Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Essay on My Son the Fanatic Essay
After several terrorist attacks, society have focused and learned a lot about Islamic extremist, Jihad and countries of the Middle East in general. Almost every day the news contains stories about how orthodox Muslims and al-Qaeda recruits young promising students to fight the suppression of Muslims all over the world. This is also the issue which is talked about in this short story: â€Å"My son the fanatic†by Hanif Kureishi. Ali is one of those promising students. He got straight A’s and was remarkable at cricket, swimming and football, had lots of friends and a lovely girlfriend. He was completely integrated in the English society. Then suddenly he becomes an orthodox Muslim and gives all of his belongings away, possibly because he is the â€Å"type†of Muslim who believes that only by neglecting the material world you are a true Muslim, or it’s because all of those things is a symbol for the western world which he is trying to escape from. Ali also changes his attitude. He disperses with his friends and his girlfriend and begins to talk harsh and disrespectfully towards his father Parvez. He and his father used to be like brothers, â€Å"We were not father and son – we were brothers! (P. 194 l. 14-15) They used to talk about everything but after Ali’s â€Å"transformation†, it’s really awkward when they are together. Parvez takes Ali to a restaurant and tries to break the silence but Ali was extremely reluctant to talk and started lecturing Parvez on all his wrongs in life according to the Koran. He no longer talks to Parvez as his father but like he is somebody that he must convince to become a Muslim. Parvez is the father of Ali. He is born in Pakistan but is now a taxi driver in England. He loves living in England is completely integrated in the western culture. He does everything he can to create a normal life for his family. He works a lot to give Ali a first-class education. However, Ali drops out of school and Parvez is bothering his head about it. He talks to his friends about and they concludes that he must be taking drugs, however, after a few days with that theory, he finds out that Ali has become an orthodox Muslim, it consequently breaks Parves’ heart. Parvez isn’t Muslim but believes that you should live your life the way you want to, but still respect others. He believes that if you would like some pork or a drink you should be allowed to have it. This and his friendship with the brass Bettina clash with Ali’s orthodox belief. Parvez has the amazing ability to see something good in everyone. Even when Ali disgraces him at the restaurant he still believes in the good in him. Bettina is one of Parvez’ regular customers due to being a brass and therefore working late, when Parvez like to work. She is an extremely good friend of Parvez and he can talk to her about things he wouldn’t even discuss with his wife: â€Å"he could talk to her about things he’d never be able to discuss with his own wife. (P. 195l. 1-2) Nevertheless Bettina is, for Ali, a symbol of everything that is wrong about the western society. Ali might also think that Bettina has something with his father that his father doesn’t have with his mother. Bettina also helps Parvez trough the tough times when he don’t know what is going on with Ali. I think the reason that the writer has chosen a prostitute to be the wise one is to show how Parvez can see something good in everyone, even those who you see as the bottom of the society. The ending drastically shows how frustrated and powerless Parvez is feeling. He has no idea of what to do. Everything he has worked for is just tossed out the window. To sum up the themes of this short story it’s all about clash of cultures. We have the western culture which we see in Bettina and Parvez meeting the Islamic culture which is represented by Ali. It also takes up the theme about the relationship between father and son, and furthermore how a father’s expectations can make a son go the opposite direction.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Othello – Consider the significance of Act 3 Scene 3 to the play as a whole
What impressions does this episode make on the audience and by what means? How does Shakespeare prepare the audience to find this episode believable? Othello was written by Shakespeare around 1602 and was set 35 years previously to that time (around 1571) during the Elizabethan era. Shakespeare got the idea for the play from the Italian Novella ‘Gli Hecatommithi' and only changed minor details slightly. He kept the same plot but some of the characters and themes in the play were very different. The play itself is a tragedy and includes the things that Aristotle defined as what a tragedy should include. Firstly, a protagonist, this is Othello. He is the protagonist as the play shows the story of his fall from a place of eminence as is required in all tragedies according to Aristotle. Othello is a tragic hero in that he portrays a man with much greatness. Othello also has many weaknesses. In order to really understand the character of Othello, we have to understand him as a tragic hero with greatness and weakness. At the beginning of the play his life is in order, as he was married to the beautiful Desdemona, the younger daughter of a well-respected Senator, Brabantio. However, Othello is a Moor, and their marriage was frowned upon. In the play Othello is seen as a ‘moor' therefore an outsider, he has to try to come to terms with Venetian rules. His fatal flaw is his jealousy, which is set off by Iago, the villain of the play. This noble man meets with tragedy by falling to Iago's temptations and believing that his wife is unfaithful to him. This is because Iago is the antagonist in the story, also a vital part to a tragedy. He plays on Othello's weakness, bringing out his fatal flaw of jealousy and making him believe that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. During the course of the play, Iago kills Roderigo and Emilia, his wife; and he stabs Cassio, wounding his leg. His manipulation leads to the deaths of Desdemona and Othello. In the play there is physical movement of the characters from Venice to Cyprus, which helps towards the insecurities of Othello developing further. Venice was where the love between Desdemona and Othello developed and therefore gives the relationship a sense of security. In Venice any problems there is order and control and any problems are dealt with swiftly and even though Othello is still an outsider he is valuable to them. However, the move to Cyprus makes Othello vulnerable in that he is no longer valued and is being moved away from what he knows – into the unknown, which makes it easier for Iago to play on Othello's insecurities as they are more susceptible to attack. Before they move there is a storm, which relates to the turbulence to Othello's life that will be brought with the move. The scene I am focusing on is Act 3 Scene 3; this is the longest and most dramatic scene in the play. It is the climatic turning point of the play and is significant in that it is the first time Iago really begins to take hold of Othello, to manipulate him and make him lose his trust in Cassio and Desdemona. A key event in this scene is when Iago says â€Å"Ha! I like not that†As this is the beginning of Iago's manipulation over Othello making Othello curious as to what Iago means and therefore making sure Iago has Othello's attention. Iago plays on Othello's insecurities here and makes Cassio's exit seem guilty. In this scene one of the most noticeable changes is that of Othello's language. Prior to this scene Othello's language is gracious and noble, though he claims it is not we can see clearly that it is, for example when he says he does not just lust after Desdemona â€Å"To please the palate of my appetite, nor to comply with heat the young affects In my distinct and proper satisfaction, But to be free and bounteous to her mind†At the beginning of the scene his language is still gracious and he is still free of Iago. He says â€Å"sweet Desdemon†which is the last time he shows his affection to her as Iago gets his hold over him soon after this. However, during Act 3 Scene 3 his language begins to change, it becomes more suspicious and begins to resemble Iago's language as he begins to use imagery. He also begins to curse as Iago has done previously, Othello damns Desdemona to hell, all this shows the hold Iago has over Othello and how he has already been able to influence him. He is doing this by using Othello's insecurities to get to him, as he is a ‘moor' (is black) he has already felt like an outsider and this also allows Iago to be able to get to him. Othello says, â€Å"Thou echoest me, as if there was some monster in thy thought too hideous to be shown†this simile shows that Iago's insinuations are beginning to affect Othello. This is an example of Othello's dramatic language and the use of different literary devices. However previously in the play he claims to lack gracious speech â€Å"Rude am I in my speech†but proves himself to have the most exquisite and gracious use of language of all the characters, but this is all before Act 3 Scene 3. During and after this scene, his previously emotive and strong language becomes more fragmented as he becomes more consumed with his jealousy and has aggressive outbursts such as â€Å"Damn her, Lewd minx! †which completely contrasts with the language he would have used before this scene and shows how he has changed and the beginning of his downfall. He becomes very nearly unable to make full sentences â€Å"Noses, ears, lips. Is't possible? Confess! Handkerchief! O devil! †showing his upset and extreme anger. Othello himself hates chaos and disorder but in this scene we begin to see language becoming much more chaotic and losing its order. This shows the previous scene to be ironic as it shows Othello checking the battlements, which is his public life, though it is his private life that is actually in danger. Also in Act 3 Scene 2 it shows Iago helping to check the battlements, which again is ironic as Iago is the one trying to break down his defences in his private life. His language continues in this chaotic and fragmented structure until he kills Desdemona and realises his error. After this, both his character and his language are restored to their former selves. Iago also uses interesting language in the play, however throughout his language is of a manipulative manner and does not change much throughout the play, one of his main types of manipulative language is imagery, for example â€Å"it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on†. The green eyed monster symbolising jealousy and helping to implant ideas in Othello's mind about Desdemona having an affair, it is also ironic in that Iago is inferring that Othello is being deceived by Desdemona when it is actually Iago that is deceiving him. In his deception of Othello, Iago also influences his language and Othello begins to use imagery too, this shows the effect of Iago is actually having on Othello and how successful he is. Iago manages to successfully manipulate Othello and gets a persuasive effect by manufacturing expressions. Iago manages to stay in control of his language throughout the play and uses anti-heroic language, which is the complete opposite of Othello. Iago speaks plainly and directly, always being very self-assured. Iago's manipulation must have been done for a reason and there are many possible interpretations of Iago's motivation. One of these interpretations is that Iago is gay. This would explain why he wanted to trick Othello, if he was attracted to him. This may mean that Iago wanted Desdemona out of the way because he was jealous. However another reason may be that he is attracted to Desdemona. This would explain when Iago says â€Å"My friend is dead; ‘Tis done at your request. But let her live†This is either Iago actually attempting to stop Othello from killing Desdemona, however he could also have said this to plant the idea of killing her in his head. Iago also says â€Å"Now, I do love her too†in Act 2 Scene 1 which shows that it is possible that he has fallen in love with Desdemona, though he could be saying this because she is aiding him with Othello's demise. If Iago did feel strongly about her, again his jealousy could take over and cause him to manipulate Othello. His jealousy of them and their relationship is likely to have played a big part in his motivation, whatever it may be. Even though these are all possible motivations, Iago uses the excuse that it is because Othello gave a better job to Cassio and he wants revenge. A reason that I consider more likely is that Iago is racist and, like Othello, doesn't like to see people who he believes are inferior to him tainting his superiority. So therefore it angers him to see Othello, a moor, an outsider and inferior to him, having an important job and having a beautiful white wife and thus has a higher social standing than him. Basically, this interpretation boils down to Iago's pride getting the better of him and him being able to manipulate the other characters makes him feel superior. In the play Shakespeare uses many dramatic devices in order to forward the story of the play. Women in the play have been used, such as Bianca, both to help Iago in his manipulation and move the play forwards. Bianca is used purely as a dramatic device, being used in Iago's manipulation and being used by Cassio too. Emilia is also used as a dramatic device in that she has split loyalty and allows herself to be controlled by Iago to get love from him and unknowingly helps Iago and betrays Desdemona. Desdemona however is much less impressionable; she is more strong willed and emotional. Her loyalties are not split, as she is loyal to Othello but is unknowingly used to further Iago's plot for revenge. The handkerchief is a very significant dramatic device as it is used to further Iago's plot and finally sending Othello over the edge. This handkerchief links all the women together and is a very meaningful symbol. The colour of the handkerchief is important. The white of the handkerchief could symbolise innocence and purity with the red of the handkerchief symbolising blood. This could also be blood on the wedding night, which shows the strong bond that they have, but when the handkerchief is lost then the bond between the two of them is also broken allowing Iago's plan to end successfully. However the red on the handkerchief that may symbolise blood, could also be carried on to symbolise death, which is foreshadowing the end of the play. We can believe that Act 3 Scene 3 could have actually taken place for many reasons. Firstly we must consider ‘honest' Iago's status. Iago has been put in a job in which he has to be near Othello and is considered a friend by him. Iago is very trusted by all the characters that he is able to use in his plot, therefore making it much easier for himself, often being referred to as ‘honest Iago'. Iago also has very strong persuasive techniques and is very skilled with them, allowing him to use skills language such as imagery to his advantage. Along with this, in true tragedy style, Othello has flaws, as does any protagonist in a tragedy. He is flawed in that he takes people at face value and is extremely trusting. This flaw allows Iago to manipulate and persuade him round to whatever Iago wants him to think. In this scene it is easy to see that Iago has a huge hold over Othello already. This is because Othello takes Iago at face value and believes him to be an honest man, also because the problems Iago is inferring are all part of his insecurities. He was already insecure as he was an outsider as a moor but in Venice he was needed so had some security as this was also where his and Desdemona's love developed. This meant he had a sense of security in both his public and private life. However the move to Cyprus and into the unknown made him even less secure making him believe anything without asking about it and even the slightest evidence seems like solid proof to him. This is believable because the language change has showed us that he is insecure. This brings the play to a tragic close filled with death and realisation and shows the scene to be believable.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Winning at Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Winning at Change - Essay Example The ingredients for good communication are that it needs to be direct and personal and not lean through memos; it should be correct as a precise message produces best results; euphoria is to be avoided at small achievements and the larger goal must be pursued relentlessly until realized; and the blame game must be abandoned. Change programmes should have a large spread with timeline for each segment. Within this smaller goals are easier to understand and become achievable. Effective partnerships must be built with various stakeholders first by engaging the right persons within the organisation for each job and then making strategic partnerships to cement relations with outsiders. Teamwork is essential and forming a winning team means building confidences and delegating authority. The vision is the binding force and it must be meaningful and beneficial for everyone. The intentions must be clear; ambitious but practical. Conflicts between stakeholders must be resolved through give and take, keeping the vision in mind. An organisation has leaders at all levels and each one performs the universal task of explaining the vision and encouraging others to step up their efforts in achieving them. Leadership is critical in change management and a leader is dynamic and caring and the organisational transformation depends entirely on them. A successful transformation requires eight steps. First a hard look at ground realities of market conditions, potential crises or opportunities will establish the need and the urgency for transformation. Secondly, forging coalitions or partnerships and encouraging teamwork to ensure smooth functioning. Thirdly, a clear vision is required to create motives and strategies. Fourthly, the effective communication of vision through any mean is necessary to galvanize actions. Next, people must be empowered and barriers and obstacles must be removed; thinking out of the box
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Drug Cartel Issues in Mexico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
The Drug Cartel Issues in Mexico - Essay Example The demise of the Cali and Medellà n drug cartels in Colombia led to the rise of the Mexican drug organizations to fill up the vacuum (Jeffrey, 267). The U.S Closure of the Florida cocaine trafficking route pushed for the need of a new trafficking route hence increasing the role played by Mexican cartels in the trafficking. Weintraub (150) believes that Colombian drug organizations still maintain a significant control in South America mainly in cocaine and heroin smuggling to the eastern U.S. The Mexican government claims that there are seven major drug cartels that operate inside Mexico. They include; Gulf, Sinaloa, and Juà ¡rez which have their presence in much of Mexico (Leonard, 25). The Juà ¡rez drug cartel is found in at least 21 Mexican states while the Sinaloa cartel has its presence in at least 17 states. The Gulf cartel has its presence in at least 13 Mexican states. Also, the Tijuana drug cartel has its presence in 15 states (Colleen, 3). According to David Luhnow and Josà © de Cordoba (1) Mexicos cartels already have tentacles that stretch across the Mexican border. The U.S. Justice department estimates that Mexican gangs are operating in at least 230 cities and towns in both countries. David Luhnow and Josà © de Cordoba (1) reveal that the major drug cartels have formed alliances with one another in recent years. As a result of prison negotiations between their leaders, the Gulf and the Tijuana cartels have formed an alliance. â€Å"The Federation†is an alliance composed of representatives from the Valencia, Sinaloa, and Juà ¡rez drug cartels. They do work together, but remain independent and autonomous drug organizations (Colleen, 194). According to (1), 90% of the automatic weapons used by the cartels are made and purchased in the U.S legally. The 2,000 mile border between San Diego,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Benefits of Merger and Acquisition over Partnership Essay
Benefits of Merger and Acquisition over Partnership - Essay Example Mergers are necessitated by firm’s need to improve on profitability, change of management and administration system, need to conquer or acquire a significant market share and/or improve on productivity from its operations as a single entity to a stronger merged entity. The merged entity enjoys stronger management and administration base as the leadership of the merging firms take respective roles in their area of specialization and they pool their expertise towards running this new merged firm (Enkel & Covin, 2012). It should be noted that since the merging firms were operating as sole entities before, then the size and scale of operations may vary from each other and thus merger clauses are spelt out on the benefits and contributions of each firm in terms of segments and roles which in a big picture, defines the expected targets (Clark, 2009). Acquisition or simply a takeover involves purchase of a firm by another firm with an aim of maximising profits and management expertise or gaining market share and /or expansion motive. The acquiring company may decide to retain its name after acquiring the new firm or depending on the purchase clauses, if for instance the acquirer purchases a given percentage of the firm, they may decide to consolidate the two firms with a new name, new image and operation targets (Warde, 2010). Partnership can be viewed as an alliance between business entities on contractual basis and/or an exclusive bond with an aim of achieving a short term objective. Some partnerships are viewed as differentiation in which firms form alliances with an aim impressing customers and/or competitors with the size of network but with a business commitment of not allying with third party entities. Depending with the motive of the alliance, partnerships can take forms of: an exclusive supplier, customer, an intermediary channel and a vendor of a given complementary or supplementary offering of the firm’s products. For instance, a telecommunication company can partner with Internet service provider to provide a certain region or class of customers with some customized internet services for a given period. This is meant to attract more customers to the class and try to lure the internet providing firm into business with its telecommunication company’s operations within that period wi thout the provider engaging with other third parties (Deering & Murphy, 2008). In this paper we will analyse the benefits of merger and acquisition over the partnership agreements. Question 1: Under what circumstances is merging with or acquisitions of other companies a better solution than entering into partnerships or alliances with this companies? To answer this question we shall look at the circumstances that necessitate mergers and acquisitions, the benefits then compare with those of partnerships /alliances. For instance, when a firm acquires another firm on the grounds of productivity, both the acquirer and the acquired firms enjoy mutual benefits of improved productivity. For example, firm â€Å"A†, with a significant economies of scale, a stronger investment/capital base and effective management/administration acquires firm â€Å"B†which has a competitive advantage of market share due to their edge cut technological advancement in their products but with a we ak management and capital base, there are defined clauses of the acquisition in that for instance firm B has weak production methods but has a considerable market share in terms of the products it produces. Firm A’s acquisition will strengthen productivity and /or cut the total costs that could have been incurred by firm B and they benefit with the returns of their investments as there will be increased output by combination of
Friday, July 26, 2019
Monsanto Company by Their Patent Agent, De Penning and Depen v Case Study
Monsanto Company by Their Patent Agent, De Penning and Depen v. Coramandal Indag Products LTD - Case Study Example Monsanto filed a lawsuit in India seeking both injunctive relief and an account for the infringement of its patents. The trial court decreed and the case was subsequently dismissed by the appellate court. The appellate court, however, certified the case to the Indian Supreme Court on the basis that substantial and complex questions of law were involved. On review, the Supreme Court disagreed that the questions were substantial, but nonetheless accepted the case to identify and to clarify the real issues presented by the underlying facts. The questions presented are essentially twofold with some subsidiary issues. The first question is whether Monsanto held a patent. The Supreme Court held that there was no patent. A second issue was whether, under the Patents Act 1970, the defendant had a basis to revoke a patent. This issue was comprised of two further issues. First, under section 64(e) of the Patents Act of 1970, was this process generally known and therefore subject to revocation The Supreme Court found that this process was generally known. Second, under section 64(1)(f) of the Patents act of 1970, did Monsanto extend and improve this known process by some "inventive step" The Supreme Court found no evidence of an inventive step and held that revocation was justified in any event. Â
European Union Law Degree Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
European Union Law Degree - Case Study Example In this case the defendant must not be a state entity. The requirements of Directives can be applied horizontally between two private parties1. The UK instrument requires commercial providers of fossil based fuels to limit their quantity to 50% of their total output. On the other hand, the Directive limits this to just 40%. This In addition, this statute permits the use of candles and other fossil based fuels, without any restriction; whereas the Directive clearly specifies that these fuels are to be used, only for religious and cultural ceremonial rituals. In the event of failure by a Member State, in this regard, the EU will approach the ECJ to initiate necessary action against the Member State. National governmental entities, private or public utility organisations and firms must invariably apply EC law provisions at the national level. Since, the context, purpose and content of the Directive have been comprehended, the extent to which the UK Government had implemented its provisions, has to be examined. All the same, this Directive is significant, because it recommends the least intrusive method for achieving its objective. It is rendered effective, if its purpose, namely the use of renewable energy is achieved. This Directive aims to deter dependence on carbon based fuels. Article 249 of the Treaty, specifies that Direc... Member States are obliged to pay compensation to individuals if the latter incur loss due to the non - implementation of Directives. In the case of Francovich and Others v Italy, the ECJ held that in order to make a Member State liable for such damages, three conditions have to be fulfilled3. First, the Directive must be intended to provide rights to individuals. Second, it must contain the description and scope of the rights that it intends to provide. Third, the Member State must have failed to implement the Directive and such failure must have caused the damage to the individual4. Individuals can insist on the enforcement of a Directive. This applies even though the Directive has a horizontal direct effect limitation, which hinders its enforcement. In Francovich, the ECJ had established this principle. It also held that Member States will have to pay compensation for damages or losses to individuals under the concept of state liability, if they failed to implement a Directive5. The ECJ had further extended the scope of this decision in the subsequent joint cases of Brasserie de P'cheur6 and R v Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Factortame (No. 4)7. The ECJ held that individuals who sustained loss could demand compensation from the Member State if it failed to implement the EC Law. This also applies if the Member States had violated the provisions of EC Law. If an individual sustained a loss or damage due to the incorrect or non - implementation of EC law provisions by a Member State, then that individual can sue against the state in the national court and seek compensation for such damage. Moreover, individuals can invoke the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Speech Presentation on Research Paper on Audition Memoir by Barbara or
On Research Paper on Audition Memoir by Barbara Walters - Speech or Presentation Example Journalism and media students will do the same, and predictably, all students will prefer to be like the US top interviewer and TV personnel, Barbara Walters. Barbara, in her memoir, outlines with a lot of lucidity, the stages she went through before making it to success. She talks of her inspirations, efforts, as well as the challenges she faced on her way to success. I will discuss, in brief but succinct manner, these three aspects present in the memoir. Just like several other successful professionals, Barbara Walters has led an extraordinary life. She has undergone what most motivational speakers would give as examples of success challenges. She talks of her father, Lou Walters, who is the owner of most of the nightclubs, the main one being the popular Latin Quarter Nightclub. She describes her father as a man who never bothered about risk taking. His risk taking lifestyle made Barbara aware of challenges or the difficulties that comes in when an individual makes a decision to ta ke great risks. Analyzed, Barbara's consistency amidst all the challenges came as a result of her father whom she treated as a role model. Her father left her with a Daddy thing with her: susceptibility to older, sometimes men who are already married. Her popular story of a long and secret affair with the then Massachusetts senator, Edward W. Brook is one of the first auditions that hit the tabloids (Oppenheimer 87). Her struggle and fights to maintain and survive in relationships and several others provided a fundamental background for her to move on and manage her carrier amidst challenges arising from the internal and external forces. The audition makes it clear that Ms. Walters is very careful and keen to keep in touch with many of the people whom others who had enough evidence said killed her lovely parents. She will not hesitate in case Lyle Menendez could give her chance to interview at the prison. She will also do the same if O.J. Simpson confesses (Wonder 57). Besides, the most challenging part of her career is one of the interviews she carried out with the killer to John Lennon. The interview, which did not do any good to Mark David Chapman, was a heavily protected one. It is always very common for people to have and control their emotions. However, there are levels when it becomes a hard nut to crack, for an individual, to continue holding and controlling his or her emotions. Imagine yourself talking face to face with your father or mother’s killer. What will you do? Will you be armed and make a perfect revenge? Will you be confident all through the interview? That is what Barbara went through. She managed to hold a successful interview with the killers of her father (Walters 478). Arguably, she is more than any other woman from any part of the world who claims courage and self-control within herself. Barbara is also an epitome of forgiveness. She is ready to let go any form of enmity between herself with anyone. Her forgiveness nature and re adiness to take things the way they were provided a good foundation for her success as a journalist. Journalism is one of the careers that rely a lot on the feedback given by the audience. As a journalist, Barbara knew quite well that, without certain qualities, she would not make it to the level where she is actually at as we talk today. In addition to the mentioned challenges, Barbara
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Conceptual or Theoretical Framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Conceptual or Theoretical Framework - Essay Example According to this model of criminal justice system, actors and criminal justice institutions share very little information between themselves a fact that ensures constant conflicts between these institutions (Samaha, 2005, 56). A good example of conflict within the criminal justice system is that existing between the police and the court officials. The model argues that police desire to put criminals in prisons while the courts may desire to release the criminal due to lack of enough evidence. System conflict theory when applied to the use of forensic sciences in solving crimes in the society can be useful in explaining the conflicts within the criminal justice systems and the society and in particular conflicts between the courts of justice and the police/investigators. In civil litigation and criminal prosecutions, evidence collected by forensic specialists is used to support the claim that a collected evidence specimen can be matched to a particular person, group or other source (Fridell, 2000, p. 23). Forensics encompasses different fields including DNA forensics, forensic pathology, computer forensics, forensic toxicology and forensic odontology, among others (Stuart & Nordby, 2005, p. 67). For example, forensic pathology is applied by criminologists and other actors in the criminal justice system to determine the manner and cause of death such as in the case of homicides or murder cases (Chisum, 2006, p. 98). Though contemporary criminal justice systems are increasingly making use of forensic sciences, no forensic method, save for nuclear DNA analysis, can be argued to exhibit the capacity to demonstrate a connection between an evidence specimen and a source or an individual with a high and reliable degree of certainty. In this respect, criminal courts have periodically nullified or questioned evidence
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 8
Case Study Example The business model followed by Hanon compelled the managers to follow all the rules laid down by the corporate office down to every word. Therefore, the corporate office had complete control over all the operational activities of the restaurant chain. Looking at the initial results of success, the higher management decided to expand the business of China Delight. After the expansion the problem started surfacing. As a result of the expansion, the management had to hire general managers from outside. This decision making eventually proved to be the root cause of the downfall of China Delight. The previously implemented model of close control by the corporate office started creating friction with the newly appointed managers. Moreover, they did not possess any experience to run chain restaurants, so they had to be trained in order to get them habituated with the business and operational structure of Hanon. The training did not prove to be fruitful for China delight, as the managers mos tly ignored the instructions from the higher management and decided to run the operations based on their own knowledge and expertise. This as a result led to severe deviations from the operations manual provided by the corporate office thereby reducing its control over the restaurant chain. The newly appointed managers who did not had any experience in running restaurant chains failed to maintain consistency and quality standards, which hampered the brand image of the restaurant chain thereby reducing the foot fall level. The decreasing revenue and severe loss making became a severe concern for the company. Moreover, there was a communicational gap between the general managers and the corporate office, as the managers did not file regular reports and mostly ignored the instructions from the higher management; this as a result worsened the problem even further. There was also a great
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Clock Essay Example for Free
The Clock Essay A ‘clock’ is an instrument used to specify, record, and manage time. The word ‘clock’ comes from the French word â€Å"cloche†meaning bell, came into use when timekeepers were kept in bell towers in the Middle Ages. Historians do not who or when mankind â€Å"invented†a time-keeping device or a â€Å"clock†. Probably thousands of years ago when someone stuck a stick in the ground and saw a shadow of the sun move across the ground, known as the sundial. (Cummings, 1997-2012). After the Samarian culture left little knowledge behind, the Egyptians were next to divide their day in two parts. A vertical stick, or obelisk that is used to cast a shadow is known as a sundial. They were used as early as 3500 B.C.. Another shadow clock or sundial, possibly the first portable timepiece, came into use around 1500 B.C. to measure the passage of hours. As the sun moves from east to west, the shadows predict the time of the day. They also showed the years longest and shortest days when the shadow at noon was the shortest or longest of the year. The Greeks used a sundial called â€Å"pelekinon†. These sundials are marked to predict time accurately throughout the year. They built a more accurate sundial based on their knowledge of geometry. An ancient Egyptian sundial from the 8th century and a Greek sundial are still in existence today. Water clocks along with sundials are known to be the oldest time-measurements devices. The bowl-shaped outflow is the simplest form of a water clock and is known to have existed in Babylon and in Egypt around the 16th century BC. Other regions of the world, including India and China, also have early evidence of water clocks, but the earliest dates are less certain. Some authors, however, claim that water clocks appeared in China as early as 4000 BC. (Cowan, 1958) Ctesibius or Ktesibios or Tesibius (Greek: ΚÄΠ·ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¯ÃŽ ²ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ¿Ã‚) (fl. 285–222 BC) was a Greek inventor and mathematician in Alexandria, Ptolemaic Egypt. (As of 2008, 1768–2010) He improved the clepsydra in the 3rd century by B.C. by which water that dripped into the container raised a float that carried a cursor to mark the hours. He attached a toothed rack with a float switch that when raised would turn a wheel where he installed mechanical signing birds and bells to signify certain hours of the day such as noon or midnight. In the 16th century A.D. clepsydras were used by Galileo to time his experimental falling objects. A candle-timepiece is also of ancient origin. No one knows exactly when it originated. It was used to measure the transitory of time by marking intervals along the span of the candle. Ancient Egyptians used tallow, an animal substances to make candles. The Romans were the first to use a wick inside of a candle. Beeswax was used to make candles during the middle ages, however it was very expensive. It was said that the Romans and the Chinese would use candle-timepieces as alarm clocks. They would stick a nail in a certain point of the candle depending on the desired time. Whenever the candle wax melted down to the nail, the nail would then fall onto a tin pan and make a noise. An hourglass or sand clock was a commonly used time device. Its consist of two glass compartments connected by a narrow neck containing an certain amount of sand that slowly trickles from the bottom chamber to the lower in a set amount of time, often one hour or so. Hourglasses were very popular on board ships, as they were the most dependable measurement of time while at sea. Unlike the clepsydra, the motion of the ship while sailing did not affect the hourglass. The fact that the hourglass also used granular materials instead of liquids gave it more accurate measurements, as the clepsydra was prone to get condensation inside it during temperature changes. (Balmer, (Oct., 1978)). In the early-to-mid -14th century A.D., large mechanical clocks begin to appear in towers of several large Italian cities. These clocks were weight driven and very inaccurate. One of the first clocks to strike the hour was in Milan in around 1335 A.D. These clocks only had one hand, the hour hand. In 1510, a man by the name of Peter Henlein, a locksmith and clock maker of Nuremburg, Germany, invented the spring driven clock. He is often considered the inventor of the watch. (Dohrn-van Rossum Dunlap, 1996). In 1557, the minute hand was invented. However, it wasn’t until the invention of the pendulum in the late 1600’s that the minute hand became useful. As electricity was introduced, clocks began to use an electrical impulse to operate the dials of a master clock. The electrical current replaced the spring and weight as a power source. The piezoelectric effect given by the quartz crystals was discovered by the Curie brothers, Pierre and Paul-Jacques Curie in 1880, but wasn’t applied into a clock until 1929. This effect exhibited by certain crystals generating a voltage when subject to an electric field, induced an electric potential to nearby conductors, therefore powering the clock. These clocks can have an accuracy of one second every 10 years. Along with these inventions, Charles Dowd introduces the idea of time zones in 1870 dividing the United States by meridians one hour, and 15 degrees apart using Greenwich, England as zero meridian. In 1883 the railroads adopt the four time zones for the continental United States. And in 1918 the United States Congress passes the ‘Standard Time Act’, authorizing The Interstate Commerce Commission to establish standard time zones within the United States, and establishing daylight saving times. Finally, In 1949 The National Institute of Standards and Technology built the first atomic clock, using ammonia. A second is formally defined as 9,192,631,770 vibrations of the cesium atom. Atomic clock NIST-7 has been the main atomic time standard for the United States, and is among the best time standards in the world.
Effects of Allergies on the Body
Effects of Allergies on the Body The human body is made with different kinds of immunity, which protects it from anything that could harm the body. During an allergic reaction, the immune system erroneously believes that what have entered the body are harmful, thus producing antibodies called IgE (immunoglobulin E) antibodies to protect itself from the harmful element. It then circulates through the blood forming IgEs, which are specific to something as light as food. After this food-specific IgE is formed, it attaches itself to the mast cell which in turn produces chemicals into the bloodstream. These chemicals include what we call Histamine which acts on the parts of the body near to the mast cell attached with IgE antibodies. Examples are nose, eye, throat, skin, lungs, or gastrointestinal tract. This causes the distinctive allergic reactions. Take note that these cells are present in all body tissues. Once the body detects the food which it recognizes as the antibody, the bodys immune system will again fight the food off by going through the whole process of the allergic reaction. While other allergic reactions could be life-threatening such as anaphylaxis or asthma some could be just a simple rash, itchy eyes or sneezing. The reaction depends on the person and is known to be unpredictable. Title: common allergens There are almost 25% of the worlds populations who believe they have food allergies but studies show that only 6% of children and 2% of adults suffers from known types of allergic reactions. Some might just have food intolerance. Such is not linked with the immune system. Here are 8 common allergens most people are allergic to: Peanuts Milk Eggs Fish Tree nuts Wheat Shellfish Soy Kids in their earlier years might outgrow their allergies. However, it always depends on the food that they are allergic to. Usually allergies brought by eggs, milk, soy etc., are likely to be outgrown by children by the time they reach the age of 5 but only 20% of them outgrow allergies cause by peanuts and 10% on tree nuts. Allergic reactions triggered by shellfish or fish which develops later in life are unlikely to be outgrown. A person could be allergic to any foods depending on the reaction of its immune system which either rejects or accepts a type of substance that enters the body. Once the immune system marked the substance as harmful to the body, the substance, then, becomes an allergen for the person Title: first aid during allergic reactions It has been a fact that prevention is better than cure and for persons who are recently experiencing allergies from different allergens, it is a must follow rule. However, there are still situations in which the person forgets or accidentally bumps to some allergens he might not know of. Mild allergic reactions could usually be treated at home; here are some first aid instructions on mild allergies: For mild skin reactions, shower or apply cold compress. For itching, apply calamine lotion or take over the counter antihistamine or Claritin. If you were prescribed with epinephrine, inject yourself, as instructed. This kind of injections is premeasured for rapid relief of severe allergic reactions. For obstruction on breathing, it would be best if any Bystander would be able to perform CPR before the ambulance arrives to keep the patient breathing. For other reactions you should: stay calm, stay away from possible exposure to allergen, take antihistamine or Claritin and if you are feeling light headed or dizzy lie down with your leg raised higher than your head to keep the blood circulating to your brain. These first aid instructions could only be applied to mild reactions; it is still a must to call for a doctor or an ambulance to provide appropriate medication. Title: misconception about allergies There are now thousands of people around the world suffering from different kinds of allergic reactions. Listed below are some misconceptions on allergies: Most food allergies could be outgrown. It is indeed a fact that for kids below five years of age does outgrow some of their mild allergies. However, allergies which are distinctive pass the age of five is unlikely outgrown. Food allergy is not fatal. Mild allergies are not dangerous but there are cases in which triggers anaphylaxis or shortness of breath that could be fatal, this kind of reactions usually comes from peanuts. A person who has allergies is allergic to other foods. Studies show that a person with food allergies is only allergic to not more than four kinds of food. Some could be allergic to sugar. If there is one thing that the body could not be allergic to it would be sugar and fats. Food intolerance is an allergic reaction. Although gastrointestinal tract is included to parts which are affected during allergic reactions, having an upset stomach may be a result of something else. Always bear in mind that if the reaction you are experiencing involves your immune system then and only then can it could be called an allergic reaction. Title: symptoms of food allergies Symptoms of food allergies do not show up until the body digests it. Depending on the time of digestion, only few symptoms would become distinctive. This reaction may take from a few minutes to a few hours. The initial allergic reactions could be from simple itching to difficulty breathing, while the food is being digested in the stomach, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting would start, this phase is most often confused with food allergies or food intolerance. After digestion, the antibodies produced by the bodys immune system would go into the bloodstream to fight off the allergens this phase may cause eczema (skin inflammation) or hives (red or itchy bumps on skins). And when it reaches the respiratory organs, depending on the kind of allergic reaction could cause difficulty in breathing, as this allergens pass through the blood vessels it may also cause muscle weakness or lightheadedness and worst could be anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis could be seriously fatal even if it started out with just a feeling of tingling in the throat this could go on to shortness of breath. Proper medical attention is required. Some mild food allergies may stop to just itching and after some few treatments or dose of antihistamine. Title: Allergy: A Brief Explanation Allergy is exaggerated and a substance that causes an allergic reaction called allergens. Such common allergens that may result to an allergy exposure are the plant pollens from grasses, trees, or ragweed; tiny scales shed from the feathers, hair or skin of various animals; arachnids and insects, such as house dust mites, bees, and wasps; and drugs, such as penicillin. Hard-shelled animal (e.g. .lobster, crabs, and shrimps), eggs, fish, milk, peanuts, soybeans, tree nuts, and wheat are among the most common food allergies. Researchers estimate that at least 24 million people in the United States suffer from allergies, about 19 percent of the population. Allergy affects the immune system. Immune System is a group of cells, molecules, and organs that act together to protect our body against foreign invaders that may cause disease, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The health of our body is dependent on the immune systems ability to recognize, drive away and destroy these invaders. Upon first exposure to an allergen, no allergic symptoms may develop. When the person is exposed to same substances at a later time, the allergic reaction against the lgE (immunoglobulin E) antibodies may activate the allergen. Here are some allergy symptoms: Itching Sneezing Stuffy nose Watery eyes Inflammation of the airways in the lungs Wheezing There are also seldom incidents of allergic shock and death. Title: Allergy: Does it affect self-image? Allergies are abnormal reaction of the immune system to certain substances. Allergic reactions vary from one individual to another. A person may be allergic to something that is typically harmless to other people. These substances are called allergens, which include food, house dust, medicines, insect stings, and latex rubber. Self-image is about how people think of themselves physically. It can be closely linked to self-esteem because as individuals grow, they care more of how others see them. Self-esteem is essential because this influences how a person acts. When you are confident about yourself, you are more in control of your behavior, you can make more friends, and you enjoy life more. Allergies can have a major impact on a persons emotional state. When allergies attack, physical symptoms such as sneezing, sniffling, watery eyes, congestion and itching, can affect peoples mood, some may feel annoyed, irritable, and frustrated. Some sufferers could actually feel less attractive and may feel self-conscious which makes them less productive in life. One of the best ways to deal with allergies is to avoid the allergens. Although there are significant improvements in the medical arena as to how allergies can be treated, avoidance remains the best way to stay away from allergic reactions. Do this, and be able to maintain good self-image at the same time. Title: Different Allergy Symptoms Allergen is any substance that causes an allergic reaction. Many allergens such as pollen of plants, molds exposure, dust mites, animal dander and the hazardous chemicals are airborne particles. In these cases, symptoms arise in areas in contact with air, such as the eyes, the nose, and the lungs. Example is allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fevers, a condition due to allergy that imitates a continuing cold. Symptom includes irritation of the nose, sneezing, itching and redness of the eyes. Inhaled allergens can also lead to an asthmatic symptoms caused by narrowing of the airways and increased production of secretion in the lungs, shortness of breath coughing and wheezing. Aside from these allergens in surrounding area, allergic reactions can result from foods, insect stings, and reactions to medicines like aspirin and antibiotics such as penicillin. Symptoms of food allergy include abdominal pain, swollen or inflated, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin, and swelling of the skin during hives. Food allergies rarely cause asthmatic reactions, or rhinitis. Insect stings, antibiotics, and certain medicines produce a systemic allergic response that is also called anaphylaxis (extreme sensitivity); multiple organ systems can be affected, including the digestive system, the respiratory system, and the circulatory system. Depending of the rate of severity, it can cause continuous reactions, enlargement, low blood pressure, coma, and even death. Latex is also common causes of allergic reactions this is a substances that touches the skin. This is also known as contact skin inflammation. Skin allergies often cause rashes, or swelling and inflammation within the skin. Title: Peanut Allergy: Is there a Cure? Peanut, also known as groundnut, belongs to the legume family with a scientific name, Arachis hypogaea. Allergic reactions can be mild to severe in some people. Although the main cause of developing peanut allergy is unknown, it is believed to have something to do with how peanuts are processed. The method of cooking of peanuts in Asia, for example, is frying and boiling, making it less allergenic compared to dry roasting done in Westernized countries that makes allergens more potent. Peanut allergy is a form of food allergy commonly experienced by school age children and adults. It is potentially dangerous and can be life threatening, too. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, asthma, swelling of the lips, face, throat and skin, and anaphylactic shock. If these symptoms are left untreated, it can be very fatal and may even lead to death. Peanut is a common food especially in Western countries. It is also a major ingredient in some commercially manufactured products, thus making it difficult to keep away from. Accidental exposure may be experienced. Despite the fact that the allergy can last a lifetime, some children have been said to outgrow peanut allergies. At present, the treatment for allergic reactions to peanut is not confirmed. However, management of peanut allergy has been practiced including desensitization of the immune system to the allergens acquired form peanuts. But the only way to avoid the occurrence of allergic reaction is to keep away from eating peanuts and peanut products. Title: Is Allergy Control effective? Allergy control plays a significant role in the prevention of hypersensitivity reactions. Allergies affect people in many different ways. It represents itself in various cases and it is caused by a variety of allergens. If a person has a certain allergy to something, it is important to always be knowledgeable about its cause to be able to prevent it from recurring. When you are aware of the substance causing the allergic reaction, you are more in control of the situation, you know how to manage it, and you are less likely to experience fatal consequences. How do we avoid allergens? There are specific ways for a particular allergen, but commonly, it is always advisable to be hygienic at all times. You must prevent yourself from being in contact with the allergen. And you can also try medications that are prescribed for certain allergies, like antihistamines, decongestants, eye drops, and nasal sprays. There is also an Allergy shot, known as immunotherapy, wherein an allergen is introduced to your body on a regular basis to gradually make you immune to such allergen. If not all, most of the allergies have no known cure. It is believed that strict avoidance is always the best way to combat allergic reactions. And so with this thought, allergy control is indeed effective. Title: A Brief Discussion of Skin Allergy Many think that just because their skin has rashes and that it itches, they already have skin allergy. This is not true because not all skin rashes are connected with skin allergy. Below are some of the most common skin allergies: Atopic Dermatitis Urticaria or Hives Contact Dermatitis Skin Itching without the presence of rashes There are different causes of allergy as well. The most common are the jewelry metals and perfumes. The reaction that takes place after your skin touches the allergen is called allergic contact dermatitis. The top metals causing this are nickel, gold, and Thimerosal. There are also fragrance substances that cause such reactions. Examples are the Balsam of Peru and fragrance mixes. So what will you do if you have skin allergy? The first thing you need to do is to determine its cause. You may have pet allergies or seasonal allergies. Identifying what is causing them can help you prevent them. After learning its cause, it is best to consult a doctor right away to learn about the remedies you can try. This is very important especially if you have severe allergic reactions. However, the best thing you can do is to avoid trigger factors. Avoid contact with your allergens to prevent problems. Title: Sun Allergy: How it affects your outlook in life. The sun symbolizes beauty and radiance. It represents life, happiness and mysticism. For some people, when the sun rises, normally they will embrace it with open arms. They will grab every chance they get to enjoy the sunshine. But if you are allergic to it, how does the sun make you feel? If you are faced with the challenges that a ray of light present to you, how do you react? Sun allergy is often characterized by an itchy red rash caused by an exposure to sunlight. It is commonly located on the neck, hands, arms and lower legs. Sometimes, severe skin reactions may occur, like small blisters and hives that may even spread to skin areas covered with clothes. This kind of allergy occurs only in sensitive individuals, in some instances, brief exposure to sun can trigger allergic reactions. For people with sun allergy, being outdoors, like having to enjoy the beach is quite an ordeal. There are remedies, like application of sunscreen and sun block, wearing of sunglasses and clothes that cover the skin. But being under the sun without the worries of allergic reactions is one of the best gifts that life has to offer. If the sun is the symbol of beauty and radiance, if it represents life, happiness and mysticism, then for a person allergic to it, it may be difficult to have the same opinion as others have. Title: Is There Cure for Allergies? There are different forms of allergies. One can be allergic to a specific type of food. There are also those who are allergic to certain medicines while others react to other allergens like dusts, pollens and other small particles. There are a lot of people that do not realize that they are allergic to something until they experience reactions after taking or having contact with the allergens. The symptoms may not show right away. The reactions may not show until a few minutes or hours after the encounter with the allergens. This is why it is essential that you are familiar with the symptoms. The common symptoms are difficulty in breathing, nausea, rashes, watery eyes and congestion. The symptoms vary depending on the level of the allergic reactions. There are over the counter medicines that that you can take to fight the allergic reactions. However, you still have to see your doctor to make sure that they are good for you. Many claim to give allergy cure. There are a lot of natural products offered in the market today. Some of them are the Nettle and Ginkgo Biloba. However, the best cure for allergies is prevention. Always check the label of your food purchases. You have to keep your home clean as well and see to it that the air you breathe is clean. Title: A Look at Allergy Developments Many ask about allergy developments. To understand it better, one should learn about its different categories. Once allergy antibodies have been form in a persons body in response to a particular allergen, an allergic reaction can occur when the person comes in contact with that allergen. The said allergens can be inhaled, eaten, injected, or contacted by the skin. When allergy antibodies are activated by an allergen, they cause body cells to release a substance called histamine, a chemical that dilates blood vessels, promotes fluid secretions, and stimulates nerves that cause muscles to spasm. These reactions create various allergy symptoms. Eyes become itchy, red, and watery when pollen allergens affect it. When the allergens affect the lungs it causes emission of mucus and inflammation, swelling, and narrowing of the airways, that result in asthma. Symptoms include spasms of the airways and sudden difficulty in breathing. Patients are sometimes surprised by the sudden start of allergies in adult life. This is able to occur when the combination of a persons genetic makeup and a longstanding but unnoticed reactivity to an allergen finally culminates in a detectable disease. This so-called allergic threshold is crossed when allergens finally produce enough reaction in the body to cause detectable symptoms. Many people think that emotions, such as stress, cause allergies, but most physicians believe this is incorrect. In fact, the opposite may be true: People with allergies live with symptoms that can produce serious emotional upset. Title: Allergy Risk Factors: An Overview Allergy risk factors can be categorized into two, the host and the environmental factors. Examples of Host factors are age, heredity, sex, and race. Among them, heredity is the most significant. There are also instances when the occurrences of allergic disorders are not linked with genetic aspects. Allergy attacks can be provoked by environmental factors; allergy causes are the dust, peanuts, and pollens. These factors can be easily identified and allergy treatment can be taken if one is sensitive to pollen. The threat of allergic sensitization and the development of the allergies differ with age.  The peak occurrence of hay fever is highest in children and young adults and the incidence of asthma is highest in children under 10. In comparison to females, males are more likely to develop allergy. However, young female adults are likely to be affected with diseases like asthma. There are also comparisons made in international differences. Results show there is high incidents of allergic diseases in industrialized areas compared to areas, which remain traditional, with rich agriculture. Since our bodies progress to deal with a certain level of such pathogens, when it is not exposed to this level the immune system will attack harmless antigens, and thus normally benevolent microbial objects, like pollen, will trigger an immune response. Title: A struggle with Milk Allergy Milk allergy is a form of food allergy. It is an allergy to proteins in cows milk or milk from other animals that is usually not dangerous to other people. It can cause anaphylaxis, which can lead to death if not treated accordingly. People allergic to milk are probably having a hard time dealing with it. Not only because it is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, it is also an ingredient to some of the most delicious foods ever made, like ice cream, cakes, and pizzas. Some food products may not obviously contain milk in it, but being cautious at all times will help in the prevention of an allergic reaction. Always read food labels before consumption and do not eat anything that you are not sure of. It is sad that there is no cure for milk allergy. Avoidance of milk and milk products is still the best way to prevent the occurrence of the allergy. If a person allergic to milk has accidentally ingested food with this content, and start to experience symptoms such as swelling of the mouth, difficulty of breathing and chest pain, he may give himself a shot of Epinephrine right away before help arrives. It is important to seek medical help just in case you need follow up treatment for the allergic attack. Title: Understanding Dust Allergy Even the simplest dust can cause allergy. However, the dust allergy is not caused by dust alone. The sniffing and sneezing are caused by house dust, which is composed of various particles. Some of the items that may be included in the house dust are the following: Cockroach waste Human and pet dander Mold They are very difficult to detect because they are invisible in the naked eye. They may be lurking in your carpets, sofa, bed and other furniture. They breed and develop in areas that are damp and humid. Once they come in contact with the skin or when inhaled, these allergens cause allergic reactions. Such reaction could lead to the scaling of the skin and other allergy symptoms. There are also severe reactions that can be fatal if not dealt with right away. Learning about the dust mites caused by the house dust is your best defense against dust allergy. Frequent cleaning is a must. Remember that they thrive in dark, warm and moist places. You should also wash fabrics regularly. These include your bed sheets and pillow cases. Clean your sofa regularly as well. Vacuum the carpets too. A clean house is your best armor against dust mites that cause dust allergy. See to it that you do not provide them with a breeding ground. Title: Is it Easy to Prevent Yourself from Allergy Asthma? When we speak of breathing, it is always connected to being alive and being able to do the things we want in this world. Having problems with it can actually cause us panic and worry about dying because we all know that in the absence of breathing, it only means one thing, we are dead. Allergy asthma is a common respiratory problem that affects mostly young children and young adults, and can be a problem even until later years of life. It is characterized by wheezing, productive cough and difficulty in breathing. It causes mild agitation but could be fatal depending on the number of allergens affecting the airways. There is no permanent cure for Asthma but there are several ways to control it and lessen its effect on daily living. Treatment of allergy asthma involves a lot of medications including bronchodilators and inhalers, which provide a quick relief from discomfort in breathing. Alternative ways like herbs and dietary supplements are also available to help manage the conditions brought about by the disease. It is also said that the best treatment is trying to prevent yourself from being affected by the disease. But this could be impossible to some because allergy asthma is hereditary. People with family history of asthma are at higher risk of developing the disease. If it is in the genes, getting away from it could be difficult. Title: Role of an allergist Allergist is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and suggests proper allergy treatment. His the one who shows a brief physical examination, looking in the nose, the eyes, the ears, the throat, listening to the chest and examining the skin. In various cases the allergist also performs allergy skin test. This is a kind of test that uses painless injection into the surface of our skin. A person who has a positive skin test response that occur after 15 to 30 minutes, there is a local skin reaction. Allergy treatment varies with the severity and a type of allergy symptom. On the assumption that medicines cannot control allergy symptoms, the allergist may recommend allergen immunotherapy. And it is a treatment of disease or other disorders by strengthening our bodys immune system. Testing the antibodies is an example. This is a series of injection, which helps reduce the patients reaction to allergens. In several cases, the best allergy treatment is to remove the offending allergens from the patients environment. Food allergies are the most difficult allergy type to be diagnosed and to be treated. Its skin tests are inaccurate, and blood test can be indecisive. Allergist helps the patients identify the specific suspicious foods they should not to eat. He helps patients to identify which food is the offending allergen. Allergist also gives special diet to the patients in order to eliminates food he is allergic to. Title: Skin allergy: a threat to ones confidence Most people, if not all, get their confidence with their physical appearance. Aside from facial attributes and physical features, the skin has a big role in your self-projection. Sometimes, we even judge a person and can conclude a lot of things by just looking at their skin. With clear and smooth skin, you can boost your morale and be happy with yourself. When you are happy with yourself, you contribute to your health and wellness. On the other hand, when symptoms like rashes, itchiness, swelling, irritation and inflammation are evident, it indicates skin allergy or skin disease. Sometimes, people may think they you are infectious that they even avoid being near you and all. It is needless to say that is appalling for anyone who encounters these kinds of situation. The skin, without any doubt, is very important. Not only because it covers the inside of our body but also because it protects us from a lot of diseases. Skin is the humans first line of defence against any harmful substances in the environment. Human skin can be sensitive to some substances that come into contact with it. These harmful substances are called allergens. Skin allergy may vary from person to person, as well as the treatment for such allergy may differ. So it is essential to maintain its integrity and keep it from being damaged. In this way, maintaining confidence will be achievable.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
What is Reality? Philosophy Essays
What is Reality? Philosophy Essays In this essay we look at the theories of Plato, Descartes and Locke and their views on what reality is, we look at what perception means to reality, and how everyones view on reality is different. As we begin to question what reality is, we learn more about ourselves and our perceptions of life, we begin to question ourselves, and we slowly learn what reality means to us, as individuals. This essay should hopefully encourage deep thinking about reality and existence; it aims to bring individuals to closer to understanding what life means to them. Every day we trust in our senses to tell us the truth, we believe what we see, smell, touch, hear, and taste, but do we ever question whether or not our senses are lying to us, do we ever stop to think that perhaps our senses are being manipulated? If we can doubt if our senses tell us the truth, than how can we know what really exists? An Individuals perception is completely their own, the way that one person perceives things, may be completely different than the way another individual perceives things. In one passage from Renee Descartes, he questions if beliefs are impossible even though they are derived from the senses. He asked himself how could it be denied that these hands or this whole body is mine? He then compares himself to mentally disturbed people saying that mentally disturbed individuals sometimes believe that they are somewhere, or that they see things, that are not correct. Who are we to question someone elses sanity? What is it that makes our perceptions reality and a mentally disturbed persons perceptions incorrect? ( When a sentient being acknowledges that they exist in a world of physical objects, they also confirm that their sense perception functions to an extent which allows them to reason, even to a small degree, their physical existence. What is a physical object? Does a physical object have to be something you can see, touch, feel, taste, or smell or can a physical object exist without one being able to confirm its existence? Is the sensory perception of a fly wrong just because it has over a 1000 eyes or is the way humans view the world incorrect because we do not? A blind man can still help a person distinguish a colour because no one perception is ever totally interpreted by only one sensory organ. Many other animals on earth do not just rely on their sight for information about their world. For instance fish in totally dark areas of the ocean have no eyes and yet can still maneuve r around in their environment by sensing ripples in their area with special sense organs on their body. Birds also seem to use the magnetic lines of the earth to navigate south for the winter each year. It would be foolish to make the statement that all sensory perception of the world is circumspect and is exactly the same for all creatures. Firstly, we need to look at what perception and reality mean, the definition of perception is the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding. This means that perception is what we sense in our environment from what our senses and mind tells us. The definition of reality is the state or quality of being real ( but if we know what is real because of our perceptions and senses, how do we know our senses can be trusted to tell us the truth, and thus how do we know what is real? Every philosopher has searched within themselves for the answer to what is reality, and how we know what is real, but every philosopher has their own views on reality, to begin idealist Renee Descartes argued that sensations and experience can be doubted, so it is pure reason, not the senses, that must form the basis of Truth and what reality is. Next, an Idealist, Plato who claimed that the world of ideas, for example the ideal nature or essence of a tree or a circle or a color, was more fundamental, more real, than physical reality, and that physical reality, a tree for instance, comes into being as an imperfect instance of the ideal. John Locke an empiricist said that the mind starts out without any knowledge and everything one knows is built up from experience through the senses. So who is right? Is there any one way to know what reality really is? In Descartes his first and second meditations he claims that all our beliefs can be doubted because our senses could simply be just an illusion, he goes on to say that although all our beliefs cannot be certain, because we think and experience, our minds must exist. Descartes argued that our ordinary experiences and views of the world cannot give us the kind of affirmed foundation on which all other knowledge and beliefs can be based. We are often dismayed to acknowledge that what we have learned is simply detriment, or that what our senses tell us is not certain. That should make us wonder about whether all the other things we believe might also be uncertain. So is there anything that we can know for certain without a doubt? We can doubt whether there is a physical world and whether we have a physical body. We can doubt whether our own reasoning can be trusted, so then what can we absolutely know for certain? Descartes gives an example that even if a higher power deceives us about a ll our other beliefs, there is one belief that we can be certain about, which is that we are thinking. Even to doubt this belief is proving that we are thinking. And since thinking cannot occur without there being something that does the thinking, this proves that we exist. When we think, it proves we have a mind, regardless of whether we have bodies. The body we experience as our own is not an essential part of our self because we can doubt its existence in a way that we cannot doubt the existence of our mind. Plato believed that reality was in the form of two separate worlds, he believed that something was an individual object, but could be put together into a larger group. For example there are multiple breeds of cats, but they all fall under a larger group, which is cats, or felines. Another analogy that Plato came up with was the allegory of the cave. Here the physical world is in the form of a cave, in which the humans are trapped from the beginnings of our life, where we are stationary and cannot move our heads, so we perceive only shadows and sounds. Without reason, one of us is released and is encouraged to travel upward to the entrance of the cave. This revelation is very confusing to the person. Then he is pulled to the entrance of the cave, where the light is hurting his eyes that are accustomed to the dark, which threatens the only security his life has known. The world of daylight represents the realm of Ideas. His eyes grow accustomed to the light and he can look up to the sun, and understand what the ultimate source of light and life is. This is symbolic of the Idea of the Good in the Realm. This gradual process is a metaphor of education, and enlightenment. Yet the real lesson of Plato is that the enlightened person now has a moral responsibility to the unfortunate people, still in the cave, to rescue them and bring them into the light. This lesson brings about Socrates famous quote, As for the man who tried to free them and lead them upward, if they could somehow lay their hands on him and kill him, they would do so. This is ironic in nature. The fact that this man is trying to help these people and they are so uneducated masses will resent him and threaten his life. Lastly, John Locke stated that we define objects by primary and secondary properties; primary properties being undeniably objective features such as size and shape, and secondary properties being subjective such as colour and taste. ( Lockes theory on reality is called Representative Realism, it is the view that sense data (an immediate object of perception, which is not a material object; a sense impression) somehow represents the objects and that these objects are causally involved in our production of the sense data. Our perception of objects is thus indirect; hence, representative realism is a kind of indirect realism. (An Introduction to Epistemology, second edition, 277) This view argues that we experience reality indirectly by perceptions that represent the real world. So, if we see a brown table, what we are actually seeing is not the table itself but a representation of it. In this way, differences of perception which occur due to c hanges in light conditions, position of viewer, etc., can be easily explained: it is not the object which is changing, only the perception of it. As an example, a man is standing on the corner of a busy road and witnesses two cars collide. Neither driver is hurt, but both step out of their cars to inspect the damage. Driver A is a young mother with a young child in the back of the car; driver B is a business executive in a hurry; the witness is an old man wearing glasses. As the two drivers argue about whose fault it was, the man approaches them and offers to confirm what he saw happening. What does each of them see? Whose is the correct view? It is evident that the mind knows not things immediately, but only by the intervention of the ideas it has of them. Our knowledge therefore, is real, only so far as there is conformity between our ideas and the reality of things. But what shall be here the criterion? How shall the mind, when it perceives nothing but its own ideas, know they agree with things themselves? (John Locke, 452) So who is right? These are just three different views on reality out of hundreds, and possibly even thousands from other philosophers, but is there any one way to know if one philosophers theory is right over another? One thing most of these theories have in common is that our perceptions of reality, how we view things through our senses and the different objects we see, may not be what is certainly real, they suggest that what our perceptions of reality are, are not really what reality is. What this means is that for the average person living, their reality is based upon ignorance towards other truths. Throughout the span of humanity, we as a species have looked upon the workings of the universe through the lens of religion, using it to explain the unexplainable. However, secularized sciences began to surface and thus, scientific explanations began to replace religious beliefs. What was previously the affliction of ignorance towards the people who used religion to perceive the world around them transformed into a truth. However, as the sciences and technology grew more advanced, previous scientific theorems began to be disproved by newly discovered ones. Again, the ignorance transforms into truth; nonetheless, each and every time ignorance converts to truth new ignorance manifests. As an example in while inside the matrix, Neo had no idea that his reality was created by the workings of a machine. To him, the food he ate was real, and the punches he took in the face were painful. He perceived the mechanical world he resides in to be reality, to be real. However, as soon as he awakens to the new reality, outside of the machine, his previous life became an obsolete truth to him, and this new one became his new reality. Reality is a cycle of truth and ignorance, and will continue to be so eternally. Unless one is omniscient, there will always be a truth, a fact, in existence that will carry the potential to disprove everything we know. As humans we struggle to know why we exist and what reality is, but many of us are too afraid to give up the comfort of believing what we see to be true to discover the answers to what reality is, because of this there are select few individuals who question their life and what it means, these individuals give insight to others and are able to teach other individuals about what it means to question our existence and perceptions. Although for many of us the theories of philosophers such as Descartes, Plato, and Locke may seem wildly unlikely, the more we question what reality is, the more we ourselves create new theories about reality, and they themselves may seem far-fetched to other individuals. We may look at what other philosophers have theorized in the past, but for us, as individuals, to discover what reality means to us personally, we must think deeply ourselves, we must theorize and question ourselves until we are so confused by our questions we no longer know what it means to exist. We cannot rely on other theories of reality because everyone perceives reality differently, what one person may perceive is different than what another person may perceive, and because of this not everyone can have the same views and theories on what reality and existence means. Some of us may see God as an important part and influence in our reality, while others may not. Some people may say nothing truly exists, and that we are just an illusion and others may say everything they see is real. No one is wrong; our individual views on reality are personal, our perceptions are not the same as other individuals perceptions, and that does not mean one is wrong or right. What it means is that we as humans have the responsibly to question ourselves, to question what it means to live. In order for any of us to achieve true happiness we must question reality, existence, and our perceptions. If we live in ignorance, we are not truly being happy; we are letting ourselves be satisfied with not understanding the world. Thinking deeply about reality inspires growth, it inspires us to realize there is more to the world then what we can see, the world is a limitless place of our desires.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Haberdasher Essay -- Chaucer Essays
The Haberdasher The â€Å"orphan pilgrims†of the Canterbury Tales appear to be quite interesting with their â€Å"geere apiked (365).†A snapshot of the guildsmen determines that the men were wealthy, apart of some type of brotherhood, and had wives that were socially upstanding. Now an argument arises when trying to decide whether or not the craftsmen were actually in a guild or not. Evidence supports my view that, not only were they in a guild, but it was legitimate, exclusive, and included only those with similar occupations. A haberdasher was amongst the fraternity Chaucer mentions. During the medieval times, this hat maker was probably using a cloth called chaperon to make hats. Both men and women wore these types of hats; beaver hats became popular. Women also wore veils on their head to hide their hair (Britannica). At this point in history, there were no legal contracts. This became a problem when the townspeople needed credit to buy items and the craftsmen needed raw materials. The main solution was for the craftsmen to join guilds in an effort to boost their reputation. â€Å"The ‘solempne’ and ‘greet fraternitee’ in whose livery Chaucer dressed the five Burgesses in the General Prologue of the Canterbury Tales was probably a craft fraternity (McCutchan 313).†Guilds were very important forces in the fourteenth century. A haberdasher or any craftsman would join â€Å"for personal establishment†and membership also was â€Å"the most frequently employed means of claiming such status in local society (Rosser 10).†The fraternities served as a form of kinship and inclusion amongst peers. The fictional kinship of a fraternity lent a moral force to the declarations of mutual respect sworn between the ‘... ... However, they are highly revered respected in the community and part of that is because of the product that they make. Clothing is a symbol for status, a political statement, and a first impression. Works Cited Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron. Garden City: Garden City Publishing Company, 1930. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury Tales. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1987. Harwood, Britton J. â€Å"The ‘Fraternitee’ of Chaucer’s Guildsmen.†The Review of English Studies 39.155 (1988): 413-417. â€Å"Hat.†Encyclopedia Britannica. 2003. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 13 Nov 2003 Kirby, Thomas A. â€Å"The Haberdasher and his Companions.†Modern Language Notes 53.7 (1938): 504-505. Rosser, Gervase. â€Å"Crafts, Guilds and the Negotiations of Work in the Medieval Town.†Past and Present 154 (1997): 3-31.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Experimental Training Program: Wilderness/adventure Learning :: essays research papers
Experimental Training Program: Wilderness/Adventure Learning Training employees is a fundamental element of a corporations success. A company succeeds only as well as the people running it can perform. This training process can cover many skills and go into many areas of expertise. One key element that has only recently come into action is an outdoor- based experiential training program. Commonly called "ropes courses," wilderness courses or adventure learning programs have been in use in the USA since the early 1980's, and by organizations in the UK since the early 1970's. Outdoor programs have been most beneficial when used to promote effective work teams and used to enhance leadership and management skills in the participants. Outdoor- based training programs seem to accomplish these objectives by allowing participants to develop a high level of trust in their peers, improve their problem-solving ability, and generally improve the level of interpersonal communications between group members. Companies are looking for leaders that can launch them into a new era. Constant improvement is necessary to meet the growth of challenging competition. So who defines leadership? What is a leader and how would you raise these skills that may be laying dormant in your subordinates? Organizations need great leaders to help them successfully survive the many difficulties of this decade. Yet, the very notion of leadership has rapidly degenerated into a clichà ©, a buzz word. In many people's minds, leadership has become identified with an overly simplistic conception of vision and empowerment. Although these concepts do play an important role in the leadership process, they only scratch the surface of what an exceptional leader actually does on a day-to-day basis. What do leaders really do to make an organization work well? In my research I found that great leaders exhibit nine different kinds of behaviors that enable them to bring out the best in the people around them. Some of the nine behaviors of leadership listed below involve building participatory teams, some involve using "situational management strategies," while others enhance personal resources. Listed separately, the nine behaviors include: Developing people. Being able to influence others. Encouraging teamwork. Empowering people. Using multiple options thinking. Taking intelligent risks. Being passionate about work. Having a strong, clear vision. Stretching one's personal creativity. While many people think leaders are unique, even born to that state of excellence, I have found just the opposite. With proper experiential training, it is possible for people to learn these leadership behaviors. In other words, leaders can be developed. By all means they should be developed at many levels in an organization because leadership in a hierarchical situation stimulates the best in their followers and thereby increases overall productivity.
Placebo and Justinus :: Papers
Placebo and Justinus After discussing the dangers and advantages of marrying young women, January asks friends for advice. Placebo [Latin, "I will please"] flatters him, telling him he is right to marry a young woman. Justinus [L. "just one"] warns him of the dangers he risks and counsels him not to marry, based on his own experience as a married man. January does what he wants, in the end, and suffers for it. Their speeches are almost a little play about bad and good advice. Are they played for satiric/comic effect, or do they seem to tend toward tragedy? Especially note the way January responds to their advice (IV.1566-1571). January then discussed his problem with his friends and expressed his desire to marry a very young maiden of not more than twenty years old. This led to a great debate and a dispute between the Knight’s brothers named Placebo and Justinus. While Placebo told January to take his own decision without taking anybody’s opinion into consideration, Justinus counseled against marriage since women are fickle. January then decided to get married. January, wished to have a young wife of no older than thirty, for a young wife would be more pliable, but Placebo warned him that it takes great courage for such an aged man to take a young wife. He warned him of the misery that can come from taking a wife, for she could be shrewish or a drunkard, facts that a husband will not learn until well into the marriage. Despite the common opinion that Placebo has a wonderful wife, he knows what faults she has. They argue about the merits of marriage, with Placebo predicting that January will not please his wife for more than three years, but Placebo eventually assents to January's plan. January finally decided to take a young and pretty wife, foolishly believing that nobody would find fault with his choice. He spoke to Placebo and his friends about his choice, praising his intended wife. January, however, worries that a man who finds
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Positive Effects of Athletics and Education
Samantha Buehler English 112 Mrs. Schaefer 2/25/13 The Positive Effects of Athletics and Education Academic learning and Sport Education are actually the complementariness of each other. They are the two sides of the same coin, which go hand and hand with each other. If education and athletics make a full development of the over-all personality of a person possible, he or she gets the qualities of leadership, tolerance, sharing and team-spirit from sports.In the article â€Å"The Positive Effects of Athletics On Educations†by Matt Blackburn(71) states that athletics has shown the improve the work ethic, increase the self- esteem, and increase the academic performance and achievement of the student-athletes involved. But according to the article â€Å"Contrary to Popular Belief: Athletics, A Negative Effect on Education†by Jake Cartwright states, In this country, athletics are seen as a great stepping stones for students to develop character, learn valuable skills, and they further aid in the everyday education of students.However, too many people are naive as to the truth about what effects athletics truly have on a student’s education. But with that said, I agree with Matt Blackburn and see that there are many positive effects of athletics in education and believe he proves his opinion very well. As I go on how athletics and education are complimentary of each other, I will discuss how education and athletics go hand and hand, and the positive benefits of Athletics. The mental development, including the power of reasoningof course comes from the academics.It, therefore, becomes necessary that education should result in the mental, moral and physical development of a student, which comes from athletics because while he or she participates in a sport, he or she develops how to have good work ethic and self-esteem according to Blackburn(71). But no one can deny that unfortunately, the present day system of education has too much stress on m ental development for a student. In the article â€Å"In College Classroom, the Problem is High school Athletics,†by Steven Conn states, American higher education bears some measure of the esponsibility. There are number of reasons that high school sports follow the lead of college sports becoming more professionalized. Athletes are becoming more and more competitive because they want that scholarship to a college and because of that the athletes drive off of education and athletics. But f or an all-round development of a child to get to that point, the curriculum should include sports and games and health education at a young age. A balance amount of school time should be devoted to Sports and Education.Sports and Education need to be introduced with all eagerness, because mental and moral development is just not possible without physical development. We must remember that a strong and healthy student will be more eager to stay focus with school and educations, who will set goals and will also gain life skills and knowledge for their future according to J. D. Robinson (101), the student/athlete, will develop more scholarly in education with experience of athletics. Not only will the athlete be scholar in education but will also build great self-esteem that will carry with them into the class room because they will see that hard work pay off.According to Matt Blackburn, athletics does build the self-esteem of student-athletes by providing them with opportunities to set and achieve goals. As athletes accomplish these goals their self-esteem and self-confidence skyrocket, and many times this boost of self-confidence is carried over into endeavors, including academics. A healthy and strong body is not possible without sports. The development of body is very essential in life. All our physical enjoyments, and even mental enjoyments, depend upon our body. All our degrees and achievements will be of no use without a good healthy personality.Life is a struggl e and the person with a healthy and strong body alone can face it successfully. Besides promoting health and strength, sports develop many good qualities to the athlete and with a healthy athlete he or she will have a healthy life style. They strengthen the power of endurance and promote discipline. Young men and women are trained to face defeat with a smile and maintain composure even in victory. Games are the greatest and the healthiest means of refreshment and recreation. They fill one with joy, drive, endurance and energy, which help a person a lot in facing the actual odds of life without yielding to gloom.So sports are not only essential but also necessary for an all-round development of the personality. The famous saying, â€Å"The battle of Waterloo was won on the play-grounds of Eton,†correctly and relevantly sums up the importance of sports in education even though people will still have questions of how athletics and education go hand and hand. Those people who st ill have those questions just do not see the joy in an athlete. Having athletics and academics can certainly strengthen a person all around and will give them an advantage to life. References Blackburn, M. (2012). The Positive Effects of Athletics on Education. †In The Popken writer, (pp. 71-74). Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co. , Cartwright, J. (2012). â€Å"Contrary to Popular Belief: Athletics, A Negative Effect on Education ( A Response to Matt Blackburn). †In The Popken writer, (pp. 103-105). Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co. , CONN, S. (2012). In College Classrooms, the Problem Is High School Athletics. Education Digest, 78(4), 21-24. Robinson J. D. (2012). â€Å"A Point of View of Athletics and Education: A Response to Matt Blackburn. †In The Popken writer, (pp. 101-102). Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Asthma or a Chronic Inflammatory Disorder of the Airways
No longer is bronchial asthma attack attack considered a spring with isolated, acute episodes of bronchospasm. Rather, asthma is now unsounded to be a chronic incendiary disorder of the melodywaysthat is, punk makes the airways chronically sensitive. When these hyper-responsive airways be irritated, airflow is limited, and attacks of coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and animate bother fare. Asthma involves complex interactions among inflammatory jail cells, mediators, and the cells and tissues in the airways. The interactions result in airflow bound from acute broncho-constriction, swelling of the airway wall, change magnitude mucus secretion, and airway remodeling. The inflammation withal causes an increase in airway responsiveness.During an asthma attack, the patient attempts to compensate by breathing at a higher lung raft in order to keep the air flowing finished the constricted airways, and the great the airway limitation, the higher the lung volume esse ntial(prenominal) be to keep airways open. The morphologic changes that occur in asthma include bronchial infiltration by inflammatory cells. recognise effector cells in the inflammatory rejoinder are the mast cells, T lymphocytes, and eosinophils.Mast cells and eosinophils are in any case signifi weedt participants in supersensitised responses, thereof the similarities between allergic reactions and asthma attacks. different changes include mucus plugging of the airways, interstitial edema, and microvascular leakage. conclusion of bronchial epithelium and thickening of the subbasement tissue layer is also characteristic. In addition, there whitethorn be hypertrophy and hyperplasia of airway liquid muscle, increase in goblet cell number, and enlargement of sub-mucous glands. Although causes of the initial goal toward inflammation in the airways of patients with asthma are non yet certain, to date the strongest identified risk factor is atopy.This inherited familial tenden cy to cede allergic reactions includes increased sensitivity to allergens that are risk factors for developing asthma. more(prenominal) or less of these allergens include domestic dust mites, animals with fur, cockroaches, pollens, and patterns. Additionally, asthma may be triggered by viral respiratory infections, especially in children. By nullifying these allergens and triggers, a person with asthma lowers his or her risk of irritating sensitive airways. A few avoidance techniques include retention the home clean and well ventilated, apply an air conditioner in the summer monthswhen pollen and mold counts are high, and getting an annual influenza vaccination.Of course, asthma sufferers should avoid tobacco shutout altogether. Cigar, cigarette, or pipe stack is a trigger whether the patient smokes or inhales the smoke from others. Smoke increases the risk of allergic sensitisation in children, increases the severity of symptoms, and may be fatal in children who already p repare asthma. Many of the risk factors for developing asthma may also provoke asthma attacks, and people with asthma may have one or more triggers, which take leave from individual to individual. The risk can be further reduced by winning medications that decrease airway inflammation. Most exacerbations can be prevented by the combination of avoiding triggers and victorious anti-inflammatory medications.An exception is physical use, which is a common trigger of exacerbations in asthma patients. However, asthma patients should not necessarily avoid all physical exertion, because some types of activity have been proven to reduce symptoms. Rather, they should depart in conjunction with a concern to design a proper prepare regimen, which includes the use of medication. In order to key asthma, a healthcare professional must appreciate the underlying disorder that leads to asthma symptoms and understand how to recognize the condition through information gathered from the patients history, physical examination, measurements of lung function, and allergic status.Because asthma symptoms vary throughout the day, the respiratory system may appear pattern during physical examination. Clinical signs are more likely to be present when a patient is experiencing symptoms however, the absence of symptoms upon examination does not exclude the diagnosis of asthma.
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