity and production suites. The company was founded on April 1, 1976, and incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc. on January 3, 1977.[6] The word Computer was removed from its name on January 9, 2007, reflecting its moved focus to consumer electronics after the introduction of the iPhone. (Simon, 2007) Apple is the worlds second-largest information technology corporation by income after Samsung Electronics, and the worlds third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia. Fortune magazine named Apple the most well-regarded company in the United States in 2008, and in the world from 2008 to 2012. Though, the company has acknowledgedÂà ‚ disapproval for its contractors labor practices, and for Apples own environmental and business practices. (Simon, 2007) Apple started existing on April 1, 1976, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne  to retail the Apple I personal computer kit. The kits were hand-built by Wozniak and first revealed to the community at the Homebrew Computer Club. The Apple I was sold as a motherboard (with CPU,RAM, and basic textual-video chips), which is fewer than what is today reflected as a complete personal computer. The Apple I exited on sale in July 1976 and was market-priced at $666.66 Steve Jobs began at work on the Apple Lisa in 1978, but in 1982, he was pressed from the Lisa team due to bickering. Jobs took over Jef Raskins low-cost-computer project, the Macintosh. A battle broke out between the Lisa team and the Macintosh team over which inventio n would ship first. Lisa won the race in 1983 and became the first personal computer sold to the public with a GUI, but was a commercial catastrophe due to its high price tag and limited software designations. (Simon, 2007) In 1984, Apple next launched the Macintosh. Its entrance was publicized by the now famous $1.5 million television commercial 1984. It was directed by Ridley Scott and was proclaimed during the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII on January 22, 1984. It is now greeted as a watershed event for Apples success and a masterwork The Macintosh Portable was presented in 1989 and was designed to be just as dominant as a desktop Macintosh, but weighed a hulking 7.5 kilograms (17 lb) with a 12-hour battery life. After the Macintosh Portable, Apple publicized the PowerBook in 1991. The same year, Apple offered System 7, a major upgrade to the operating system which added color to the interface and presented fresh networking capabilities. It stayed to be the architectural basis for Mac OS until 2001. The accomplishment of the PowerBook and other products brought increasing profits. For some time, Apple was doing extremely well, introducing fresh new products and generating increasing profits in the progression. The magazine MacAddict titled the period between 1989 and 1991 as the first golden age of the Macintosh. (MacAddict, 2010) On August 15, 1998, Apple introduced a new state of the art computer significant of the Macintosh 128K: the iMac. The iMac design team was led by Jonathan Ive, who would later design the iPod and the iPhone. The iMac featured modern technology and a unique design, and sold approximately 800,000 units in its first five months. Over this period, Apple purchased some companies to create a portfolio of professional and consumer-oriented digital production so ftware. In 1998, Apple declared the purchase of Macromedias Final Cut software, gesturing its development into the digital video editing market. The following year, Apple released two video editing products such as iMovie for consumers and, for professionals, Final Cut Pro, which has gone on to be a noteworthy video-editing program, with 800,000 registered users in early 2007. In 2002, Apple bought Nothing Real for their advanced digital compositing application Wobble, as well as Emagic for their music productivity application Logic, which led to the expansion of their consumer-level GarageBand application. (Simon, 2007) Analysis of organizational behavior aspects such as individual differences, values and attitude. The phi losophy of Apple was based on an ideal that self-motivated individuals will effort harder if they do not have a boss controlling every action. The distinctive structure of Apple had allowed it to nurture and react more quickly to changes than its opponents. The purpose for the quick responsiveness is simple; it is much easier to get a project started if there are only a few people to obtain authorization from. Apple initially grew fast, because choices were made at the lowest possible level. Company headquarters made policy and oversaw all activities, but the local employees made the day-to-day conclusions on the ground in countries all over the world. This type of top-down philosophy allowed for quick reaction and resolutions to situations without involving the company headquarters, thus avoiding corporate red tape (Travglione). The organizational structure of Apple was almost non-existent and focused on placing judgment making in the hands of the people in the field. Apple was doi ng amazingly well and had gotten the attention of many people because the company worked sound and was very responsive to change. However, things took a downward turn and Apple found themselves in a outlandish finance. Apple underwent problems in regional areas, specifically in the accountability of expenditure and in fiscal decision-making. The same top-down philosophy that helped Apple grows, but also opened the door for some serious financial losses. With employees at different levels making judgments, it became difficult for the corporate office to keep trail of spending and purchasing (Offerman).Behavior at work (personality traits), personality has both internal and external fundamentals. The external characters are the observable behaviors that people trust on to identify someones personality. Personality is both inherited and shaped by the environment. Some examples of personality personas are quiet, aggressive and ambitious. While working overtime late one night, you accide ntally overhear a coworker called Fathimath having a telephone conversation in which she states that she had stolen ideas from a co-worker and close friend of yours called Ahmed. Fathimath recently received a high-status promotion on the basis of stealing Ahmeds ideas, while Ahmed has been reprimanded by his manager for not performing up to the organizations expectations. Values, perceptions and personality traits are the key ideas that shape an individuals behavior and way of doing things in day to day life as well as in organizational aspects and issues. That is why the study of these concepts is vital in the setting of organizational behavior theory. In the following, the issue talks about a dispute about a staffer named Fathimath stealing another staffer named Ahmeds idea and later Ahmed got reproved. In a situations like this, it is to be resolute how an honest employee who had known about the theft and misdeed towards Ahmed should react in an organizational setting reliant on the employees own values, perception and personality. (Offerman) Discussion on the  relationship between  organizational behavior aspects such as individual differences, values and attitude with Productivity (Job Satisfaction and Motivation) Self-Esteem is a personal decision of ones worth and the satisfaction or dissatisfaction with ones owns self. By this meaning Self-Esteem is how each individual person views themselves as a person both attitude and physical status. Self-esteem involves only one psychological perception of their own qualities and their physical appearance. Self-esteem plays a significant role of which people are and starts at a very young age. There are both positives and negative series of self-esteem. Self-esteem is the one of the most important characteristic in psychology because it can either give confidence or accept defeat .Similarly Self-efficacy is an appliance that explains an individuals behavior and perceived ability to perform a behavior. It is associated with a positive self-concept, and self-appraisal. It is the personal control that comes from grasping new experiences with anticipation of successful. It is the protection of a behavior until success is seen. Self-efficacy varies in its strength and the level of self-efficacy is jammed by the experience of success or failure related to the risk of taking actions toward change. It evolves from a persons perception of capability in performing behavior and having positive results. Self-esteem and self-efficacy both is essential to influence a persons work behavior. Values of the company These are the values that govern Apples business manners: Empathy for Customers We offer superior merchandises that fill real needs and provide lasting worth. We deal fairly with opponents and meet customers and vendors more than midway. We are honorably attentive in solving customer problems, and we will not give and take our ethics or integrity in the name of profit. (Offerman) Aggressiveness/Achievement We set forceful goals and drive ourselves hard to achieve them. We identify that this is a unique time, when our products will change the way people work and live. It is an adventure, and we are in it self-possessed. (Offerman) Positive Social Contribution We build products that extend human ability, freeing people from labor and serving them achieve more than they could alone. But beyond that, we envision to make this world a better place to live. As a corporate citizen, we wish to be an economic, intellectual, and social asset in communities where we function. (Offerman) Innovation/Vision We made our company on innovation, providing products that were new and needed. We accept the risks essential in following our vision, and work to develop headship produ cts that command the profit margins we strive for. (Offerman) Individual Performance We expect individual pledge and performance above the standard for our industry. Only thus will we make the profits that permit us to seek our other corporate goals. Each employee can and must make a change. In the final analysis, individuals define the character and strong point of Apple. (Offerman) Team Spirit Teamwork is vital to Apples success, for the job is too big to be done by one person. Individuals are heartened to interact with all levels of management, sharing ideas and recommendations to improve Apples efficiency and quality of life. It takes all of us to win. We support each other and share the triumphs and rewards together. We are eager about what we do. (Offerman) Quality/Excellence We care about what we do. We build into Apple products a level of quality, performance, and value that will earn the respect and loyalty of our customers. At Apple, quality management is essential to our continued success. (Offerman) Individual Reward We recognize each persons influence to Apples sucess, and we share the financial rewards that flow from high performance. We spot also that rewards must be psychological as well as financial, and we strive for an atmosphere where each individual can share the adventure and enthusiasm of working at Apple. (Offerman) Good Management The attitudes and behaviors of managers toward their people are of main importance. Employees should be able to trust the reasons and integrity of their supervisors. It is the responsibility of management to create a productive environment where Apple Values flourish. (Offerman) Motivations and Job satisfaction Motivation is the powers within the individual that accounts for the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at work. Apple Inc. produces highly driven individuals who work hard at their job. Managers within the organization, including Steve Jobs, lead t hrough incentive to create conditions where employees continually feel inspired to work hard. Apples highly motivated staff is one of the major reasons for their high-performance results. The company is rich in both inherent and extrinsic rewards for people whose act helps accomplish the organizations objectives. Extrinsic recompenses are provided by someone else, usually a supervisor or higher-level manager. At Apple, extrinsic rewards have included: extra vacation time, all employees receiving an iPod Shuffle, and in 2007, all full-time employees received a free iPhone. Jobs is great at celebrating his teams deeds which includes opening champagne to mark success, and educational trips to museums or exhibits. He has taken employees on havens to luxurious resorts and thrown parties at popular locations in the cities Apple operates in. The rewards vary in size from large pay bonuses to verbal praise, and acknowledgment. In contrast, intrinsic rewards occur naturally as a person does their job. The sources of intrinsic rewards such as feelings of proficiency, personal development, and self-control are all practiced by the staff at Apple. Employees have described how they enjoy and are motivated by the high capacity of people they work with, and being able to work on the state-of-the-art of technology. Due to stock option grants, employees who have worked at the company for many years have large amounts of money secured up with Apple. For majority of the staff, this is a key motivator to safeguard the companys interests. In regards to motivational theories, it does not appear Apple Inc centers as much on individual needs as do the content theories of motivation, but more on following task ends as does one of the process theories of motivation and the external environment concerns regarding the strengthening theory of motivation. The goal-setting theory, which is one of the process theories that relates to the organization, focuses on the motivational assets of task goals. Employees within the organization are highly motivated to achieve task goals, which give direction to people in their work. The proper setting and management of goals within Apple helps clarify performance expectations in the business. They provide a foundation for behavioral self-management, which helps motivate employees work performance and job satisfaction. Apple relates to the reinforcement theory of motivation because it focuses on the outside environment and the magnitudes it holds for the individual. The organization mostly applies to the positive reinforcement strategy which strengthens or increases the frequency of desirable behavior by making a pleasant importance contingent on it occurrence. Many of Apples employees have to contract with stress on a daily basis, which is the state of pressure experienced by individuals facing amazing demands, constraints or opportunities. Much of their strain comes from working factors which includes, long wor king hours, too many demands, the rush of emerging the next big product, and the fear of losing their job for those who cannot meet goals. Stress can also come from personal factors which includes the Type A personality and from non-work factors which include family occasions, economics, and personal matters. Jobs considers in putting a lot of stress on his workers as it acts in a positive way to increase effort, arouse creativity, and inspire great work; known as constructive stress. The stress employees face can also have negative effects, known as destructive stress, which damages the performance of an individual. A great example of this was recently, in July of 2009, a man who worked at an iPhone plant in China committed suicide. This was after the worker lost a fourth-generation iPhone original that he was responsible for. Employees who deal with Apples innovative products face great burden in maintaining a high-level of silence over their products. Many of the organizati ons employees are continually dealing with the stress of their job and non-work factors; consequently Apple has come up with a few tactics in dealing with stress. The organizations strict role elucidation helps reduce job worries, conflicts, and work overloads. Employees assistance programs are presented, which include: financial education seminars, tuition assistance, personal and family counseling, wellness programs, an onsite fitness center, and commuter programs Recommendations on strategies that will positively impact productivity. At Apple, areas of enhancement could be made by removing the use of intimidating power within the organization. Coercive power is inducing an individual through punishment. Employees have reported that they have coerced to do something through verbal warnings. This only hurts the organization by making employees not want to work for management out of liking for their job, but out of fear they are going to be rebuked in some way. In respects to leadership and power, I believe Apple can develop in empowering other people. Empowerment is the process through which managers enable and help other individuals to gain control and have more influence within the company. This would improve the organization by not making it a one genius that leads the company model. It would help relieve Steve Jobss work and when people are empowered to act, they are generally more committed to their task and producing high-quality work. It would show the self-assurance management has in their employees, and their respect for the talents and creativity they own. (Essay bank, 2013) I believe Apple could improve stress management by not putting as many demands on employees, lessening the amount of work hours a week and not putting stress on workers to increase effort and inspire great work. As it is hard for an organization to limit personal and non-work factors of strain, Apple can improve in dropping the amount of work factors of stress. The organization needs to focus on preserving constructive stress, but removing destructive stress. Detailed Plan of Improvement Apple Inc. does not emphasis as much on the individual wants of their employees, which relates to the content theories of motivation, but more on the achievement of task goals and the external environment consequences, which relate to the process and reinforcement theories of motivation. One of the content theories of motivation, the Hierarchy of Needs Theory developed by Abraham Maslow, is a great theory to appliance into the organization to improve motivation. This theory states that there are two categories of needs: Lower-order needs- include physiological, safety, and social concerns, and higher-order needs- include esteem and self-actualization concerns. The serenity of lower-order needs, which desire social and physical well-being, and higher-orders needs, which desire psychological expansion and growth, leads to great behavior and attitudes of people at work. (Offerman) Maslows theory describes two principles enlightening the effects of needs on human behaviour. The first is the deficit principle, which states that a satisfied need is not a motivator of behaviour. The second is the progression principle, which states that a need at one level does not become stimulated until the next lower-level need is already satisfied. The goal of Apple in applying this theory would be to allow all employees to spread through the hierarchy until they reach the level of self-actualization. At this level, employees begin to be motivated by opportunities of self-fulfillment. If managers within Apple followed this theory, employees would not have rundown needs which result in negative attitudes and behaviors, which in turn affect the organization in many different aspects. There are many different ways managers can use Maslows ideas to better meet the necessities of their staff. (Offerman ) A detailed plan to apply this theory would first begin by looking at the order of the needs in the hierarchy. The hierarchy of human needs is, from first to last: physiological, safety, social, esteem and lastly self-actualization needs. Below is an example on how Apple can fulfill each of these individual needs. (Travglione) Physiological needs Providing rational work hours, rest and refreshment breaks, and physical relaxation when working. Safety needs Apple already does a good job in providing for some of these needs, such as safe working settings, base reparation, and benefits. It could still improve in job security, which is eradicating the threat many employees feel of losing their jobs because of their performance. Social needs Refining the group atmosphere between managers and workers, by having friendly co-workers and amusing supervisors. Allowing all individuals to feel a sense of fitting in is important. This need is important to satisfy within the Apple organization as it has many team-based projects. More communal events could help improve the serenity of this need. Esteem needs Apple can fulfill employees esteem needs by giving them more duties for important jobs, allowing the opportunity for promotion to a higher job rank, and more compliment and recognition from Steve Jobs and other managers. Ensuring workers know their involvement helps in reaching the organizations goals and making certain they receive credit for what they have done results in good self-esteem, leading them to be more productive and effective. Self-actualization needs As Apple already offers creative and challenging work through the products they improve, and participation in decision making, they could further help in satisfying this need by allowing more job elasticity and independence. Apple should allow employees to feel that they have touched the place they want and by fulfilling the self-actualization need more and more, the individual is supposed to grow stronger. (Travglione) Conclusion Apple inc is still improving with developing their culture to be more broad and colorful then it already is. Though there are some adjustment that needs to be attended, nevertheless the company has been thriving with its glory to achieve a certain level of excellence, for example their way of motivating their staffs to think in an innovating way is completely remarkable compared to other technology companies. Due to these factors there is a sense of serenity and temperance in their work environment which allows them to think in a broader manner, which hence forth leads to new types if innovating products such as the Mac os X tiger is one of the most powerful desktop operating systems in the apple computer world. Due to the fact that their motivation system is robust, after an employee has introduced an innovation the incentives received by the company to the staff is also very luminous, which in fact lifts up the employ ees self-esteem, thus a more satisfied employee A satisfied employee is always a gold mine to any company. It will affect his/her ability to engage in between communications with their customers in a healthier manner. Thats why the company values include empathy for its customers. Because the company is open for many drastic improvements now it become the most leading and inspiring company of this century which creates state-of-the art ground breaking technologies, thus improving its faithful customers life and integrity. Bibliography Computeractive. (2009). Mac world. Essay bank. (2013, February). Leadership and Motivation. Retrieved from Essay Bank: https://essaybank.degree-essays.com/business/leadership-and-motivation-of-the-members-of-the.php#ixzz2Ll8RXm5m Essay bank. (2013, February). Organizational Culture. Retrieved from Essay Bank: https://essaybank.degree-essays.com/business/leadership-and-motivation-of-the-members-of-the.php#ixzz2Ll9AC9TR MacAddict. (2010). Mac. Mediac Mac. (2009). Apple-ology. Offerman, S. (n.d.). Apple. 376-92. Simon, M. (2007). History Of The Apple. Travglione, M. S. (n.d.). Apple Culture.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Cognitive and Social Learning Theories - 793 Words
1.Question 1and Question 2, Cognitive learning theory and Social learning theory 2.Question2, Reinforcement theory, Constructivism theory and Sensory stimulation theory 3.Question 3 4.Referencing Question 1 Define the concept LEARNING (10) Learning refers to ones change in knowledge or behaviour as the outcome of experience. Learning is an process that does not stop. Ones learning curve continues for the lifetime of the individual. Most learning happens through experience eg. training. Learning is ones development or improvement of skills, finding new ways in which things can be done for a better result. Learning is not only a acquired through formal structured activities at school, university and a the workplace but also from interacting with people and observing their inputs and outputs. Question 2 There are many different theories of how people learn. Discuss the following theories of learning which are major perspectives on workplace learning Cognitive learning theory-. Cognitive learning theory of psychology tries to interpret human behavior by understanding what goes on in ones mind, the thought process.The main focuses are on how humans solve problems and how one interprets information. The major theorists in the cognitive approach are Koffka, Kohler, Lewin, Piaget, Ausubel, Bruner, and Gagne. They argue that ZealBergh(2011).Workplace learning, learning also takes place through memory, judgement, problem solving, reasoning and understanding.Show MoreRelatedSocial Learning Theory And Cognitive Theories Of Learning1146 Words  | 5 PagesSocial learning theory dates back to the early 1960’s, which integrates behavioral and cognitive theories of learning. By integrating the two theories it helped to provide a comprehensive model of learning experiences that occurs in one’s life. The social theory heavily relies on the observation, also known as modeling behaviors. Modeling can be achieved in several dif ferent ways such as, a live model, which entails the watching an actual person behavior. Verbal instruction is another method ofRead MoreCognitive Social Learning Theory1065 Words  | 5 PagesCognitive Social Learning Theory John Tabro May 3, 2012 Cognitive Social Learning Theory I have selected this theory primarily because I believe that a great majority of our learning during the course of our entire lives is achieved by observation. Bandura’s social cognitive theory is a learning based on the ideas that people learn by watching what others do and that human thought processes are central to understanding personality. While social cognition experts agree that there is a fairRead MoreBehaviorism or Social Cognitive Learning Theory1429 Words  | 6 Pages Behaviorism and social cognitive theories are two great theories to use when setting up a behavior management plan in the classroom. They both offer reinforcements to get desired behaviors. 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However, for people with disability, this learning process can often be hindered by the lack of abilities, or external and internal stimuli such as prejudice and self-efficacy respectively (Conyers, Enright, Strauser, 1998). The following essay will discuss two learning theories, behaviourism and social cognitive theory (SCT), inRead MoreYouth Gangs And The Cognitive And Social Learning Theory1850 Words  | 8 Pagescorrelation of youth gangs and how the cognitive and social learning theory comes in to play, and why female and male juveniles end up in the system. It will touch bases on how youth surroundings have a lot to do with the decisions they choose to make and the life style they end up living. Gangs usually recruit youth off the street, if a child sees that being a part of a gang is an everyday thing and is norma l then they will be influenced more to do that. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement, Or Job Rotation - 885 Words
In the case study presented, a number of recommendations are presented to HIM leaders to assist in increased productivity by navigating the tasks of job enrichment, job enlargement, or job rotation. Layman (n.d.) explains the primary objective of this case study is to assist HIM leaders through this process in order to achieve the main goal of â€Å"working smarter†. Throughout this exercise, HIM leaders are encouraged to first identify the changes impacting the effective management of health records. Layman (n.d.) identifies that changes such as sector changes, organizational changes, and employee perceptions must be factored in prior to setting any goals for what changes are required, how they will impact staff, and what the outcomes of these changes will be. For example, I was part of the IT team at a hospital where we implemented a new electronic medical record system to replace the process of paper medical records. During that transition, the leadership in the HIM department needed to completely redesign the workflows of each of their functional roles in the department. In the process, these leaders set clear goals to confirm every workflow was addressed and redesigned, each role was evaluated and redesigned, and to put measures in place to ensure all compliance and regulatory issues were addressed, maintained, and evaluated on a regular basis. Considering the significant change to workflow between paper and electronic medical record keeping, many of the roles wereShow MoreRelatedJob Enlargement, Rotation And Enrichment864 Words  | 4 Pagesunderstand how job enlargement, rotation and enrichment, play a critical role in the workplace motivation. Each of these components has a certain level of similarities and differences that can b e helpful or harmful in an organization. According to Chung and Ross (1977), horizontal job loading is a phrase used to describe job enlargement. It adds more task elements to an existing job and requires that employees perform large units of work instead of fragmented portions. Job enlargement could have theRead MoreAnalysis Of Elizabeth Grammar On Job Redesign1064 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: JOB ENRICHMENT 1 Analysis of Case Study by Elizabeth Layman on Job Redesign University of the People JOB ENRICHMENT 2 Introduction Job design is a tool meant to work as motivator for employees. It is meant to increase job satisfaction and commitment. By the same token, it is meant to decrease turnover and absenteeism (Carpenter, M., Taylor, B., Erdogan, B., 2009). Elizabeth Layman offers a broader perspective on how job redesign changed the working environment in the Health InformationRead MoreTraditional Approaches For Job Design824 Words  | 4 PagesTraditional Approaches to Job Design There are many different approaches to job design including scientific management, job rotation/job enlargement, job enrichment, and job characteristics theory. Good job design assists in avoiding performance concerns, as well as improved productivity and enhances employee welfare. Each different approach to job design provides specific benefits to employees as well as the organization. The first approach is the scientific management approach. Scientific ManagementRead MoreThe Practical Implementation Of Motivation Theory Essay910 Words  | 4 PagesJOB AND WORK REDESIGN INTRODUCTION To assist in the practical implementation of motivation theory, we will assess the benefits of job and work redesign in relation to goal setting. 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This changes the procedures followed by employees. Added tasks and different polices can increase job stress and effect performance. To stay ahead of these issues it is recommended to perform a frequent analysis of goal setting, job structure, and organizational context. In the case study we reviewedRead MoreHr Container Store1031 Words  | 5 Pagestime employees. Employees have autonomy in the container store. Autonomy plays major role in performance and leadership development, because autonomy allows employees to do work with their unique way. ‘Each person have unique way to perform different jobs, they can perform best with their way rather than instruction’ (Hunt, 2007). There is close relation between organizational culture and behavior. And employers can achieve high commitment from employees in collaboration culture. 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Research Material And Warding Off The Temptation Of...
Final Project The main focus for this unit of study is the importance of properly citing research material and warding off the temptation of plagiarism. With so much information on the internet, and so much pressure required of the students to excel, the ability to cut and paste a portion or a whole paper is too great. If the students are taught the rewards and benefits of doing research honestly, they will be less likely to succumb to temptation. Educators and librarians need to collaborate to instill these ethical and moral lessons to produce honest and original work from our students. Rationale for selection of instructional models The social-interaction model was chosen for the first lesson because pre-research strategies was the topic. Brainstorming techniques can be best developed in a small group setting. Being able to work as a team, the students can come up with ideas that might not have been thought of before. This form of instruction enables the students to work with others, something they will have to do as they enter the real world. The second lesson used direct instruction to instruct the students about proper citation and the responsibility towards plagiarism. Using this form of instruction, the students will be able to pick up on the importance of the topic by keeping their attention completely on what is being taught. Hopefully the students will understand the extreme importance not to plagiarize and the repercussions if one gets caught. Even thoughShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesprovide full and informed coverage of a range of contemporary developments in the field. Notably, it includes diverse contributions to organization theory made by critical management studies. It really is pathbreaking in terms of its inclusion of material that does not appear in other texts. Professor Hugh Willmott, Cardiff Business School, UK This is one of the most up-to-date and comprehensive texts in the field of organization studies. It takes the reader through different perspectives and v arious
Right To Vote Should I Do Essay Example For Students
Right To Vote Should I Do? Essay In the constitution it says, ?the right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteenyears of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or bya State on account of age.? When asked why I think I would vote, in this upcomingelection, or any other I would have to say because it is my right. A right given to me bythe government allowing me to have a say about what goes on in our country today. IfI was eighteen I would take full advantage of the opportunity to help make the decisionof who runs our country. The statistics show that in the United States the amount of eligible voters thatactually vote is extremely low. I think this is because a lot of people think they wontmake a difference. This is the wrong attitude to have because if you dont vote youhave no right to complain. If you dont take advantage of the opportunity to have a sayin what goes on then you didnt take proper action and cant complain cause you hadthe chance to make a difference. On t he other hand there are also the people that saythey dont have time to vote but really they have plenty of time. That is no excuse. There are also a fair number of people who say they dont like either of the candidatesso they arent going to vote. I dont think this is the right view to take because even ifyou dont like the candidate maybe there is an issue that you can agree with or aparticular stand point that you can take a side on. Therefore, the freedom that is givento we, the people, to participate in the affairs of our country should be taken up on. Many wonder how to go about raising the percentage of voters. Those peoplethat think they dont make a difference should be told that there is no chance of makinga difference if you dont vote. Taking the few minutes it actually takes to put in a votecouldnt hurt and will make more of a difference than doing nothing. Potential votersthat argue they dont have the time I think they should make it available over theInternet and also extend the voting time period to accommodate more people. When I get the chance to vote, the next election, I am going to act upon myrights given to me. I want to participate in what happens in our country. Eventually,when I move out of the house all of the issues that are debated on will effect me. Ihope that I can make a difference in what happens in our country and to the people. Ihave heard a lot of my friends say that it doesnt matter because it wont effect them. That isnt true though. Issues such as, abortion, gun control, child welfare, health care,and so forth all effect the present and our future. Even if we dont have to deal withthem, our parents still do. The fact that our voting percentage has gone down over the years is very sad. Itshows how people these days dont care what happens or if they do have become toolazy to act upon it. People should become more involved and get excited about thepolitical happenings. Our country is a country people look up to and dream aboutcoming to. We dont value the fact that we have a free country and one of the fewworking democratic countries during this time. We often dont realize how lucky weare. I think sometimes a lot of people take for granted the benefits we get from ourcountry and dont realize by participating and being a good citizen how much we canimprove our system; if we take the time to assume the responsibility given to us by thetwenty-sixth amendment. It amazes me how people once fought f or liberty, justice,and freedom and now we would rather watch each other fight on TV talk showsinstead of fighting for what we believe in. It is every United States citizens right andresponsibility to participate and be involved politically. These rights are given to us forour betterment and well-being. We might as well use them and appreciate them. Bibliographyhttp://www.georgewbush.comhttp://www.dallasnews.com/specials/bush_campaignhttp://www.georgewbush.com/News.asp?FormMode=NR;ID=1756http://www.dallasnews.com/specials/bush_campaign/issues/1210bu1sh.htmhttp://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/04/20/campaign.school/index.htmlhttp://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/DailyNews/guns000420.html
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay on Corporate Governance
Question: Write an essay on Corporate Governance? Answer: Introduction FRIEDMAN states Corporate Governance is to conduct the business in accordance with the owners or shareholders desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of society embodied in the law and local customs Fernando (2009, p.9). The concept of corporate governance academically is perceived to be the problems which occur after separating ownership from control, from this perspective is the focus of internal structures of the board and the rules for disclosure of information to the shareholders and creditors, also the control of the management. Fernando (2009, p.9) Corporate governance is the pre-requisites for sustainability of a companys survival as also growth Prasad (2011). Corporate governance purpose is to involve the promotion of efficiency with in the capital markets but also demands the importance of the firms capabilities with the stakeholders to have a healthy and stable ambiance on a long term basis. The corporate governance should also improve the board of the directors control in regards to the corporate affairs. The principle of the corporate governance is that the companies should be fair and it policies are transparent to all stakeholders when disclosing the facts and safeguarding the shareholders values. This should also show the accountability of the board to the equity holders/stakeholders. There should be a system of checks and balances which prevents the miss use of power through a timely and corrective action (Prasad, 2011). The arrival of governance codes in 1992, the Cadbury Report was based upon what is considered to be good practice and known to be of a great use for the non executive independent director and the initialization of a separate audit committee with independent members. Critics of the Cadbury Report 1992 argued that this emphasis of for the directors would provide an influence and control for the two tier supervisory board. Also it lacked the legal enforceable sanctions instead of a just delisting the defaulters on the board . In comparison, USA, the companies follow the states law in which they are incorporated. Hilt (2014.p 2). Corporate governance comprehensively alludes to the processes, mechanisms and relations through which organizations are directed and controlled. The governance structure distinguish an appropriation for the righsts and responsibilities for the different members within an organization, where the example could be associated with the directorate, investors, managers, creditors, regulators, and diverse partners) and this involves the guidelines and settling frameworks on corporate issues. Corporate governance includes the courses of action from where the objectives of goal are located and situated after in the connection of the administrative, social and environment market. The mechanisms of governance include overseeing of the activities, choices and approaches of companies emulated by the specialists. The practices of Corporate governance are influenced by endeavors to adjust the stakeholder's interests. Interest in the practices of current corporate governance, especially in connection to responsibility, expanded after the huge falls of several vast companies amid 20012002, the maximum of which incorporate accounts misintrepretation; and afterward the financial crisis in 2008. The scandals on a corporate basis of diverse structures have resulted in a public and political interest for the corporate governance regulation. Within the US, this includes MCI and Enron Inc . Their end is connected with federal government through US imposing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002, proposing for the restoration of the confidence of public within the corporate governance. Similar disappointments in Australia (One.Tel, HIH) are connected with the consequent entry of the CLERP 9 changes. Comparable disintegrations in several nations triggered huge and increase in regulatory interest . Corporate Governance in Other Jurisdictions Previously, the corporate governance's previous corporate governance model underlines the interests shareholders. It depends on a BODs that is single tiered that is ordinarily overwhelmed by shareholder's elected non executive directors. Due to this, it is otherwise called "the unitary framework". Inside this framework, numerous boards incorporate organizations' executives that are basically board members from ex offico. The directors that are non executive are needed to dwarf and hold key posts for executive directors that includes compensation along with audit committees. Within the Uk, the Chief Executive Director for the most part never additionally serve as a Board Chairman, while within US in accordance with norm of a role that is dual in nature, in spite of major hesitations with respect to the effect on corporate governance . Around US, on a specific basis, corporations are governed by the state laws, while the trading and offering of corporate securities incorporating the shares, and gets administered by the legislation on a federal basis. Several states around US have embraced the MBCA i.e. Model Business Corporate Act, however the predominant state law for publicly traded organizations is Delaware, which keeps on being the place of consolidation for the most of the publicly traded corporations. Individual rules for the organizations that are based upon the corporate sanction and, less legitimately, the corporate ordinances . Shareholders can't start changes in the corporate contract in spite of the fact that they can launch changes to the corporate by laws The UK model first came about in 1844 by the Joint-Stock Companies Act as illustrated by Tricker (1984, p.14) the underlying concepts are constrained by company law. The Board of Directors are the direct deciders on how best to run the company. There is no distinction between executive and non-executive directors in terms of the law. Neither is there the requirement to separate the chairman and the chief executive roles. Compared to a German model, where there is a difference between the governance and management is very clear as well as the description of the respective responsibilities of the two boards. The supervisory board has no executive power over direction or executive action but has the authority to appoint, approve or remove the management board. Hilt (2014 p.2). Interests of Shareholders In contemporary business companies, the primary groups of external stakeholders are shareholders, trade creditors and customers; suppliers, and groups influenced by the activities of corporation. Internal stakeholders' are the governing body i.e. the BODs, employees and other executives A great part of the contemporary interest for corporate governance is concerned with relief of the interest conflict between stakeholders. In vast firms where there is a ownership separation and no controlling shareholder and management, the issue of the principalagent emerges between an upper management i.e. agent which may have separate interests, and by definition significantly more data, than shareholders i.e. the principals. The peril emerges that, as opposed to directing management for the benefit of shareholders, the directorate may get to be protected from shareholders and indebted to management . This perspective is especially displayed in contemporary public debates and advancements emulated by the administrative policy. The way out to prevent or mitigate irreconcilable situations incorporate the techniques, laws, strategies, customs, and institutions which have an effect on the way the control is exercised on an organization. A critical topic of governance is the nature and degree of corporate responsibility. A related discourse at the macro level spotlights on the effect of a framework associated with corporate governance on economic efficiency, with a positive emphasis on the welfare of shareholders. This has resulted in a specific literature that is targeted and had a consideration on an economic analysis. Models of Corporate Governance Distinctive corporate governance models differ as per the free enterprise assortment in which they get lodged. The Anglo-American form of Corporate Governance has a tendency to underline the shareholders' interests. With the Multi stakeholder Model connected with Japan and Continental likewise considers the interests of managers, workers, customers, managers and suppliers. There is a considerable refinement in between the models of network orientated and market orientated corporate governance. A Multi-partner Model is an organizational structure or framework which makes an adoption of the process of multi stakeholder procedure of policy making or governance, which expects to unite the essential stakeholders, for example, organizations, governments civil society, research institutions and NGOs to chip in and engage in the dialog, implementation of the solutions for goals or common issues . A stakeholder alludes to an individual, group or association that has an interest whether direct or indirect within a particular organization; that is, a given activity can impact the actions of an organization, policies and decisions to accomplish results Different Perspectives of Defining Corporate Governance Corporate governance has additionally been all the more barely characterized as a law framework and methodologies are sound by which companies are controlled and coodinated by concentrating on both internal and external structures within a corporate level with the plan of observing the director activities and management and in this way, alleviating the risks within an agency which might develop from the corporate officers wrongdoings. One of the sources characterizes CGas "the arrangement of terms that makes a bargaining of hte generated quasi rents for firm. The firm is illustrated as acting for the governance structure through the mechanism of contract. Here corporate governance may incorporate its connection to corporate finance as well. Principles of Corporate Governance Contemporary discourses of corporate governance have a tendency to allude to standards brought up in three released documents following 1990: The Cadbury Report, the Principles of Corporate Governance, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 The According to OECD, it reports current general standards around which organizations are relied upon to operate to guarantee a relevant governance. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, casually alluded to as Sox or Sarbox, is an endeavor by the government in the United States to enact a few of the standards suggested in the OECD and Cadbury reports . An equitable and rights treatment of shareholders: Organizations ought to regard the privileges of shareholders and help shareholders to practice those rights. They can help shareholders practice their rights by transparently and successfully imparting data and by urging shareholders to take an interest in typical meetings. Interests of Shareholders: Organizations ought to perceive that they have legitimate, contractual, market driven and social obligations to the stakeholders that are non shareholder that includes employees, suppliers, investors, creditors, communities, clients and other policy makers. Board Responsibilities: The board needs adequate pertinent aptitudes and comprehension to audit and challenge the performance management. It likewise needs satisfactory size and suitable levels of commitment and independence . Ethical behavior and Integrity: Integrity ought to be a key necessity in picking corporate officers and board individuals. Organizations ought to add a code of conduct for their executives and directors that makes a promotion of responsible and ethical decision making. Transparency and Disclosure: Organizations ought to clear up and develop publicly known responsibility of management and board to furnish stakeholders with a level of responsibility. They ought to likewise execute strategies to freely check and protection of the uprightness of the organization's financial reporting. Exposure of material matters concerning the organization to be convenient and adjusted to guarantee that all speculators have admittance to clear, true data. Volkswagen Corporate Governance Issues At Volkswagen, there were several corporate governance issues. The main issue focused on the between electing institutional investors and other conflicts of interests. One basis purpose behind why Germany's greatest firms have not cut numerous occupations is its appreciated model of capitalism on a stakeholder basis, which flourished after the Second World War and added to its quick financial development until the 1980s. Under this model, laborers' delegates fill a large portion of the seats on supervisory boards of the firm. A different administration board is in charge of maintaining the business normal. Organizations are additionally needed to act in light of a legitimate concern for all "partners", not simply of shareholders. That develops some sort of tension between jobs and profits. It is explored that 83% of the surveyed German directors considered that the organizations they worked for had a place with partners instead of shareholders. Almost 60% said that sparing occupations was more critical than paying profits. In America and Britain, by complexity, very nearly 90 percent of managers said that paying profits was more critical than saving occupations and 75 percent of managers felt that organizations fit in with their shareholders. Conclusion Corporate governance purpose is to involve the promotion of efficiency with in the capital markets but also demands the importance of the firms capabilities with the stakeholders to have a healthy and stable ambiance on a long term basis. The corporate governance should also improve the board of the directors control in regards to the corporate affairs. Corporate governance extensively alludes to the mechanisms, relations and processes by which organizations are coordinated and directed . The administrative structures recognize the distributions of responsibilities and rights among distinctive members in the enterprise, (for example, the directorate, directors, shareholders, auditors and regulators) and incorporates the procedures and rules for the decision making in corporate affairs. Corporate governance incorporates the procedures through which companies' goals are situated and sought after in the setting of the regulatory, social and market environment. References Bhasa, M. P., 2011. Global corporate governance: debates and challenges. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 4(2), pp. 5-17. Kushkowski, J. D., 2010. Core Journals in Corporate Governance: An International Review: implications for Collection Management. CORE JOURNALS IN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, 12(4), pp. 12-28. Moir, L., 2012. What do we mean by corporate social responsibility?. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 1(2), pp. 16-22. Shleifer, A., 2011. A Survey Of Corporate Governance. Journal of Finance, 14(2), pp. 15-27. Spitzeck, H., 2010. Stakeholder governance: how stakeholders influence corporate decision making. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 10(4), pp. 378-391. Talamo, G., 2012. Corporate governance and capital flows. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 11(3), pp. 228-243. Thomsen, S., 2011. Corporate values and corporate governance. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 4(4), pp. 29-46. Vinten, G., 2010. The corporate governance lessons of Enron. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 2(4), pp. 4-9. Hilt, E) 2014, 'History of American corporate governance: Law, institutions, and politics',Annual Review Of Financial Economics, 6, p. 1-21, Scopus, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 March 2015 Prasad, K, Corporate Governance, 2nd Edition. 2011 by PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, E-Book 5th November 2011 p. 285-286, Viewed on 05 March 2015 Fernando, A.C.,2009 Corporate Governance Principles, policies and Practices, 3rd Edition, Dorling Kindersley (India) PVT Ltd, Licence of Pearson Education in South Asia, New Delhi p.9-10 Tricker, R. I, 1984, Corporate Governance, Gower, Vermont
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