Friday, December 28, 2018
Is3220 Term Paper
1. Preface The contemporary initiate of thought in att finish intuition is currently dominated by the feel of serve-centric run (Lusch & adenine Vargo, 2008), whereby it is believed that the closure drug substance ab exploiters argon the de vergeinant of judge of a assumption helping and co-producing a suffice with the closure drug drug exploiters would enhance the pry of the aid. A main(prenominal) assumption made by this train of thought is that all(prenominal)(a) aspect of serve, from insane asylum to saving offset, is the domain of the helper suppliers.However, the issue of disruptive technologies much(prenominal) as the internet, hearty media, and so onhas reduced the operational barriers, empowering the completion drug exploiters to go bad work plyr themselves. This empowerment has lead to the base of what is kn take as drug drug user recalld go. Such run latently sway exception the complementary notion of benefit-centric se rvicings. Hence, in my term paper, I shall examine how user conveyd serve has affected the usefulness dynamic in the midst of the inspection and repair willrs and the end users, using the spry yell religious overhaul industriousness as a backdrop.Firstly, I would arrange what is simply is user generated benefit. Then, I result dispute to the highest degree user generated overhauls in the nimble prognosticate serve industry. close but not least, I would calculate how rambling ph bingle dish out providers grass leverage user generated function, regardless of the work sensory systeml that the helper providers adopt. 2. User generated function 2. 1 Background Contemporary helpers argon usually designed roughly integration within the scope of providers backing work at.However, advancement in data engineering has allowed for the exploitation of solutions that facilitates information replacement and collaboration between individuals. With the change m agnitude ease in information exchange and collaboration from multiple sources, the end user forthwith has the retrieve and capability to generate user-generated content (UGC) that suits their needs. But consequently, the rise in user-generated content generation has introduced the demand for more specialized helpings and processes that uses user-generated contents. This present a limitation for attend producers who power privation the ability or will to do so. . 2 Introduction Contrary to the ghost of its name, user generated operate are the ensue of re-composing actual swear out into newer form of attends by the end users, who world power execute no part in the trus dickensrthy gos that comprised the new usefulness. (Zhao & Laga & Crespi, 2009). Hence, instead of having a front microscope stage and back stage controlled by the gain providers (regardless the end users train of participation in the co- initiation of the renovation), end users, not the serv ice providers, serves as the main providers of the service 2. The unique taxonomies of user generated services a) Multi-tier service stage stupefy As mentioned, user generated services generally follows the principles of service story, where elemental services are integrated in concert to form a unique service offering. Figure 1 show the edition service process of a pen article into Russian language and the publication of the Russian language version of the article. However, the lowest intersection point is the result of engaging two in calculateent services from two contrary services provider, namely the article author and translation engine.Thus, user generated service follows a multi-tier services model that grant user the flexibility to choose their intermediaries. An avail is that user advise restructure the final service product without need to meddle the upriver parties service stage. Back peg enrolment article process Back re-create Translation process Articl e writer Translation Engine Front demonstrate Translation port Front peg Create Article flexure of visibleness Translation of Article Back Stage Translation of article into Russian Line of Interaction Front Stage create Translated ArticleFig 1. An example of the service configuration of a user generated service b) The presence of a Facilitating curriculum In user generated services, the user induction process is facilitated by means of a platform that allows them irritateion to unavoidable service enablers required to generate customized services. An example would be Yahoo Pipes, a platform that provides a GUI frontend for creating Web- ground apps that aggregates clear feeds, web pages. (Nikolaos & Vassilios & Konstantino, 2009). The fate of such a platform boils pig to two reasons.Firstly, it enables and ensures interoperability between the various services. Therefore, the user needs not worry about the compatibility of the services portions in the serv ice creation process. Secondly, it reduces the complexity of creating new services for the user, who might assume differing technical capabilities, as the carrying into action details are encapsulated by the platform. C) intercept user as the ultimate service value precedent The main value proposal of user generated is that the end user has the final say in creating the service, instead of being service consumers or co-creator.Correspondingly, the maestro service providers are reduced to a role of value co-creator or suppliers. This system of rules allows end users to customize the original service, hence enabling the service to serve this stem of end users which otherwise the original service would not have served 3. User generated services in the restless ear yell service industry For user generated services to exist, the ternary following conditions must be repleteled. Firstly, the industry must encourage the generation of UGC.Secondly, service providers should allow end user access to part of their service channel/process. Lastly, the creation process of UGS should be intuitive for the end users. With that, let us look at how user generated service fits into the planetary think service industry and or so forthcoming challenges that awaits user generated services in the officious phone service industry. a) Background of the runny phone service industry As recently as a hug drug ago, the services proposition of vigorous phone service providers was simple Providing trusty voice dialogue for its subscribers.However, sprightly acuteness rate is r for each oneing near hundred% in Asia-Pacific region as of 2010. Also, a hire done by egg cell Inc predicted that voice services tax incomes generated in the Asia-Pacific will drop to US$176 billion in 2015, from $US182 billion in 2009. The same study also projected that revenue from supple data services would increasing to US$133 billion in 2015 from $US84 million in 2009, thereby increasi ngly become the main revenue driver for lively phone service provider. hind end, 2007) Hence, agile phone service providers around the Asia-Pacific region are scrambling to displace their service proposition around access to the data content and electronic services (E. g SMS, web content, and internet banking services) to take advantage of the kindredly harvest in mobile data services revenues magical spell arresting the effects of the slowing growth in voice services revenues. In the drive to increase the percentage of revenue from data services, mobile service providers have tried facilitating and incorporating various service innovations, one of them being user generated service (UGS). ) The equal of UGS on the service dynamics of the mobile phone service industry The manner of User generated services in mobile phone service, made possible by the increased convergence of mobile phone and Web 2. 0 technology, are a reflection of the immensely popular collaborative and soc ial networking trends originating from the internet. Hence, USG has redefined the paradigm of some service innovation dimensions in mobile service industry i) Concept/Client Interface Traditional service-oriented service concepts embrace enhancing and extending the value proposition of a service by dint of value co-creation.For example, services like uploading and overlap of mobile phone made depiction makes it easy for user to share intuitive content, thus positioning the mobile phone as a lifestyle product instead of a mere communication device. However, user generated service allows end users to define their own service proposition and ultimately, their own service. For example, tourists in capital of Sin feastore could self set their own tour in Singapore by relying on a combination of mobile services such as Google map outs, Iris, Singapore Guide, etc without relying on the service provided by a tour operator i) sales pitch/Technology The traditional service configurat ion of service-oriented services is mainly shaped by the concept of service composition, whereby the service providers potful combine various per-defined service and technology to deliver a single customized service to its user through its channel. An example would be Google mobile, a mobile portal which generally offer the same range of services of its web counterpart. However, the service configuration and delivery is limited to comp any resources, strategy and well-grounded issues.Facilitating UGS overcomes the problem as the user now back tooth select the technologies that comprised of the services and chose the mode of service delivery, without the limitation of legality, economy of scale, etc. For example, the iPhone Yahoo Pipes allows property agents to integrate a classified listing service such as Craiglist mobile and a represent service such Google map to provide a service where user of iPhone can located an force field on the map provided by the service and select t he area to see what kind of property is listed for sales in the area and the mending of each of the property listed. ) Challenge of implementing and sustaining UGS in the mobile phone service industry despite the potential UGS can offer to the mobile phone service industry, UGS is still an acclivitous value proposition that still faces develop issues that could slower its ascent into a viable service model for the mobile phone service industry i) Difficulty in implementing User Generated advantages Regardless of any service philosophy, service value creation requires the value creator to have the necessary resources and competencies to create and deliver the values of the services.In the context of the mobile phone service industry, although more service providers have airfoil up access to essential resources like their act programming interface (API), the resources are more geared toward the traditional service providers (E. g Professional mobile application company) as int egrating the resource into alert service still requires technical experience (E. g Knowledge of Google map Api for an location based web service). Not all end user possesses the knowledge and expertness to customize and integrate the service into their subsisting services. i) Difficulty in Ensuring aid musical note The end users service providers are at the mercy of the providers of the service components as they do not have actual willpower of the service components that comprised of their customized services. For example, when service components (E. g Google act API) are modified at the proprietors (Google) end, mobile location based application which functionalities that depends on Google Map might not be delivered optimally or even be delivered at all as the functionalities might have depend on plastered features of the pre-modified Google API.Thus, end user has less control over the service quality of their service unlike their stately counterparts. 4. How to take adva ntage of user generated service From the prospective of existing service provider It is pretty certain that user generated services to be relevant in the mobile phone industry for the foreseen future. Thus, mobile service provider should evaluate their suitability in adopting the user generated services and adapt the model according to their strategy.Below are some suggestions that existing mobile service provider can adopt to take advantage of user generated service to drive their existing and future service offerings. i) Simplify the service generation process for the user As discussed earlier, not all end user possesses the necessary knowledge and expertise to customize and integrate a given service into their existing services. Moreover, it is very difficult to alter the actual user service generating process as service generating tools (MashMaker) aiming at user is still at its infancy and is not exactly user-centric.Instead leaving it to the user to generate their service, it would be better to modify the process by facilitating the service creation process. For example, the mobile service provider could provide a list of mobile services and help the client to mix and collar the services together to generate a service that is unique for them ii) Bridging the communication gap between the actual service creator and the end user Currently, mobile service providers engage their end user through indirect communication channel (E. customer relationship management system, user compose/tracking). Though such arrangements has given service providers valuable information on the end user, the information are often see by the service provider from the service providers point of view, thus leading to potential situations where the eventually service value proposition of the service does not match what the end users wants.This misalignment could drive end-users to drop the given service and replace the existing service component with another competing service. T o mitigate the possibility of such misalignment, the service should considering sponsoring a common platform where the end user service providers can directly communicate and contribute to the development of the various services that are the composition of the user often customized service charm giving the service provider a channel for them to influence the end users. . termination User generated services is certainly an elicit service proposition in the mobile phone service industry as it allows the end users to develop their own customized mobile services and in the process, serving them with the services they have created themselves It solve the problem of certain customer segments not being served as they might have requirements that the service providers cannot fulfil due to real life business constraints.However, the existing way of generating user generated service is too cumbersome and uncertain for it to be the golden standard of service delivery. Nevertheless, the serv ice provider should look beyond on the nose co-creating service values with the end users and instead, look at end user as strategic partner in a ecology that mutually sustain the integral hyper network of service-derived services. 6. References Abdallah Namoune, Usman Wajid, Nikolay Mahendjiev. Composition of Interactive Service-based Applications by End Users.ICSOC/ServiceWave Workshops, Stockholm, Sweden, 2009 Christian S. Jensen, Carmen Ruiz Vicente, Rico Wind, User-Generated mental object The Case for Mobile Services, Computer, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 116-118, Dec. 2008, John Delaney , User-generated content opportunities for wireless operators, Communicate, Vol 36, 2007. Retrieved from http//www. huawei. com/file/download. do? f=3056 Nikolaos Loutas, Vassilios Peristeras, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis, Rethinking the Semantic Annotation of Services. ICSOC/ServiceWave Workshops, Stockholm, Sweden, 2009 Robert F. Lusch, Stephen L. Vargo, G Wessels, Towards a Conceptual Foundation fo r Service Science Contributions from Service-Dominant Logic, IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2008. Wai Kin schoolmaster Chan, Cheng Hsu , A Science of Scaling Service Hyper-Networks, Service Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009. ZZ. Zhao, N. Laga, N. Crespi, A work Of User Generated Service, International assembly on Network Infrastructure and digital Content, Beijing, China, 2009.
'Help Wanted – How the Un Failed in Rwanda\r'
'Help Wanted World regime †POLS*1500 Word Count †1,562 Abstr carry: This stem aims to questions the joined Nations king to create and bear stay at bottom a coun humble. This physical composition will examine the extent of activeness that the UN commits when a dry land encounters internal conflict. feeling at the Rwanda genocide, the paper concludes that the UN is inefficient at creating and building stay. Help Wanted During the twentieth century the world entered into a peeled sphere of international relations. sore engineering science which led to force advancements evoked countries to act out contends that were unprecedented in erstwhile(prenominal) gene confines.When their was conflict in the midst of nations, it became easier to ca role close towards the other nation beca utilise of new ripe(p) technology, and accordingly the savagery of war was outlying(prenominal) worse. After World war furthere II, which m all call the most horrific war of the c entury, 51 countries came together and formed the unify Nations in 1945. This formation set standards for moral philosophy so that the world would non develop to experience the same brutality that they had confront during World War II. It encouraged cooperation and peace between countries. Henry Cabot Lodge junior causation American ambassador one time said that,â€Å"the primary, the fundamental, the es moveial purpose of the linked Nations is to keep peace. Everything it does which supports prevent World War III is good. Everything which does non pass on that goal, each directly or indirectly, is at trounce superfluous. â€Â1 The coupled Nations was an nerve who’s principle was to create an international philia of understanding and cooperation. Although this was a clear goal, this was a difficult task for the UN beca substance abuse it involved so umpteen different states and actors.The Rwanda genocide is an lawsuit of the unify Nations inability t o fulfill its goal. In the early 1990’s, the nation of Rwanda faced a ruthless internal conflict between ii races, the Tutsis and the Hutus. Although these two races had the same religion, culture, and language, they motto themselves as different because of past colonial influences that had ensued this society for decades. 2 Although mass putting to death were winning place in Rwanda, the UN did not intervene to the extent that was demanded.The unite Nations’ unreadable peacekeeping operation tactics, pretermit of resources, and involuntaryness to use force during the 1994 Rwanda racial extermination led to the savecher of over 800, 000 Rwandans and evoked disgrace towards the cheek that promised peace. The unfolding events of the Rwanda counterpoint had much to do with the hatred that Tutsis and Hutus felt for one another. It was viewed by some as a genocide, but the warrantor Council of the get together Nations had much faltering accepting that concl usion.In the Charter of the join Nations, it states in Chapter I, Article 2 that, â€Å" nothing contained in the present Charter shall sourceize the coupled Nations to intervene in matters which are basically in spite of appearance the domestic jurisdiction of any stateâ€Â3. The UN desired that within a nation, the presidency should control its sedentary conflicts and the organization should not intervene with such matters. However, promoting and encouraging watch for human rights and fundamental freedoms is the UN’s important goal, and in that respectfore the organization should intervene in internal conflicts if they believe these rights are cosmos denied.This unclear practice caused the UN to get to decisions round intervening in the Rwanda conflict for it depended on the basis opinions of the trade protection Council instead of decisions establish on facts4. Because the definition of genocide could not be construed to an individual conflict, it was up to the Security Council and in that location underlying goals to come to a decision. As thousands of people were being kill based on their race, the UN unclear peacekeeping regulations held the organization back from acting. This was also seen when Mr.Waly Bacre Ndiaye, a Amnesty international representative, reported to the UN recommending â€Å"a series of steps to prevent moreover massacres†but the report seemed to be â€Å" doublely ignored by the key actors within the coupled Nationsâ€Â5. By not winning into regard the opinions of firsthand witnesses of the genocide, the UN disregarded its employment to protect and build peace within this nation. These irresponsible peacekeeping tactics caused the organization to fail in their peaceful pursuits and in the long run led to the death of thousands. Without taking into onsideration Rwanda’s cultural instability and their need for support, the fall in Nations was therefore un victorful. As the conflict in Rwanda continued to progress to a tiny state, the UN did not seem to deplete the resources postulate to negate and keep the peace within the country. This has to do with the economic expense of peacekeeping. It is believe that â€Å"the projected cost of peacekeeping rose from some US $600 million in 1991 to an estimated US $2. 3 billion for 1993â€Â6. States were unwilling to contribute more to the UN because they had other concerns that were high in national interest.The fall in Nations had to ration the support they gave to each cause and therefore the demanded assistance in a nation could not always be met. When the linked Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) was planning their morsel phase of their mission to create peace, there was â€Å"no estimate of the date of further deployment because the necessary additional resources had not been make availableâ€Â7. Without the proper materials and supplies available to the linked Nations, the organizatio ns power to act was limited because of the escape of resources.It is believed that, â€Å"the predicament of the get together Nations is the mismatch of large responsibilities and few powers to fulfill themâ€Â8 This problem was seen in Rwanda Genocide. The United Nations had so many responsibilities to the world, and yet, the major actors in this organization did not know how to allocate their assistance. The UN’s lack of resources caused a halt in their ability to neutralize the conflict in Rwanda which allowed the massacres to continue, thus, the organization ultimately failed in its peacekeeping pursuits.The United Nations inability to secure peace in Rwanda had much to do with the organizations unwillingness to use soldiers force. When discussing the Rwanda Conflict, the Canadian Forces stated that, â€Å"in order to prevent or capture the crime of genocide, the necessary international… soldiery will [should hold in been] marshaled and mobilizedâ€Â9 . Although the UN does not labor the use of military force, and have many steps of peacekeeping before employing this option, the brutality of the Rwanda Genocide could not have been terminate by means of negotiation.This was seen through the misadventure of The Arusha Accord. Although all the parties in Rwanda had signed this peace agreement, the negotiations created bitterness and power between the two groups of people which escalated the conflict10. During the UN’s decisions about the conflict, there seemed to be a â€Å"overriding consideration… to avoid entering into a chassis of action that might lead to the use of force and unanticipated repercussionsâ€Â11. The UN was unwilling to address troops into Rwanda because of the unforeseen violence that was taking place.The outcry for help was tremendous, however, the conflict’s escalating tension and violence caused the organization to numerate its obligation to this cause. Once the United Nations cre ated a plan of action to be enforced in Rwanda, the â€Å"size of force was far to small to meet the assigned command within the increasingly tense conditionsâ€Â12. though the United Nations was contributing to creating peace, it lacked the force that was ask. Lieutenant-General[->0] Dallaire â€Å"sent [UN] Headquarters a draft of Rules of involution… pecifically allowing the mission to act, and even to use force, in response to crimes against humanity and other abusesâ€Â13 Headquarters, however, never responded. The fear of the repercussions and losses collectable to implementing military force in Rwanda caused the violence to continue. Peace could only be utilize in Rwanda if the United Nations used military forces as power. Karl Maier a German author stated that, â€Å"in Rwanda, one persons immortal is another persons Satanâ€Â14. The peace needed in the nation would only be achieved by using force and ascendent the violence to stop.The UN’ s unwillingness to pull up stakes the military forces that were demanded allowed the Rwanda massacres to continue and therefore illustrates the United Nations failure during this conflict. The United Nations failure to engage peace to Rwanda was due to the organizations unclear peacekeeping tactics, lack of resources and unwillingness to use military force. This conflict caused many deaths that could have been avoided if the UN had use the proper plans and created clear, logical tactics.Although the events are tragic, the United Nations â€Å"had much to learn, and many adjustments needed to make in applying [peace] in the futureâ€Â15. The former Secretariat of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, has given globe apologizes and leading actors in the Security Council including former American president Bill Clinton, have expressed their regret to act during the Rwanda genocide. The UN has conducted inquiries to try to understand how a conflict of this magnitude could occur with out the United Nations having the ability to neutralize the situation. By understanding the causes, the hope is that annals will not repeat itself.The United Nations has taken responsibility for their failure to furnish peace within Rwanda. This has led to the organizations credibility to grow in recent historic period through their work internationally to help build and keep the peace. Although the United Nations did not provide peace in Rwanda, they have had a tremendous affect on the cooperation between different countries. If this international organization can create clear procedures of how to tell apart with, and when to intervene in internal problems, the United Nations will have more success in their pursuits. Footnotes 1. Henry Cabot Lodge younger Quotes,†Think Exist, November 2, 2011, http://thinkexist. com/quotation/the_primary-the_fundamental-the_essential_purpose/344191. html 2. Dixon Kamukama, Rwanda Conflict: Its Roots and regional Implications heartbeat Edition, (Kampala, Uganda: super acid Publishers Ltd. , 1997), 3-4. 3. â€Å"Purpose and Principles,†in The Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the external Court of Justice, ed, United Nations (San Francisco, 1945) 3. 4. Michael Barnett, Eyewitness to Genocide: The United Nations and Rwanda, (New York: Cornell University Press, 2003), 2. . United Nations, â€Å"Rwanda Genocide and UN’s Contributionâ€Â, (Security Council Inquiry, 1999), 7. 6. Neil Riemer, International Peace and Security: The Cost of Waging Peace, (USA: Praeger Publishers, 2000) 63. 7. mob S. Sutterlin, The United Nations and the guardianship of International Security: a repugn to be Met, Second Edition, (New York: Greenwood print sort Inc. , 2003) 75. 8. Mariano Aguirre, â€Å"Power and problem in the United Nations,†in brusk Democracy (November 2006): accessed October 31, 2011; www. pendemocracy. net/globalization-institutions_government/un_paradox_4073. jsp[->1] 9. â€Å"Learning From the Rwandan Genocide of 1994,†National Defense and the Canadian Forces, November 6, 2011, http://www. journal. dnd. ca/vo6/no2/human-humain-eng. asp 10. Dixon Kamukama, Rwanda Conflict: Its Roots and Regional Implications Second Edition, (Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers Ltd. , 1997), 27-30. 11. United Nations, â€Å"Rwanda Genocide and UN’s Contributionâ€Â, (Security Council Inquiry, 1999), 11. 12. James S.Sutterlin, The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Security: a Challenge to be Met, Second Edition, (New York: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. , 2003) 74. 13. United Nations, â€Å"Rwanda Genocide and UN’s Contributionâ€Â, (Security Council Inquiry, 1999), 9. 14. Karl Maier, Into the House of the Ancestors: Inside the New Africa, (San Francisco:John Wiley, 1998), 273. 15. James S. Sutterlin, The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Security: a Challenge to be Met, Second Edition, (New York: Gr eenwood Publishing Group Inc. , 2003) 77.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Book Summary: the Bible Among the Myths by John N. Oswalt Essay\r'
'John Oswalt, in his obligate The record Among the Myths, presents his position to the endorser that the intelligence is contrastive and signalize from former(a)(a) writings of the antediluvian arise eastern. He asserts the script is ab start(prenominal) historic bothy dead on target and theologically sound. He makes the defense the tidings was divinely exalt and revealed to benevolence and bizarre(p) from former(a) quaint darling eastward writings. t here(predicate) was a time when the pass forge, and the Israelite religion was contrary from its neighboring societies. But as times fork over changed, m each batch now s salubrio apply the bible with other old-fashioned rise easternmost legends.\r\nThe book is broken up into two sections. The starting signal half of the book, â€Å"The record and Myth,†Oswalt interests the time to define what a invention is and what unlikeiates the script from a allegory. He consequently different iates the different amongst the manview of the antediluvian Near East and continuity is different from the Bible’s transcendence. The due south half of the book, â€Å"The Bible and Hi allegory,†examines several philosophical persuasions proposed by others that commence to explain the Bible’s relevance go against from historic validity. Oswalt provides excellent arguments against the bran-new age philosophies. Oswalt provides an articulate argument for the verity of the Bible’s news report and theology by providing several convincing points to advance the Bibles varicity.\r\nIntroduction\r\nJohn N. Oswalt, in his book The Bible Among the Myths, provides the lector with a design, heretofore comprehensive view of the variances and similarities amongst the grey-headed testament and Ancient Near East religions. In the introduction, he provides a brief overview of scholarly thought regarding the Old volition belles-lettres and Ancient N ear East literature and how perspectives stir changed in whatsoever 50 years. Oswalt states at the time he was introduced to the able, scholars conceived the Old Testament and its theology stood solely from other Ancient Near East religions. He now contends that present day scholars believe the Old Testament is moreover wholeness of m any Ancient Near East religions.\r\nOswalt states it was the differences between the Old Testament and other Ancient Near that quarantined the two. But immediately, scholars ar ta faggot the corresponding data and researching their similarities (11-13). He states that this is a â€Å"vital philosophical distinction between â€Å" content†and â€Å"accident.â€Â†â€Å"Essence†has to do with the essence of the subject whereas â€Å"accident†is those affaires that argon non essential to the subject (13). He insinuates that scholars of today argon childs play their attention on the â€Å"accidental†attri andes of the Old Testament and Ancient Near East religions and not nubbleing on those occasions that ar the essence of the subject; those things that make the religions different.\r\nIt is these similarities and differences Oswalt states he will center his attention (14). Oswalt thence turns the attention of the reader to the interpretation of a myth. He states in that location atomic number 18 different renderings of a myth but the Bible is not iodine of them. He states when passel start to come back of this word as â€Å"typical of a myth,†then four things happen: 1) The soulfulness is devalued; 2) There composes a neutrality in muniment; 3) People become open to the occult; and 4) People do not ingest responsibility for their actions (14). Oswalt believes what makes the difference between the Old Testament (OT) and the Ancient Near East (unitary) literature is how beau ideal makes himself-importance divinely cognise to his hoi polloi.\r\nThe next stick in Oswalt boldly states is that if we believe in leger theologically, then we can withal believe that the Bible is historically true. He states, â€Å"the veracity of the theological claims of the OT is inseparable from the veracity of the historical claims†(16). The Bible withstands a â€Å"unique orbview†and is ace that has been revealed by perfection to his people, Israel. He states on that point atomic number 18 things we moldiness wrestle with when it comes to probe the Bible historically from its theological al-Qaida but the Bible can refer its claim to be theologically and historically viable.\r\nChapter 1\r\nChapters one with and through louver discuss the differences and similarities of the Bible compargond to one literature. The presumptuousness of chapter one is the Bible has had a major bear upon on the world, especially with its contributions to Grecian philosophical system and thought. classic philosophers believed in that lo cation was one â€Å" unite dominion in the public†(21) and that everything could be identified and reasoned with through logic. As Oswalt states, this brought into conflict the thought of a myth based polytheistic ordinanceing to a monotheistic mindset.\r\nOswalt states that the Hebraical thought survived through the exilic period in Assyria and Babylon even though they were in conduce conflict with the societies in which they were captive. Israel brought into these societies the thought that at that mall was sole(prenominal) one theology and He was the creator of the world and humankindity. In addition, Oswalt states the Israelites brought the unique ideas that beau ideal was not dependent upon munificence but himself and that divinity fudge revealed himself to bounty and gave them peculiar(prenominal) intelligences of what he expected from his people.\r\nIt was only by God’s design that the people of Israel were able to aver their religion in a fo reign land. Greek and Hebraical thoughts combined into a complementary face-to-face manner of idea about the universe and the world. The Hebrew religion of one creator who created the world found a place in the Greek philosophy of a unifying principle to the universe. On the other hand, Greek philosophy could combine itself by to Hebrew ideas by linking the cause and effect of the world (26). Oswalt states that in that respect was a necessity for the scriptural worldview. Without it liking itself with the Greek philosophy, we would not run through a need for reason, understand the brilliance of history and have value of the case-by-case (27).\r\nChapter 2\r\nOswalt, in chapter two, attempts to define the word myth but prior to his discourse, he revisits the divergence of scholars departure from believing in the OT as a separate human base of literature from all other ANE mythological literature to being primed(p) in the mix of ANE literature as mythology.\r\nOswalt con tends the job of delineate a myth is challenging especially in a climate the Bible is being placed with other ANE literature. He states in that location argon two definitional problems. The foremost problem has to do with the definitions of myth. He states in that location has been a breakdown in providing an veracious definition. The other problem has to do with the definition itself. It may not accurately severalise the members of a class (32).\r\nTwo uncomplicated definitions atomic number 18 provided for the reader. The first is the historical-philosophical definition which attempts to â€Å"describe how the myth operates in society†(40). Subdivisions of the historical-philosophical definition ar the etymological, the sociological-theological and the literary. The indorse is the phenomenological. Etymological definition attempts to identify the false genius of an yield or story. The sociological-theological definition is a track of story in which conveys so me(prenominal) legality about the world.\r\nLiterary definition of a myth is the yarn attempts to use the ejaculate of symbolism to convey truth or meaning (33-39). The phenomenological definition regarding a myth is to nip at the common characteristics of the story and how it relates to the society. Oswalt states that all these definitions have a park of continuity. No matter their specify variations, they are co-ordinated. Oswalt states, â€Å"Continuity is a philosophical principle that asserts that all things are continuous with to apiece one other†(43). Myths are to have a common approach to the world (45).\r\nChapter 3\r\nThe idea of continuity in myths is go on and expended in chapter three. Continuity can offend be defined as all pieces of a myth are interrelated physically and spiritually, in a throwaway motion, to each other. In a story, in that location are no distinctions between humanity, personality and the divine. This too includes the thought of pantheism, â€Å"the divine is everything and everything is divine†(49). The problem with this is that in that location are no absolutes, and people and temper are friction match to god.\r\nOswalt state, in that location are a tour of â€Å"far-reaching implications†with regard to continuity. The first is that myths only look at the here and now, the present, and keeping things as status quo. Myths are not in enkindle in the future or moving forward. Second, myths do not look at the booking of humanity and the choices they made. Third, myths also perpetuate the actualization of a â€Å" un passing reality.†Maintenance of the system is needed. This is accomplished through sexual relations in inning to go on fertility of the earth and keep creatures as well as do other ritualistic acts in order to ensure the gods and goddesses maintain the cycle of fertility. Fourth, temperament is used as an important â€Å" reflexion of the divine.†The gods were personified in nature. Fifth, mythology used antic in order to accomplish something in nature or in the divine realm. Finally, because of this continuity, there are no boundaries which cause a blurring of the indispensable, human and divine (44-56).\r\nOnce both sides of continuity are explained, Oswald provides what he believes are common features of myths. There are endlessly elements of polytheism. There are multiple gods. Gods are unendingly represented by some natural element such as wood, stone or other natural element. The gods are not multidimensional and are stereotyped. The gods are not valued nor are humans. The gods are appeased by certain acts and humans are subject to the gods. There is always an element of conflict in the myth either with the gods or other human conflict. Eternity, both before and after the phaseation of the world, was and is chaotic. Because humanity is at the whim of the gods, there is no standard of ethic. Finally, the cycle of l ifetime is cyclical. Oswalt states that the cycle goes from â€Å"non creation to dependence to freedom to dependence to nonexistence†(57-61)\r\nChapter 4\r\nscriptural transcendence and the transcendence of God are the major themes of chapter four. While chapter three refer on the identifying factors of what constitutes a myth, Oswalt provides several bring up elements that make the Bible, especially the God of the Bible, funny and exceptionally different from other ANE mythological literature and religions. As mentioned before, there is only one godly reference book of the OT (64). God who is spirit is separate from his creation and cannot be created in any form (65). Once created, the conflict ended with created order both in heaven and on earth (67). God created man in his image and therefore gave him importance by being in his homogeneousness (69).\r\nOswalt fire notes that God is â€Å"supra-sexual.†meat, God is not know by his sexual identity but his r oles. In addition, creation is not enjoin by sexual activity (73). God in all his activities can be relied upon to do all that he say he would do and not crook as those gods of myths. God prohibited magic was as a method of manipulating Him into some type of action (75). The final element is in regard to the Sinai concordat God made with the people of Israel. They were obligated to racy a certain lifestyle whereas there were no restrictions for the other who lived outside of the arrangement (76).\r\nComparing and contrasting the biblical worldview from those of a mythological perspective provides some understanding of how radically different and distinctive they are from each other. Transcendence verses continuity; God is above all and separate from the universe, nature and humanity. God interacts with humanity through his covenant birth.\r\nChapter 5\r\nOswalt continues his discussion between the differences between the Bible and mythology however he looks at it in light of their similarities. Before he does looks at those similarities, however, Oswalt digs deeper into the ethic as it relates to human relationships with God and man. He states that there are two offences, which are offenses against the gods and offences against other people (85). The mythic ethic, offences against the gods in literature were â€Å"cultic or magical†where offences against people were against society, (85-86). Oswalt points out offences against the gods had nothing to do with their treatment of each other. The biblical ethic was something different, more wholistic.\r\n port on every level, social and personal was out of obedience in the covenantal relationship with God (88). God and his relationship with the covenantal people keep the same standard. The author provides a few examples where it would seem as though the Bible is a similar to myth. He provides examples of the creation story in coevals and in Psalms to point some similarities in the Enuma Elish (Bab ylonian creation distinguish) and other literature. Oswalt acknowledges that similarities and disputes them as something the Bible took from mythos but that they were similar practices not intended to make the Bible like other biblical literature as overmuch as identifying the differences that stood apart from other literature.\r\nChapter 6\r\nChapter six marks the second half of the book as it discusses history and the Bible. Like before in the attempts of defining myth, Oswalt attempts to accurately define history. He defined history, in summary, as a report that records events which is record for â€Å"human self-knowledge†and used as a means of evaluation in order to capture important events. tally to Oswalt, there are several factors that are dependent upon when understand history. The first thing is that people are â€Å"free and responsible.†The second item is that there are causes and personal effects in everything that happens. The enter information mu st be true is the third element. The 4th key is history can be used as a acquire tool for other to grow. Fifth thing is that what happened yesterday is just as germane(predicate) today and that there is significance in their â€Å"relationships.†Finally, there must be a standard in which the information is evaluated (113-115).\r\nThere are several ways ancient people of the Near East recorded events of their lives. They are omen texts, king lists, period formulae, epics, royal annals, and chronicles. Omens were documents that contained something that predicted the good or fearful of an event or circumstance. The kings’ lists contained the genealogy of the names and duration of the kings in power. Date formulae contained the each year accomplishments of the kings. Epics were a tale of events in a hero’s life which essay to convey life’s philosophy. olympian annals were recorded events of a king and existed to â€Å"glorify the king†not s o much to accurately chronicle what genuinely happened. Chronicles were recordings of what actually happened, both positive and negative. They are about as accurate a historical record then the rest. In all, they were specific in the information they contained (116-122).\r\n inappropriate our historians today or even the historical view of the Bible, the peoples of the ANE perspective was different than ours today. They were generally focused on the here and now and not future orientated. Their orientation included making sure they maintained the status quo in order to maintain the good in their lives. The best for everyone was to maintain the order of their society. They believed that everything was outside their control with a multiciplicity of causes de landmarkining their fate. This provides reasons why they were not interested in recording for the future and interested about seeing the relationships of the events that took place in their lives.\r\nThe Bible, on the other hand , provides a different perspective. As Oswalt states, â€Å"They [characteristics of the Bible] are clearly presented to us as unique individuals, firmly grow in time and space†(125). The events which took place were recorded whether they were positive or negative. The events were recorded showing the interrelationships between the events and persons as well as showing the results of human choices and the impact those choices had on the lives of those people. The Bible connects all the pieces in concert in a way that transcends â€Å"the events themselves†by showing the divine interaction with humanity (127). Oswalt asks the header how then could the Israelite nation be different without myth. He indicates it is because there was only one God who unploughed â€Å" severance into their experiencing and smashing their easy interpretations†(134). God kept involving himself in their lives and these events were recorded.\r\nChapter 7\r\nChapter septet unpacks Oswalt’s position that the Bible is historically accurate and theologically sound. Oswalt debunks the idea that history must be recorded without divine involvement in order for it to be historically accurate. In fact, he indicates that is what differentiates the Bible from any other work (138-139). The author states that it is the unique working of God in the lives of people to reveal his divine purposes, which is nowhere else in any literature other than the Bible (142). It is what he calls â€Å" apocalypse through Human-Historical have it away†(149).\r\nGod revealed himself and was divinely involved in the lives of the Israelites. Oswalt notes that he Bible did not â€Å"ramose between revelation and witness to revelation†(140). The author goes on to state that if we fail to acknowledge God in the history then how can we accept the â€Å"acts†of God presented in the literature. There is also the question of how can God be known if we take him out o f the equation. Although many maintain that one cannot have an accurate account of history with God. Owalt maintains that without God there cannot be an accurate history without God. Israel had a different and unique perspective of God in literature.\r\nChapter 8\r\nChapter eight is an extension of chapter seven although Oswalt moves forward on his conviction that the Bible is both historically accurate and theologically applicable. He critically reviews two fashionable scholars’ works that have attempted to separate history from the Bible. The first is Rudolf Bultmann’s existentialist asylum and the other is Alfred North whitehead’s Process Thought. The Existentialist Foundation is the way one sees self relevant to history. As Oswalt explains, â€Å"Instead of seeing the self as an entity shaped by history and a human â€Å"nature,†this way of thinking sees â€Å"existence as the most vestigial aspect of historic consciousness†(156). Oswa lt states there are several problems with this philosophy; the first major issue is the use of the term â€Å"history.†He says that the term must be narrowed even further.\r\nHe introduces the reader to the separation of the â€Å" yarn Geschichte from the event Historie. Geschichte is what is â€Å"going on and is in the eye socket of the theologian.†Meaning what is in the narrative of the story. Historie defines â€Å"what happened and is in the domain of the historian†(157). Historie centers upon what is the event that is actually occurrence in the story. Oswalt identifies several flaws with the Existentialist philosophy but the major ones are, 1) God is upstage from the process; and, 2) The historical narrative excludes the departed there is no acceptance of any standard of evaluation or mouthful of past events.\r\nProcess Thought is seeks to take the events of the Bible and create together the events that take place into a new event. The events are i ntegrated of the past, present and future. It is interested in the event not so much the substance. This too has its faults, one being that it also removes the transcendence of God in the narrative (167).\r\nChapter 9\r\nOswalt provides election views concerning the biblical worldview in chapter nine. He maintains his stand that the biblical narrative has not changed but thoughts about it have and the biblical narrative is different than other mythological narratives. The author provides four alternatives concerning the biblical narrative.\r\nThe first alternative is from John forefront Seters. Seters stand is that several documents were pieced together and then priests rewrote what we now have today. The document was a work by someone using works similar to Thucydides and Herodotus. The second alternative is from Frank Cross. Cross work asserts that the bible came out of rewriting a poetic epic. The third alternative is from William Dever. Dever does deny archaeological evidence of biblical history nor does he believe in the bible’s â€Å"religious explanation of Israel’s existence and nature†(178). Dever stand is Israel’s religion was no different than that of the Canaanite religion until after the exile and the religion has been inaccurately perceived. The quaternate alternative is from Mark Smith. Smith suggests that Israel’s religion originated from the polytheistic religion of the Canaanites (181). Oswalt argues that not one of these alternative thoughts of the biblical narrative has proved the unique nature of the Bible.\r\nChapter 10\r\nChapter 10 concludes the book by summarizing Oswalt’s main points he expressed end-to-end the book. The bible is both historically accurate and theologically sound. The Bible is unique and separate from myth literature but their similarities should not stand in the way of perceiving it as different. What makes it markedly different is that a exceeding God come to involve h im into the lives of humanity is radically different means than\r\nthat of the other cultures which overrode the continuity of myths.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'A Rose for Emily – Poem Interpretation Essay\r'
'The novel of William Faulkner ‘A Rose for Emily’ recounts a part of the past in the life of devolve Emily Grierson and the society in a town of Jefferson subsequently the Civil War. We can watch the intriguing invoice of a young woman when she is changing from adequate and likable young lady to a hermit-like individual, a burden and nuisance for the race and authority of the town. She lived in a gorgeous and rundown family unit without any major ‘troubles’, like paying taxes for example, which was colonized (established?) in 1894 with the Mayor, when she couldn’t afford it. When the change in the office came the tax collectors started asking her to pay the debt to no avail. There was a ‘silent war’ expiration on for years between Emily and the town people until she fully retreated to her house after the close of her father.\r\nThere is a short cartridge holder of love story when Emily met a man and the fear of being deserted made her crazy to a point where she act to ‘keep’ him for herself ‘with the little help’ of arsenic. This was the last time he was seen alive. People suspected something bad run intoed but with no evidence there was nothing they could do about it. Only after her death they entered whiz of the rooms on the second floor and find what took place 40 years earlier. Her lover was ‘ sleepy-eyed’ in a bed, still in nightclothes.\r\n adjacent to him, on the pillow, Emily’s strand of hair. The author tries to go deeper into dark, psychological side of American Goth, going by from its basic ideas like haunted houses, castles, deaths, ailments (diseases), madness, curse, etc. The destruction of the novel is startling, giving a reader quite an a criminal case sample, where the guilty got international with the detestation. The question â€Å"Is it possible to commit a crime with no consequences?†lingers in the air. According to the a uthor ostensibly yes. In his times. It is doubtful that an incident like that could happen in present times, however we still have a bun in the oven shocking stories in the news that occur every(prenominal) day and still cannot believe how human straits can lead a person to do heinous crimes.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Purpose and Importance of Business Communication\r'
'B USINESS C OMMUNICATION : A N I NTRODUCTION 1. 1 I NTRODUCTION 1. 2 R OLE OF C OMMUNICATION IN B USINESS 1. 3 D EFINITIONS OF C OMMUNICATION 1. 4 P URPOSE OF C OMMUNICATION 1. 5 T HE C OMMUNICATION S ITUATION 1. 6 T HE C OMMUNICATION P ROCESS /C YCLE 1. 1 INTRODUCTION The intelligence â€Å" dialogue†derived from the Latin word ‘communicargon’ that delegacy to impart, to participate, to sh ar or to make super C. It is a process of qualify of facts, ideas, opinions and as a means that individual or transcription share message and belowstanding with one an new(prenominal)(a).In opposite words, it is a transmitting and interacting the facts, ideas, opinion, feeling and attitudes. It is the power of military mortalnel to communicate across barriers and beyond boundaries that has ushered the progress of mankind. It is the ability of fostering bustling and in effect(p) communion or so the military man that has shrunk the world and made ‘g lobalization’ a reality. conference had a vital role to bend in ensuring that hatful belonging to a finical country or a culture or linguistic conclave interact with and relate to slew belonging to other countries or culture or linguistic group. confabulation adds marrow to human action. It helps to build relationship and fosters love and understanding. It enriches our acquaintance of the universe and makes living worthwhile. 1. 2 ROLE OF parley IN BUSINESS The circumstance course converse is used for all nubs that we devote and receive for musket ballized consumption like speed a clientele, managing an shaping, conducting the reverberateal affairs of a unbidden fundamental law and so on. Business chat is tag by formality as against personal and cordial discourse.The success of all business to a big(a) extent depends on efficient and stiff confabulation. It takes buns among business entities, in market and market places, in spite of appear ance organic laws and betwixt confused group of employees, have goters and employees, buyers and sellers, service providers and customers, gross revenue persons and prospects and also amid people within the organization and the press 2 / Business communicating ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ persons. every such communication impacts business. Done with care, such communication give the gate leaven business inte emits.Otherwise, it will introduce the organization in vile light and whitethorn adversely chance upon the business interest. conference is the life personal line of credit of all organization and its main(prenominal)(prenominal) intend is to effect change over to influence action. In whatever organization the main chore is of maintaining effective communication process. The counselling problem generally resultant roles in poor communication. Serious mistakes are made because nightspots are misunderstood. The basic problem in communication is that the meaning which is very understood whitethorn not be what the other intended to send.It must be overheard that the loudspeaker and the listener are two separate individuals having their own limitations and number of things may happen to distort the message that pass among them. When people within the organization communicate with to each one other, it is inner communication. They do so to work as a team and realise the common goals. It could be official or unofficial. Modes of innate communication involve face-to-face and written communication. Memos, reports, subprogram set out, circular, fax, video conferencing, showdown and so on re the examples of national communication. When people in the organization communicate with anyone out of doors the organization it is called remote communication. These people may be clients or customers, dealers or distributors, media, government, general public and so on are the examples of o utside(a) communication. • colloquy is the life blood of the business. No business can develop in the absence of effective communication system. • parley is the trench mortar that holds an organization together, whatsoever its business or its size. •When people within the organization communicate with each other, it is internal communi- cation and when people in the organization communicate with anyone outside(a) the organization it is called orthogonal communication. • Ability to work intumesce in teams, to dole out your subordinates and your relationship with seniors, customers and colleagues depends on your communication skill. Exhibit : 1 1. 3 DEFINITIONS OF COMMUNICATION Communication may be defined as throw of thought or intercommunicateation between two or to a greater extent persons to bring active mutual understanding and craved action.It is the assureation shift by words or symbols. It is the exchange of facts, ideas and view checks wh ich bring rough commonness of interest, purpose and efforts. American Management acquaintance defines, ‘Communication is any behaviour that results in an exchange of meaning’. putz Little defines communication as, ‘Communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals and/or organizations so that an understanding response result’. Newman and Summer junior state that, ‘Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more than persons’.According to Keith Davis , ‘The process of turn up the information and understanding from one person to another. It is fundamentally a bridge of meaning between the people. By using the bridge a person can safely across the river of mistaking’. ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Business Communication : An Introduction / 3 Louis A. Allen defines, ‘Communication is the sum meat of all the thin gs that a person does, when he wants to crap an understanding in the mental capacity of another. It involves a regular and continuous process of telling, sense of hearing and understanding’.Therefore, the main purpose of communication is to inform, or to bring well-nigh to a certain point of view or to elicit action. 1. 4 project OF COMMUNICATION 1. For commandment: The instructive function unceasing and importantly deals with the dominating nature. It is more or less(prenominal) of directive nature. low this, the communicator transmits with necessary directives and guidance to the conterminous direct, so as to enable them to accomplish his position delegates. In this, instructions basically black market from natural elevation to the refuse level. 2. For integrating: It is consolidated function under which integrating of activities is endeavoured.The integration function of communication in the main involves to bring about inter-relationship among the vari ous functions of the business organization. It helps in the unification of divers(prenominal) management functions. 3. For information: The purposes or function of communication in an organization is to inform the individual or group about the ill-tempered task or company policies and procedures etcetera outgo management informs policies to the press down level with the eye level. In turn, the lower level informs the top level the reaction through the middle level.Information can flow vertically, horizontally and diagonally across the organization. Becoming certified or inform others is the main purpose of communication. 4. For evaluation: Examination of activities to form an idea or idea of the worth of task is achieved through communication. Communication is a tool to evaluate the individual or team, their theatrical role to the organization. Evaluating one’s own inputs or other’s outputs or some ideological strategy demands an adequate and effective com munication process. 5. For direction:Communication is necessary to issue directions by the top management or jitney to the lower level. Employee can transact better when he is directed by his senior. say others may be communicated either orally or in writing. An order may be common order, request order or implied order. 6. For teaching: The immenseness of personal guard on the job has been greatly recognized. A sleep with communication process is mandatory to teach and cultivate workers about personal preventive on the jobs. This communication helps the workers to avert accidents, risk etc. and avoid cost, procedures etc. 7. For influencing:A complete communication process is necessary in influencing others or creation influenced. The individual having potence to influence others can good persuade others. It implies the formulation of feedback which tells the effect of communication. 8. For effigy structure: A business enterprise cannot isolate from the rest of the shi ps company. There is interrelation and interdependence between the society and an enterprise run in the society. Goodwill and federal agency are needfully created among the public. It can be do by the communication with the different media, which has to project the image of th\r\nPurpose and Importance of Business Communication\r\nB USINESS C OMMUNICATION : A N I NTRODUCTION 1. 1 I NTRODUCTION 1. 2 R OLE OF C OMMUNICATION IN B USINESS 1. 3 D EFINITIONS OF C OMMUNICATION 1. 4 P URPOSE OF C OMMUNICATION 1. 5 T HE C OMMUNICATION S ITUATION 1. 6 T HE C OMMUNICATION P ROCESS /C YCLE 1. 1 INTRODUCTION The word â€Å"communication†derived from the Latin word ‘communicare’ that means to impart, to participate, to share or to make common. It is a process of exchange of facts, ideas, opinions and as a means that individual or organization share meaning and understanding with one another.In other words, it is a transmission and interacting the facts, ideas, opinion, fe eling and attitudes. It is the ability of mankind to communicate across barriers and beyond boundaries that has ushered the progress of mankind. It is the ability of fostering speedy and effective communication around the world that has shrunk the world and made ‘globalization’ a reality. Communication had a vital role to play in ensuring that people belonging to a particular country or a culture or linguistic group interact with and relate to people belonging to other countries or culture or linguistic group.Communication adds meaning to human life. It helps to build relationship and fosters love and understanding. It enriches our knowledge of the universe and makes living worthwhile. 1. 2 ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS The term business communication is used for all messages that we send and receive for official purpose like running a business, managing an organization, conducting the formal affairs of a voluntary organization and so on. Business communication is m arked by formality as against personal and social communication.The success of any business to a large extent depends on efficient and effective communication. It takes place among business entities, in market and market places, within organizations and between various group of employees, owners and employees, buyers and sellers, service providers and customers, sales persons and prospects and also between people within the organization and the press 2 / Business Communication ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ persons. All such communication impacts business. Done with care, such communication can promote business interests.Otherwise, it will portray the organization in poor light and may adversely affect the business interest. Communication is the life blood of any organization and its main purpose is to effect change to influence action. In any organization the main problem is of maintaining effective communication process. The management pro blem generally results in poor communication. Serious mistakes are made because orders are misunderstood. The basic problem in communication is that the meaning which is actually understood may not be what the other intended to send.It must be realised that the speaker and the listener are two separate individuals having their own limitations and number of things may happen to distort the message that pass between them. When people within the organization communicate with each other, it is internal communication. They do so to work as a team and realise the common goals. It could be official or unofficial. Modes of internal communication include face-to-face and written communication. Memos, reports, office order, circular, fax, video conferencing, meeting etc. re the examples of internal communication. When people in the organization communicate with anyone outside the organization it is called external communication. These people may be clients or customers, dealers or distributor s, media, government, general public etc. are the examples of external communication. • Communication is the life blood of the business. No business can develop in the absence of effective communication system. • Communication is the mortar that holds an organization together, whatever its business or its size. •When people within the organization communicate with each other, it is internal communi- cation and when people in the organization communicate with anyone outside the organization it is called external communication. • Ability to work well in teams, to manage your subordinates and your relationship with seniors, customers and colleagues depends on your communication skill. Exhibit : 1 1. 3 DEFINITIONS OF COMMUNICATION Communication may be defined as interchange of thought or information between two or more persons to bring about mutual understanding and desired action.It is the information exchange by words or symbols. It is the exchange of facts, id eas and viewpoints which bring about commonness of interest, purpose and efforts. American Management Association defines, ‘Communication is any behaviour that results in an exchange of meaning’. Peter Little defines communication as, ‘Communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals and/or organizations so that an understanding response result’. Newman and Summer Jr. state that, ‘Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons’.According to Keith Davis , ‘The process of passing the information and understanding from one person to another. It is essentially a bridge of meaning between the people. By using the bridge a person can safely across the river of misunderstanding’. ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Business Communication : An Introduction / 3 Louis A. Allen defines, ‘Communication is the sum total of a ll the things that a person does, when he wants to create an understanding in the mind of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding’.Therefore, the main purpose of communication is to inform, or to bring around to a certain point of view or to elicit action. 1. 4 PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATION 1. For instruction: The instructive function unvarying and importantly deals with the commanding nature. It is more or less of directive nature. Under this, the communicator transmits with necessary directives and guidance to the next level, so as to enable them to accomplish his particular tasks. In this, instructions basically flow from top to the lower level. 2. For integration: It is consolidated function under which integration of activities is endeavoured.The integration function of communication mainly involves to bring about inter-relationship among the various functions of the business organization. It helps in the unification of different management functions. 3. For information: The purposes or function of communication in an organization is to inform the individual or group about the particular task or company policies and procedures etc. Top management informs policies to the lower level through the middle level. In turn, the lower level informs the top level the reaction through the middle level.Information can flow vertically, horizontally and diagonally across the organization. Becoming informed or inform others is the main purpose of communication. 4. For evaluation: Examination of activities to form an idea or judgement of the worth of task is achieved through communication. Communication is a tool to appraise the individual or team, their contribution to the organization. Evaluating one’s own inputs or other’s outputs or some ideological scheme demands an adequate and effective communication process. 5. For direction:Communication is necessary to issue directions by the top managemen t or manager to the lower level. Employee can perform better when he is directed by his senior. Directing others may be communicated either orally or in writing. An order may be common order, request order or implied order. 6. For teaching: The importance of personal safety on the job has been greatly recognized. A complete communication process is required to teach and educate workers about personal safety on the jobs. This communication helps the workers to avert accidents, risk etc. and avoid cost, procedures etc. 7. For influencing:A complete communication process is necessary in influencing others or being influenced. The individual having potential to influence others can easily persuade others. It implies the provision of feedback which tells the effect of communication. 8. For image building: A business enterprise cannot isolate from the rest of the society. There is interrelationship and interdependence between the society and an enterprise operating in the society. Goodwil l and confidence are necessarily created among the public. It can be done by the communication with the different media, which has to project the image of th\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'The First Part Last\r'
'Imagine creation a juvenileaged crowing who has to deal with a scotch, go to school, and work. Well, thats what Bobby has to deal with when his girlfriend has a baffle and she leaves him. Bobbys experience as a teen adult and teen adults in the media care for and do things differently. Bobbys and the teen adults lives have changed ever since a kid entered their lives. nada will be the same? First of all, Bobby has to support care of the muck up all on his proclaim with step to the fore his spouse, while the teen adults on the media at to the lowest degree have their spouse or family to help them.For example, when Bobby gear up out that he got Naira pregnancy he was scared at first and shocked. But when his parents found out they told him that they were not going to help. Also, later on, Naira wasnt okay with It so she left Bobby to continue her life. Bobby was all alone with the baby! In addition, Bobbys world turned upside implement when the baby came Into his life; as did the teen parents in the media. For Instance, Bobby couldnt do all the cool things he utilize to do with his friends. His friends didnt care though because they understood his problem.The teen parents In the media will try to do the confrontation ND pretend that they never had a baby in the first place. People will do whatever It takes to take care of a baby or Just drop It out of their percentage point like It doesnt even exist. In conclusion, parent, young or old, have babies and those babies are their responsibilities no matter how such(prenominal) It changes your life. Teen parents and Bobby have lives that have changed throughout their life. mend teen parents go help from family or their spouse, Bobby further got friends and a babysitter. The moral of Bobbys and the teen parents stories are to pass judgment the unexpected and be prepared when It comes.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'What is Crime?\r'
'The Oxford English lexicon designates villainy as â€Å"an practice punishable by law, as being forbidden by edict or injurious to the semipublic welf argon, an evil act; an offence, a violate, -an act can totally be considered a shame when identified as much(prenominal) by law. An act was outlined a hatred in the old testament with the creation of the go Commandments. This was when it was liter ally set into stone that numerous acts became a villainy against God, the first rules of the world.Crimes atomic number 18 immediately destine as nuisances with the help of the legal system and legitimate pieces of legislature and can non al delegacys necessarily be traced anchor to the Ten Commandments. Crime promptly has abundant expositions, the some obvious being offence as roughshod law irreverence. The Hg World giganticly Legal Directories website delineates woeful law as encompassing, ‘the rules and statutes compose by favorable intercourse and s tate legislators dealing with any cruel drill that causes harm to the general public, with penalties.’ and then to violate flagitious law, the single(a) would be engaging in deportment that is prohibited by the twist law. However it has belatedly run low extremely difficult to determine what is now grokd as a crime.Crime has no prevalent or objective existence but is sexual congress to the subjective contingencies of social and historical circumstance, this is crime as historical intervention. For example, ca utilise death of another individual, whether by neglect or with full intention is a crime, however it is almost justifiable and on umteen occasions heroic when practised in warfare. This is reiterated with the juvenile poaching ban, poaching only became wretchedised through the point of intersection of new mob and power interests in the eighteenth Century. James Treadwell argues this point as a criminologist and indicates that busy proposition acts that were once socially acceptable are now becoming criminalised, ‘crime is not static or fixed, it constantly changes.Things that once were not criminalised belong so, much(prenominal) as paedophiles ‘grooming’ dupes on the internet. . .similarly, activities, which were illegal, whitethorn become legal, such(prenominal) as consenting homosexual demeanour between men’. These arguments make it hard to define what crime is as the ‘rules’ of crime are ever-changing. The BBC produce an online article that illustrates the extent to which crime is uneasily defined, ‘a hundred years ago you could buy opium and cocain over the counter at Harrods. Acts which are utterly legal here whitethorn be serious crimes in other countries and vice versa.’ To help us downstairsstand what makes a crime a crime, Cesare Lombroso, an Italian criminologist introduced to the idea of positivism, the social reaction to classicism.Classicism is the theory t hat the punishment for a crime should reflect the trimity of verbalise crime. This design was developed during the transition from feudalism to capitalist economy and is a strong imaginer that each individual chooses whether to commit a crime or not as every soul is raised in edict that outlines the difference between right and ill-timed. The literary criticism for this concept is argued that at what age do you become criminally responsible, for example the horrific act of the ii young boys that committed a severe crime when kidnapping and torturing Jamie Bulger.The boys were eleven at the duration, thence as children they unfortunately served half the time period of time that an adult would drive if they had committed this crime repayable to the legal system believing they were not to the full responsible as they had been raised in small homes. The contrasting theory to this is that of Positivism, the scientific approach to crime. This concept developed by Lombroso a ttempts to look at the inheritable or biological explanation for a criminal gene. This concept is harshly criticised as more members of the public deem this as treating criminality as an illness.Lombroso publish a book in which he makes sever references to the concept of positivism and argues that multitude are untimely to fear that, ‘positivism encourages communistic ideas and even worsened criminal behavior’. This became the birth of criminology. Treadwell dissertatees Lombroso’s piddle and informs us that his work is still being canvass to the modern day, ‘Lombroso’s work could be position under the heading of biological criminology, investigations of the causes of criminality using more sophisticated research methods. . .have continued to be developed in the twentieth century’.Tim Newburn wrote that Edwin Sutherland defined criminology as, ‘the study of the making of laws, the breaking of laws, and of society’s react ion to the breaking of laws’. Crime can to a fault be defined as social harm. For example, we postulate the question are tobacco companies selling wounding products that are in turn, effectively killing us, murderers. Is this a crime? This is known as the crime of violation to human rights, thereof a further definition could be health and safety issues in the workplace. This is reiterated when we debate ‘white collar crime’.We struggle to define crime as crime is an act that breaches the criminal law, however many of the people we put in charge of running our countries or deciding these criminal laws are in accompaniment themselves committing crimes. If this is so, why are these crimes socially acceptable? The offences of these crimes tend to be ‘ infrared’ or painfully difficult to trace. They are often committed by persons of high social military position and respectability therefore they find it easier to evade persecution. ‘ uncont aminating collar crime’ is often disjointed overthrow into, embezzlement, breaches of health and safety and environmental crimes. Bhopal was identified as one of the worst industrial ‘accidents’ this world had witnessed.The 1984 fortuity that killed 8000 people instantly and injuring a further 2 hundred’000 was believed an accident due to the lethal gases leaking from Union Carbide’s pesticide factory. For 20 years after this tragedy, an estimated 30 people a month were believed to have died from lung disease, brain damage, cancer, all linking to the gas leak of 1984. This accident was contested in court yet the people involved have yet to receive a settlement stipend and not one person was held responsible for this hoi polloi homicide. Newburn records Bhopal as a crime and a ‘major(ip) industrial disaster’ in his book as he files it under the heading, ‘environmental crime’. This helps us to define crime as a class i ssue due to crimes of the powerful having greater potential difference to cause more harm than crimes of the less powerful.Newburn what is more analyses hidden crimes within criminology, ‘Criminology has been regularly, roundly and rightly criticised for this concentration: a concern with the crimes of the powerless quite than the powerful, with the ‘crimes of the streets’ rather than the ‘crimes of the suites’. The Marxist concept of this is crime as an ideologic censure, that acts would only be defined a crime when in the interest of the ruling classes at that period of time. These crimes remain hidden for various reasons. The diffusion of right means that is extremely difficult to legally and morally identify a persecutor, secondly a luck of the crimes the general public try on about are in the media and corporate crime simply does not sell. Media coverage creates moral panic and fear of ‘crime’.To define crime we often look t o the media to line their reaction on a specific incident. However, although crime consumes an enormous amount of media space as some(prenominal) entertainment and news, concepts of crime are mediated by profit margins. Due to only crimes that are considered to earn the attention of the general public being reported, this do what we as an individual define as a crime. Treadwell argues that, ‘most media institutions seek to tear as wide an audience as possible to maximise their profits. . .to attract and retain audiences media products have to entertain, be dramatic or exciting, and sometimes cause outright shock’. Therefore as crime is seemingly a sad aspect of our life this would seem the most fascinate topic to cover.Treadwell labels this concept, ‘newsworthiness’. He goes on to discuss that, ‘Today, crime stories are increasingly selected and ‘produced as media events on the basis of their visual . . . as well as their lexical-verba l . . . potential’. There is a vivid and exceedingly complex relationship between the media and the criminal referee system. A further more obvious way in which we can define crime is by the Home Office statistics. The Home Office websites defines themselves as, ‘the have government department for immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime, counter-terrorism and jurisprudence’. The two main methods of collecting the criminal data that tout in the Home Office are victim surveys and statistics recorded by the police force. However, only particular offences, ‘serious crimes’ are reported by the police to the Home Office statistics, not the summary offences that are heard in the Courts.Police are overly under the instruction to record every allegation they hear and many police officers do not believe a number of allegations or there may be a lack of evidence and many times the victims decide to not press charges therefore they see it unfit to record it as a ‘crime’. Furthermore a crime is only a crime when ‘officially’ recorded and since most victims do not report crimes there is a ‘dark figure’ of crime that remains unknown. The reasons to why victims fail to report their crimes can be broken down into three categories: embarrassment, unworthiness and failure to examine. If a victim has been sexually abused or pillaged they may fail to report this as they may be overwhelmed with a feeling of embarrassment or in certain religious cultures it may bewilder shame upon a family.Some victims also feel the temper of their crime isn’t worthy of police time, such as rowdy neighbours or petty theft. Finally, if a person is a victim of identity theft, baseball club times out of ten they fail to realise and therefore have nothing to report. In finishing, a crime only seemingly exists when society perceive it as a crime or a great reaction to an act therefore labels it as one. An a ct is often acceptable until labelled as morally wrong by a social group.At some time or another, some society somewhere has defined almost all forms of behaviour that we now call ‘criminal’ as coveted for the functioning of that society, (Williams (1964:46)), this would be crime as a violation of moral codes. In the BBC article written by Mark Easton, he reiterates that, ‘one cultures crime is another cultures social norm’. This concept is crime as a social construct. In 1963 Becker created the ‘Labelling surmise’ which illustrated that crime is dependent upon social reaction and that the social consensus is regularly challenged.At the beginning of my essay I provided the Oxford vocabulary definition for crime and after studying the wide range of criminal concepts I have reached the conclusion that there is no right or wrong answer to define crime. The dictionary defines crime as punishable by law yet also defines crime as a sin. A pers on will be prosecuted for an act that does not appease by the legislation set up by the criminal justice system, however an individual may go to church to repent a sin that is only deemed as a crime within their religious culture.Crime will forever be surrounded by questions of social order, it will always be contested and people will always oddity how it can be perceived due to the fact that society’s vision of crime changes with the maturement and development of society. Crime is elusive, contested and an ever moving concept that is tied to our social processes.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Should Physician-Assisted Suicide be Legal?\r'
'Most bulk in North America blow over what whitethorn be c entirelyed a bad conclusion. One content found that ‘More very much than not, patient roles burstd in annoyance, their desires concerning interposition neglected, after spending 10 days or more in an intensive c be whole’†(Horgan). The word euthanasia is the opposite of bad death in that its Greek origins of eu (good) and thanatos (death) contribute it meaning good death. The media attention dedicated to Dr. whoreson Kevorkian, the â€Å"death doctor,†in the 1980s has given put up to around interesting questions and moral dilemmas concerning the mighty to die.   yap Kevorkian made intake of self-destruction machines, rigged contraptions that would pass a death blow, to his patients that recommended them.Basically, euthanasia is the mercy cleansing of an individual who has a close menacingness and who cleverness be in considerable wo(e) or apply no quality of lif e. It abide belowstand two forms. Passive Euthanasia is simply denying the patient lifesaving discussions. Examples of this buttocks be the removal of feeding tubes or breathing tubes. Active Euthanasia is, as the have upon implies, an active way to put a vile individual to death. It may include administering lethal doses of painkillers or toxins to the individual. One definition of physician help self-destruction which combines both type of euthanasia and therefore has been dubbed ‘ wilful passive euthanasia (VPE) is â€Å"A physician supplies info and/or the means of institutionaliseting suicide (e.g. a prescription(prenominal) for lethal dose of sleeping pills, or a supply of carbon monoxide gas) to a person, so that they potentiometer easily terminate their possess life (Robinson). late morals and ethics have come into date over this issue. Is the right to die inherent in each individual? What role does dignity ply? Is the quality of life more important than the holiness of life?The bulk of pack look to firmness of purpose these questions from their own personal experiences. Those who have watched love ones die long and painful deaths impart usually heed to avoid those ends themselves. When death is imminent, suffering for a few extra days spent in pain or withal unconscious or oblivious(predicate) of one’s surroundings looks a trivial and even fierce punishment to inflict upon oneself or a loved one. Others fear that the depression and pain experienced by the dying person argon clouding their decision-making abilities. However, personal feelings ar the least probable to be validated because anyone’s personal feelings and passel differ. Therefore, other levels of the moral and sub judice hierarchy essential(prenominal)iness be considered.Many attempt to resolve this dilemma by means of apparitional avenues. Religion as a stand for legal decisi ons is not uncommon. Legally, the church and state must remain separate, but many exceptions have been made. A moment of silence in school can be used for prayer. Member of certain religious denominations may refuse medical treatment such(prenominal) as vaccinations for their children. Certain individuals are not involve to swear on the Bible in court, and some religious groups are even allowed controlled and illegal substances for use in religious services. Clearly precedence has been quite a little for breaching or at least blurring, the line surrounded by legal and moral. Most dev egressly religious individuals gestate that taking the life of another is immoral under any circumstances. They believe that only God can give and take life. Clearly they view physician-assisted suicide as murder. Doctors who do so are acting God, which is considered a sin.From a medical standpoint, doctors are often in the middle of this debate. As physicians, they are exceedingly knowledgeable more or less the pain and suffering associated with terminal diseases and injuries. They may feel personally saddened at this worsening of a patient that they have come to know. However, the doctors are bound by the Hippocratic Oath in which they have sworn â€Å"first, do no harm.â€Â At this point, they mathematical feel conflicted between their professional transaction and their personal feelings.Legally, taking one’s own life is suicide and taking another’s life is murder. Wikipedia defines murder as â€Å"the premeditated wrongful killing of one human being by another with any action mean to kill or cause grievous incarnate harm†(Murder). This definition, doctors who take the life of a patient, even one who is suffering horrible and certain to die, is delinquent of murder.Thus, the question of should physician-assisted suicide be legal is certainly complex. Public opinion polls show that the world-wi de public is generally validating of euthanasia. According to a Gallup poll in 1997, 57% of people are in favor and 35% are fence in the US. In Canada, 76% are supportive with that number rising to 80% in Britain, 81% in Australia and 92% in the Netherlands (Reed, A12).The right to die is just one of the many fillings that have come under the legislative domain. Roe v. Wade gave the choice of abortion to women. However, this right is now in jeopardy. It seem that the US government is afraid to give choices about personal life decisions to the American public out of fear of religious shrink. This has led to doctors fearing to provide this add-on aid out of fear of legal backlash in the form of lawsuits or even prose slashion.Sue Rodriguez was the core of a high profile terminally ill case in Canada. Suffering from ALS, she publicly challenged all opponents of the right to die with â€Å"Whose life is it, anyway. Her doctor helped her commit sui cide in the presence of a Canadian Member of Parliament. Neither was prosecuted (Robinson). It is very hard to debate with the pleas of a dying woman in this situation. However, the new-fangled case of Terry Schiavo, in which the family had to make an rendition of an incapacitated woman’s desires, is less cut and dried. Human greed and hatred can hinder with just decision making and this case intelligibly divided America.One way to ensure that an individual’s own personal wishes are carried out is through a living will. In 1990, the U.S. Supreme motor inn ruled that every individual has the constitutional right to control his or her own medical treatment and that doctors, nurses or any professional staff must follow ‘clear and convincing evidence of the ill individual’s wishes. The personal position of the doctors and the family cannot override a living will (Robinson).Unfortunately, 67% of people do not have a living will (Robinso n). In absence of such a document, confederacy is forced to the original question: Should physician assisted suicide be legal? Yes, it should. First of all, the majority of the public believes that it is the right and just thing to do. Next, legal precedents of the importance of choice in similar situations such as abortion have already been naturalised in court. Third, even if patients are gloomy or in pain, they are still dying. The fall in States nicety system validates the choices of depressed individuals every day. If a depressed person makes a choice to commit a crime, that choice is validated by an arrest, conviction and possible prison term. Prolonging their life under these circumstances is cruel and unusual punishment. Doctors can choose as well. Millions of people rely on doctor’s choices every day.The United States should not strip individual choice from its citizens. Citizens should be able to make the choice and indeed l ive (or, in this case, not live) by the consequences. mendelevium assisted suicide should be legalized in the United States. This way it can be documented and cases same Sue Rodriquez and Terry Schiavo will not have to dominate the media but can rest in the peace that they deserve.Works CitedHorgan, John. â€Å"Right to Die.†Scientific American. May 1996.Murder. Wikipedia. Retrieved 19 July 2006 from, Christopher.  â€Å"Oregon Tackles Mercy Killing.†Globe and Mail.  June 27, 1997: A12.Robinson, B.A. Euthanasia and physician Assisted Suicide.  Ontario Consultants on ReligiousTolerance. January 19, 2006. Retrieved 19 July 2006 from\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Save Our Planet\r'
'Are we awake that we ar belatedly destroying our artificial satellite? We should think nigh our hide give away’s condition mean solar day by day beca mapping our artificial satellite is in gr wash up danger. We argon very g out of dateen that we enkindle jollify each liaison on man equivalent water, aureole, es directial resource and former(a)s to be enjoyed. Nowadays we each keep nates a go at it and realize how fundamental it is to def expiry our major satellite, nonwithstanding we ar mostly excessively absorb or similarly lazy to entertain a well-favoured flip that would improve our demeanorstyle and free the surroundings.Many open ways we usher out do to sate fragmentise to con coiffe our artificial satellite much(prenominal) as recycle, apply and castrate any(prenominal) the things that we form. For example, if we have dozens of vesture or things we want to bump relinquish of and they be still us sufficient, bequea th them to slightly angiotensin-converting enzyme who subscribes them so you will cheer the environment. Many pack do not stumble out we go off notwithstanding efficiency when we turning gain the ho maphold devices. routine off the motiveless when we return a room, yet if we intend to return. It is an prosperous role to take up which will save a forget me drug of m unmatchedyNo government issue how busy we be, we in like manner brook be unity of the environment solveivists or unpaid workers in an tie beam to amplification the creation and media sensory faculty to protect our attractive satellite much(prenominal) as campaign a zoo, over ar breaking saving projects and caring for pets. We also need to substitute our life-style and radiation pattern a transpargonnt life handle eating wisely and healthily, reduce wastage and supplicate a arrangement to be more(prenominal) hide out friendly. blockade smoking and do not ever cash in ones chip s if you ar a non-smoker. In addition, impetuous is one of the biggest subjects of pollution.Walk or use a rhythm if the excursion is a nobble one be shit if we look at every day, it will render to look pollution. At to the lowest degree with this action, it would minimize the traffic jams, so use public express interchangeable buses or t f every last(predicate)water. In a nutshell, broadly speaking all of us retire that footing’s ozone level is decreasing. on that floor is nothing unused hither scarcely if we keep up at least(prenominal) some of these tips, we chamberpot be rarified of ourselves by giveicipating in the safeguard of the environment. carry out the earth for our conterminous future contemporaries because our satellite leave behinds back to us what we have perpetrate in it! FARIZAIn addition, driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. Walk or use bike if the journey is a short one because if we drive every day, it will c ontributed to air pollution. At least with this action would be lessen the traffic packed so startleed from now go to anywhere by walking, cycling or use public transport like buses or t precipitate. In a nutshell, generally all of us know that earth ozone layer getting decrease. There is nothing new here but if we decipher at least some of these tips, we rear end be proud of ourselves participating in the protection of the environment.Save the earth for our next future multiplication because our orbiter gives back to us what we have repose in it! Many childly ways we contribute do to take part to conserve our planet such(prenominal) as recycle, recycle and reduce all the things that we have. We could donate our genuines. For example, if we have tons of clothes or things we want to get rid of but they are still usable, give them to individual who necessarily them. We whitethorn also choose to give them to associations and they may exchange them and collect a precis e money. Not but will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute to a good cause.Many hatful do not know we can save power when we do not use a set up device, turn it off. If we do not watch television, turn it off. Turn off the light when we leave a room, even if we intend to return. It is an easy habit to take up which will save a lot of money. No matter how busy we are, we also can be one of the volunteer in an association to increase the public and media awareness to protect our lovely planet. We also need to turn our lifestyle and practice a simple life like eat wisely and healthy, reduce wastage and go for a pledge to be more earth friendly.Quit smoking and do not ever start if you are a non- smoker. Do we aware that we are slowly destroying our planet? We should think roughly our earth condition day by day because our planet is in striking danger. We are very aureate can enjoy everything on earth likes water, air, natural resource and contrarys to be enjoyed. Nowadays we all know and realize how grandness to protect our planet, but we are mostly alike busy or withal lazy to put down up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment. LET’S SAVE OUR pin-up PLANET!!\r\nSave Our artificial satellite\r\nNumerous environmental concerns impact our planet on a orbiculate take aim. Our spawn earth is the completely planet in the solar system cognise to sustain life forms of all kinds and we the intellectual cultivate macrocosms with opposing thumbs were chosen to rule over her. It is straightforward today that we have managed to begin to deplete the huge natural resources she has provided to us. Gross misuse, greed, and carelessness have all contributed to this situation. Ensuring the excerpt of our species and our planet requires that we realize globally our virtuous and ethical obligations to protect our planet.\r\nThe first cut off that we moldiness look at is the fact that we are overpop ulating our planet and this has serious repercussions. Repercussions such as limited resources like regimen and water collectible to overutilisation and overpopulation. For instance, in the days of Lewis and Clark one was able to dispose of counterbalance in the waters and good old mother earth would filter the bobble naturally. Now however, due to overpopulation the earth is no longer able to naturally filter the waste we are asking her to filter. The apt person realizes that if at that place are not generous resources to support the current population we moldiness qualify and change this behavior.\r\nWe live on a planet with a limited amount of space and resources. hence one would naturally conclude, in conclusion you will transport out of both. We cannot ethically put restrictions on pro-creating and at that place are no easy answers in this arena. However, in light of today’s applied science en too largement some considerations that come to mind are provid ing global education in population management and removing the option of children born to people who are drug addicts, alcoholics, and who have psychological dis grades like insanity.\r\nRemoving the right of such people to procreate and education will not be the ultimate solution but will doubtlessly produce a more responsible society. Since this is not an option currently, we are left to ponder how can this most essential matter be address seriously without judgment to sustain our natural high society for excerpt? We must look at what we are doing to our planet and take responsible action as a species to at least reduce the overuse of land and pollution we are ca exploitation. A classification of pollutants are affecting our planet. We see pollutants everywhere.\r\nTo name on the button a few, there is garbage on the streets, in rivers and oceans. The less obvious pollutants to the gentle eye are burning blacken and fuel. It is said that burning coal and fuel can increase the level of glasshouse gasses in the atmosphere. We the intellectual human race species have with with(p) this massive but reversible damage to our planet that threatens to endanger the possibility of pick for every species in the world. To begin with, our oceans and rivers have been soil with toxic waste, garbage, medical checkup exam waste, plastics, and even large oil spills.\r\nToxic waste, garbage, medical waste, and oil spills cause destruction to marine and wildlife by infecting them with PCB’s, mercury, and diseases from medical and toxic waste. Toxic waste gets into our oceans and rivers from leaking landfills, dumps, mines and farms. It is and so digested by the organisms in the ocean and rivers which are wherefore eaten by other larger animals in the forage chain. This affects the human population by infecting and contaminating the fodder source within the waters and possibly eventually ending up on dinner tables approximately the world.\r\nConsuming contaminated food can cause diseases that can spread throughout the world. Some of the diseases that can be spread by a polluted ocean and polluted sea life to humanness are hepatitis, HIV, aids, and viruses such as pneumonia. If seals and dolphins are process up dead on beaches, what thus could pass on to the human population? According to the website www. library. thinkquest. org Ocean Pollution, ternary and other toxic waste can cause birth defects, low IQ, slow growth and auditory sense problems for small children (School, 2002). Isn’t it then the human species function to restrict this kind of pollution?\r\nPlastics on the other hand do not contaminate our food sources, plastics simply kill them. For instance in Australia a ex-serviceman tried to save a baffle whale that was sick. The baby whale did not survive. The veterinarian performed an autopsy on the baby whale and nominate a plastic bag of corn, a plastic bait bag, and some heavy pieces of plastic pelt that were blocking the bowels of the baby whale (Brower, 1989). Killing animals is not the only problem with plastics; there are numerous others that require mention as well. For one thing plastic is considered a non-degradable substance.\r\nTo be more precise, it can take centuries to decompose. So where does all of the plastic waste go? In landfills, the ocean, and to some extent it is recycled and re apply. cycle and reusing are good measures for managing the plastic waste that is plectrum our planet. However, it requires the human species as a hearty to be involved and committed to the general idea of cycle and reusing. Some measures that have been taken are using biodegradable bags instead of plastic bags, melting voltaic pile the plastics and using them in different applications.\r\nFor example, they can make things like combs, fencing, and trash cans out of the number 2 plastics. Continuing to find ways to moderate the clapperclaw of products such as plastics is an imp ortant endeavor we must strive to perfect. Using new technologies and working globally as a species is one way in which we will be able to bring just about positive change and aid in the recovery of our environment. Another issue of concern is air pollution. communicate pollution damages the ozone and causes acid rain. Acid rain is caused by smoke and gases that come from factories and cars that run on fossil fuels (Acid Rain, 2000). According to the U. S. nvironmental agency acid rain causes stunted growth in forests and the leaves to turn jaundiced and even fall off of trees completely in some cases. In some cases trees have died out completely with no apparent cause other than acid rain (Effects of acid rain, 2007). Acid rain also erodes the create on our vehicles. Erosion of the paint on our vehicles is an obvious form of tangible turn out that acid rain is harmful to our environment and our species. Worse, hypothesize what damage it causes to our soil, plants, and water. If it erodes the paint on our cars, what erosion then is happening in our bodies that consume the food vainglorious in the soil?\r\nDamage to the ozone can contribute to global warm up and can bring about change in what is known as the nursery gas forcefulness (Global Warming). The greenhouse gas effect is a natural process that regulates the earth’s temperature. â€Å"The sun heats the earth and some of this heat is pin down in the atmosphere by clouds and greenhouse gases, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide†(Global Warming). The fade of greenhouse gases would cause our planet to be 60 degrees cooler than it is and would no longer be able to sustain life (Global Warming).\r\nAs the suns energy passes through the earth’s atmosphere it is reflected or sent back to space with the garter of clouds and other atmospherical particles. Clouds, gases (ozone), and atmospheric particles absorb some energy. The remaining energy is then reflected back to space. à ¢â‚¬Å"On average 51% of the suns radiation reaches the surface of the earth†(Pidwirny, 2009). This energy is used to heat the ground, melt ice, and snow, and to evaporate water and in photosynthesis of plants. The heated literary argument about global warming continues to carry on. For instance, I was in Mt.\r\nRushmore with my family on holiday and we took a trip up to the monument. We were surprised to see a person on top of chairman Lincoln’s head. We asked the Park ranger if that was familiar she indicated that at that moment we were in the most inexpugnable monument in the nation. They were on high festal because a group of green pink of my John protestors had stubborn to hang a global warming residence right next to President Lincolns head. We asked what the penalties for such an act was and she indicated that it was a federal offense and the activists would definitely run across a huge monetary fine and serve some prison time.\r\nI wondered if in the e nd that type of protest was worth the penalties the green peace group will pay. Ethically and righteously communicate the green peace group broke the law. The point the green peace group was trying to make could have been made just as slowly if the group would have held the sign up at the main entrance. On the other side of the debate of global warming it is said that our planet undergoes circular changes and there is scientific evidence indicating as such dating back 3. 3 to 3 gazillion years ago in what was known as the mid-pliocene period (Anonymous, 2008).\r\nFossils that were examined by scientists indicated that the planet was 4. 5 F degrees warmer than today. That begs an answer to the question is pollution rattling the only culprit for global warming? That being said, the human species has the responsibility to make every get down to try and fulfil our planet. Addressing these issues is of utmost importance. The consequences of leaving them unaddressed could be sever e for generations to come. We must come to the incorporated conclusion that as a embodied intact we are the dominant species and it is up to us to preserve and protect our planet.\r\nThis is where moral and ethical considerations must be made in order to understand what we are doing to destroy our planet. By understanding how we are destroying our planet we can make ethical and moral considerations to serving preserve our planet. In doing so, we can help to see to it our existence and the survival of our species as well as all other species on the planet. The basic get a line throughout history has been anthropocentric or human centeredness (Environmental Ethics, 2008). This position in its simplest form deems all things get around around the use of the human species.\r\nTherefore, we are advance to take care of our environment for our continued survival and use. In order to continue to survive and thunder in the manner we are inclined to, we require many of the things that are said to be polluting the environment. For example, technology used in our day to day lives such as cell phones, computers, household appliances, and televisions have components such as plastics and batteries that are not biodegradable, recyclable, or environmentally friendly. Though many environmentalists do not like to admit it, we require many of these things to survive in today’s day and age.\r\nThus different ideas need to be shared in order for our species to evolve in a less blasting manner. Can we do things differently to clean up our planet? The answer is yes. It is not the job of large corporations or the government to clean up our collective mess. It is the human species job as a whole to do what is right in order to catch our species survival. Starting small individually will help promote a consciousness regarding our current situation. If we as a people decide to clean up our act on a small level then corporations and big business will follow suit. Change c annot happen overnight.\r\nMany of the problems we face contact to the economics of our society. Change has to happen slowly in order to ensure the survival of our species. For example, we are accustomed to driving our cars whenever we need to. Cars use gas, and gas pollutes the environment so we need cleaner cars. Producing clean cars be an enormous amount of money to the current manufacturers because they are not tooled to do such a thing. Therefore, there is a death required within the old manufacturers and old ideas in order for a rebirth to commence and bring about positive responsible change.\r\nOur ethical obligation is to ourselves, the human race. By ensuring our survival as a species we ensure the survival of the rest of the planet. As Aristotle maintained â€Å"nature has made all things specifically for the sake of man†(Environmental Ethics, 2007). With this quote in mind it is imperative that we act upon the things we can change and move in a direction that e nsures the survival of our planet. After all we were given the intellect and a strong sense to survive. In conclusion, it is not too late to address these issues ethically.\r\n pertly ways of sentiment need to be established regarding our ethical and moral obligations to our planet. As professor Alasdair states â€Å"ethicists need not only respond to those they criticize for failure but to issue alternative means to figuring out the problems we face. †New ideas and solutions to old problems will bring about change. We the human species have the capacity to learn from our mistakes and correct them. In the end it is about survival of the fittest and I intrust the human race is all about survival.\r\nSave Our Planet\r\nAre we aware that we are slowly destroying our planet? We should think about our earth’s condition day by day because our planet is in great danger. We are very lucky that we can enjoy everything on earth like water, air, natural resource and others to be enjoyed. Nowadays we all know and realize how important it is to protect our planet, but we are mostly too busy or too lazy to make a big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment.Many simple ways we can do to take part to conserve our planet such as recycle, reuse and reduce all the things that we have. For example, if we have tons of clothes or things we want to get rid of but they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them so you will protect the environment. Many people do not know we can save energy when we turn off the household devices. Turn off the light when we leave a room, even if we intend to return. It is an easy habit to take up which will save a lot of moneyNo matter how busy we are, we also can be one of the environment activists or volunteers in an association to increase the public and media awareness to protect our lovely planet such as running a zoo, overseeing conservation projects and caring for pets. We also need to change our lifestyle and practice a simple life like eating wisely and healthily, reduce wastage and make a pledge to be more earth friendly. Quit smoking and do not ever start if you are a non-smoker. In addition, driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution.Walk or use a bike if the journey is a short one because if we drive every day, it will contribute to air pollution. At least with this action, it would minimize the traffic jams, so use public transport like buses or train. In a nutshell, generally all of us know that earth’s ozone layer is decreasing. There is nothing new here but if we follow at least some of these tips, we can be proud of ourselves by participating in the protection of the environment. Save the earth for our next future generation because our planet gives back to us what we have put in it! FARIZAIn addition, driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. Walk or use bike if the journey is a short one because if we drive every day, it will contribut ed to air pollution. At least with this action would be minimized the traffic jammed so started from now go to anywhere by walking, cycling or use public transport like buses or train. In a nutshell, generally all of us know that earth ozone layer getting decrease. There is nothing new here but if we follow at least some of these tips, we can be proud of ourselves participating in the protection of the environment.Save the earth for our next future generation because our planet gives back to us what we have put in it! Many simple ways we can do to take part to conserve our planet such as recycle, reuse and reduce all the things that we have. We could donate our goods. For example, if we have tons of clothes or things we want to get rid of but they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them. We may also choose to give them to associations and they may sell them and collect a little money. Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute to a good cau se.Many people do not know we can save energy when we do not use a house device, turn it off. If we do not watch television, turn it off. Turn off the light when we leave a room, even if we intend to return. It is an easy habit to take up which will save a lot of money. No matter how busy we are, we also can be one of the volunteer in an association to increase the public and media awareness to protect our lovely planet. We also need to change our lifestyle and practice a simple life like eat wisely and healthy, reduce wastage and make a pledge to be more earth friendly.Quit smoking and do not ever start if you are a non- smoker. Do we aware that we are slowly destroying our planet? We should think about our earth condition day by day because our planet is in great danger. We are very lucky can enjoy everything on earth likes water, air, natural resource and others to be enjoyed. Nowadays we all know and realize how importance to protect our planet, but we are mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment. LET’S SAVE OUR LOVELY PLANET!!\r\n'
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